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Books Reviewed:  Sorted by title (P)

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Paco's Story (1986) - Larry Heinemann (1944-)  (Grade:C+)

The Painted Bird (1965) - Jerzy Kosinski (1933-1991)  (Grade:C)

The Painted Word (1975) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)  (Grade:A+)

Pakistan: In the Shadow of Jihad and Afghanistan (2002) - Mary Anne Weaver (-)  (Grade:B-)

Palace of Desire: Book II of the Cairo Trilogy (1957) - Naguib Mahfouz (1911-)  (Grade:C+)

The Palace Thief (1994) - Ethan Canin (-)  (Grade:F)

The Pale Criminal (1990) - Philip Kerr (1956-)  (Grade:A+)

Pale Fire (1962) - Vladimir Nabokov (4/22/1899 -7/02/1977)  (Grade:B)

A Pale View of Hills (1982) - Kazuo Ishiguro (11/08/1954 -)  (Grade:C)

Panama (1995) - Eric Zencey (-)  (Grade:C+)

The Paperhanger (story) (2000) - William Gay (10/27/1941-2/23/2012)  (Grade:C)

Parade's End [Some Do Not (1924), No More Parades (1925), A Man Could Stand Up (1926), and The Last Post (1928)] (1924-1928) - Ford Maddox Ford (12/17/1873 -6/26/1939)  (Grade:D+)

Parliament of Whores : A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government (1991) - P.J. O'Rourke (11/14/1947 -2/15/2022)  (Grade:A)

The Party of Death: The Democrats, the Media, the Courts, and the Disregard for Human Life (2006) - Ramesh Ponnuru (08/16/1974-)  (Grade:A)

A Passage to India (1924) - E.M. Forster (1/01/1879 -6/07/1970)  (Grade:B)

Past Master (1968) - R. A. Lafferty (11/07/1914 -03/18/2002)  (Grade:B)

Patrick O'Brian : A Life Revealed (2000) - Dean King (1962-)  (Grade:A)

Patriot Reign: Bill Belichick, the Coaches, and the Players Who Built a Champion (2004) - Michael Holley (02/26/70-)  (Grade:B-)

Patriots: The Men Who Started the American Revolution (1988) - AJ Langguth (-)  (Grade:B)

Paul Auster's City of Glass : A Graphic Mystery (1994) - Paul Auster (2/03/1947 -4/30/2024)  (Grade:A)

Paul: The Mind of the Apostle (1997) - A. N. Wilson (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Pawn (The Patrick Bowers Files, Book 1) (2007) - Steven James (-)  (Grade:A)

Paydirt: A Wyatt Novel (1992) - Garry Disher (1949-)  (Grade:A)

PC, M.D.: How Political Correctness Is Corrupting Medicine (2000) - Sally Satel, M. D. (-)  (Grade:A-)

A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East (1989) - David Fromkin (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Pedestrian (1951) - Ray Bradbury (08/22/1920 -06/05/2012)  (Grade:B+)

Peer Gynt (1867) - Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906)  (Grade:C+)

Penance (1995) - David Housewright (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Peopling of British North America : An Introduction (1986) - Bernard Bailyn (09/09/1922 -08/07/2020)  (Grade:B-)

The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea (1997) - Sebastian Junger (01/01/1962 -)  (Grade:B-)

Perjury () - Allen Weinstein (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Person and the Common Good (1946) - Jacques Maritain (11/18/1882 -4/28/1973)  (Grade:A)

Personal History (1997) - Katharine Graham (1917-2001)  (Grade:C-)

A Personal Matter (1969) - Kenzaburo Oe (1/31/1935 -3/03/2023)  (Grade:A+)

Pet Sematary (1983) - Stephen King (09/21/1947 -)  (Grade:C+)

Photo by Sammy Davis, Jr. (2007) - Burt Boyar (11/30/1927 -04/04/2018)  (Grade:A+)

