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Kaddish (1998) - Leon Wieseltier (1952 -)  (Grade:B+)

Katherine (1995) - Anchee Min (01/14/1957-)  (Grade:A)

Keep the Aspidistra Flying (1936) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)  (Grade:A)

Kennedy and King: The President, the Pastor, and the Battle over Civil Rights (2017) - Steven Levingston (-)  (Grade:B)

A Kestrel for a Knave (1968) - Barry Hines (6/30/1939-3/18/2016)  (Grade:B)

The Kid from Tomkinsville (1940) - John R. Tunis (1889-1975)  (Grade:A+)

Kiddle-Y-Winks (2003) - Dorothy Corson Judd (09/04/1938-)  (Grade:A+)

The Killer Angels (1974) - Michael Shaara (6/23/1928 -5/05/1988)  (Grade:A+)

Killers of the King: The Men Who Dared to Execute Charles I (2014) - Charles Spencer (05/20/1964-)  (Grade:A+)

Killers are My Meat (1957) - Stephen Marlowe (8/07/1928 -2/22/2008)  (Grade:B)

Killing Floor (1997) - Lee Child (10/29/1954 -)  (Grade:B-)

Killing Rommel: A Novel (2008) - Steven Pressfield (September 1943 -)  (Grade:A+)

Killing the Dream: James Earl Ray and the Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. (1998) - Gerald Posner (-)  (Grade:B)

Kim (1901) - Rudyard Kipling (12/30/1865 -1/18/1936)  (Grade:A)

The Kinder, Gentler Military: Can America's Gender-Neutral Fighting Force Still Win Wars? (2000) - Stephanie Gutmann (-)  (Grade:B+)

Kindred (1979) - Octavia Butler (6/22/1947 -2/24/2006)  (Grade:A)

King Solomon's Mines (1885) - H. Rider Haggard (1856-1925)  (Grade:A+)

King Suckerman (1997) - George Pelecanos (-)  (Grade:A)

The Kingdom of Matthias: A Story of Sex and Salvation in 19th-Century America (1994) - Sean Wilentz (-) - Paul E. Johnson (1942 -)  (Grade:C)

The King of the Ferret Leggers (essay) (1983) - Donald R. Katz (01/30/1952-)  (Grade:A+)

As Kingfishers Catch Fire (poem) (1877) - Gerard Manley Hopkins (7/28/1844 -6/08/1889)  (Grade:A+)

The Kite Runner (2003) - Khaled Hosseini (03/04/1965-)  (Grade:B+)

Knight of the Cross: A Story of the Crusades (1951) - Frederick Levi Coe ( -)  (Grade:A+)

Knots and Crosses: An Inspector Rebus Novel (1987) - Ian Rankin (4/28/1960 -)  (Grade:B+)

Know It All: The Little Book of Essential Knowledge (2008) - Elizabeth King Humphrey (-)  (Grade:B+)

Know It All: The Little Book of Essential Knowledge (2008) - Elizabeth King Humphrey (-)  (Grade:B+)

Koba the Dread: Laughter and the Twenty Million (2002) - Martin Amis (8/25/1949 -5/19/2023)  (Grade:C+)

Kolymsky Heights (1994) - Lionel Davidson (03/31/1922 -10/21/1999)  (Grade:A)

A Question of Honor: The Kosciuszko Squadron: Forgotten Heroes of World War II (2003) - Lynne Olson (-) - Stanley Cloud (-)  (Grade:A)

The Kreutzer Sonata [Kreytserova sonata] (1889) - Leo Tolstoy (9/09/1828 -11/20/1910)  (Grade:C)