PEOPLE WILL SAY WE'RE IN LOVE: (01/31/2003) - Orrin Corson Judd (12/02/1961 -)  (Grade:F)

Physics and Politics: or Thoughts on the Application of the Principles of "Natural Selection" and "Inheritance" to Political Society (1863) - Walter Bagehot (02/03/1826 -03/24/1877)  (Grade:B+)

The Physics of the Buffyverse (2006) - Jennifer Ouellette (-)  (Grade:B)

The Picture in the House (1921) - Howard Phillips Lovecraft (8/20/1890 -3/15/1937)  (Grade:B)

The Picture in the House (1921) - Howard Phillips Lovecraft (8/20/1890 -3/15/1937)  (Grade:B)

Pictures at a Revolution: Five Movies and the Birth of the New Hollywood (2008) - Mark Harris (11/25/1963 -)  (Grade:A-)

Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek (1974) - Annie Dillard (4/30/1945 -)  (Grade:A)

The Pilgrim's Progress (1678) - John Bunyan (1628-1688)  (Grade:A-)

The Pine Barrens (1968) - John McPhee (3/08/1931 -)  (Grade:A)

The Pirate Hunter: The True Story of Captain Kidd (2002) - Richard Zacks (1955-)  (Grade:A-)

Pitching in a Pinch () - Christy Mathewson (8/12/1880 -10/07/1925)  (Grade:A+)

The Pity of War : Explaining World War I (1998) - Niall Ferguson ( -)  (Grade:A+)

Planet of the Apes (1963) - Pierre Boulle (1912-1994)  (Grade:A-)

Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar . . .: Understanding Philosophy Through Jokes (2007) - Daniel Klein (-) - Thomas Cathcart (-)  (Grade:A+)

Play It As It Lays: A Novel (1970) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934 -12/23/2021)  (Grade:B)

Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed (2014) - Jason L. Riley (-)  (Grade:B-)

The Plotters (2010) - Un-Su Kim (1972-)  (Grade:B-)

Pocket Book of Patriotism (2005) - Jonathan Foreman (-)  (Grade:B+)

Poem of the Cid (1140) - Anonymous ( -)  (Grade:A)

Poetry Under Oath: From The Testimony Of William Jefferson Clinton And Monica S. Lewinsky (1998) - Tom Simon (-)  (Grade:A)

Point Counter Point (1928) - Aldous Huxley (7/26/1894 -11/22/1963)  (Grade:D)

The Poisonwood Bible (1999) - Barbara Kingsolver ( -4/08/1955)  (Grade:F)

The Political Philosophy of Hobbes: Its Basis and Its Genesis () - Leo Strauss (09/20/1899 -10/18/1973)  (Grade:B+)

Politically Correct Bedtime Stories : Modern Tales for Our Life & Times (1994) - James Finn Garner (1939-)  (Grade:B+)

Polo Anyone ? : A Nick Polo Mystery (1988) - Jerry Kennealy (-)  (Grade:B+)

Poodle Springs (1989) - Robert B. Parker (09/17/1932 -01/18/2010) - Raymond Chandler (7/23/1888 -3/26/1959)  (Grade:C)

Pop. 1280 (1964) - Jim Thompson (1906-1977)  (Grade:A-)

The Population Bomb (1968) - Paul R. Ehrlich (-)  (Grade:F)

The Portage to San Cristobal of A. H.: A Novel (1981) - George Steiner (04/23/1929 -02/03/2020)  (Grade:C+)

Portnoy's Complaint (1969) - Phillip Roth (3/19/1933 -5/22/2018)  (Grade:F)

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (1916) - James Joyce (2/02/1882 -1/13/1941)  (Grade:F)

Positively Fifth Street: Murderers, Cheetahs, and Binion's World Series of Poker (2003) - James McManus (-)  (Grade:C)

Possession: A Romance (1990) - A.S. [Antonia Susan] Byatt (8/24/1936 -)  (Grade:A+)

The Possession (2002) - Annie Ernaux ( -)  (Grade:D-)

Post Captain (1972) - Patrick O'Brian (12/12/1914 -01/02/2000)  (Grade:A+)

The Postman (Il Postino) (1985) - Antonio Skarmeta (1940-)  (Grade:A)

The Postman Always Rings Twice (1934) - James M Cain (7/1/1892 -10/27/77)  (Grade:A)

Postmodern Pooh (2001) - Frederick Crews (2/20/1933 -6/21/2024)  (Grade:A)

The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (1974) - Robert A. Caro (10/30/1935 -)  (Grade:A+)

Power Golf (1948) - Ben Hogan (1912 -1997)  (Grade:B+)

Pox Americana : The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82 (2001) - Elizabeth A. Fenn (1959-)  (Grade:A-)

A Prayer for Owen Meany (1989) - John Irving (1942-)  (Grade:C)

The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life (2000) - Bruce Wilkinson (-)  (Grade:C)

Prayers for the Assassin (2006) - Robert Ferrigno ( -)  (Grade:A)

The Prestige (1995) - Christopher Priest (7/14/1943 -2/02/2024)  (Grade:A)

Primary Colors: A Novel of Politics (1996) - Anonymous ( -)  (Grade:A-)

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961) - Muriel Spark (2/01/1918 -4/12/2006)  (Grade:D)

Prime Time Blues : African Americans on Network Television (2001) - Donald Bogle (-)  (Grade:C-)

The Prince (1513) - Niccolo Machiavelli (5/03/1469 -6/21/1527)  (Grade:A+)

The Princess and the Goblin (1872) - George MacDonald (1824-1902)  (Grade:A)

The Princess Bride : S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure: The 'Good Parts' Version, Abridged (1973) - William Goldman (8/12/1931 -11/16/2018)  (Grade:A)

The Princess of Burundi (Ann Lindell Mysteries) (2002) - Kjell Eriksson (1953-)  (Grade:A-)

The Prison of Memory (1999) - Peter Rodgers (-)  (Grade:B+)

Prisoner for God: Letters and Papers from Prison (1953) - Dietrich Bonhoeffer (02/04/1906 -04/09/1945)  (Grade:A)

The Prisoner of Zenda (1894) - Anthony Hope (2/09/1863-7/08/1933)  (Grade:A-)

Privileged Information (1984) - Tom Alibrandi (-) - Frank H. Armani (-)  (Grade:B+)

The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity, and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary (1998) - Simon Winchester (-)  (Grade:B+)

Prometheus Bound (460 BC) - Aeschylus (525 -456 BC)  (Grade:A+)

The Promise of Light (1992) - Paul Watkins (1964-)  (Grade:A+)

Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter with the World Since 1776 (1997) - Walter McDougall (12/03/1946 -)  (Grade:A)

The Prosecutors: A Year in the Life of a District Attorney's Office (2003) - Gary Delsohn (-)  (Grade:C)

The Proving Ground: The Inside Story of the 1998 Sydney to Hobart Race (2001) - G. Bruce Knecht (-)  (Grade:B+)

Public Opinion (1922) - Walter Lippmann (09/23/1889-12/14/1974)  (Grade:D)

The Punic Wars (2000) - Adrian Goldsworthy (1969 -)  (Grade:A)

The Puritan Dilemma: The Story of John Winthrop (1958) - Edmund S. Morgan (01/17/1916 -7/08/2013)  (Grade:A+)

The Puritan Origins of American Patriotism (2007) - George McKenna (-)  (Grade:A+)

The Purloined Letter (story) (1844) - Edgar Allan Poe (01/19/1809 -10/07/1849)  (Grade:A+)

Pursuit : An Inspector Espinosa Mystery (2003) - Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (1936-)  (Grade:A)

Pygmalion (1912) - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)  (Grade:A)

The Pyramid (1992) - Ismail Kadare (1/28/1936 -7/01/2024)  (Grade:B)