Books Reviewed: Sorted by title
The Damned Season [L'estate torbida] (1991) - Carlo Lucarelli (10/26/1960-) (Grade:A+)
A Dance to the Music of Time (1951-1975) - Anthony Powell (12/21/1905
-3/28/2000) (Grade:B-)
Dandelion Wine (1957) - Ray Bradbury (08/22/1920
-06/05/2012) (Grade:A+)
The Giant of the French Revolution: Danton, A Life (2009) - David Lawday (1938-) (Grade:A-)
Dark Matter (2016) - Blake Crouch (1978-) (Grade:A-)
The Dark Wind (1982) - Tony Hillerman (05/07/1925
-10/26/2008) (Grade:B)
Darkness at Noon (1941) - Arthur Koestler (9/05/1905
-3/01/1983) (Grade:A+)
Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness (1990) - William Styron (6/11/1925
-11/01/2006) (Grade:C)
Daughter of China : A True Story of Love and Betrayal (1999) - Meihong Xu (1963-) (Grade:B)
The Daughter of Time (1951) - Josephine Tey (7/25/1896
-2/13/1952) (Grade:B-)
The Daughters of Cain (1994) - Colin Dexter (1930
-) (Grade:A+)
David Copperfield (1850) - Charles Dickens (2/07/1812
-6/09/1870) (Grade:A)
A Day in the Bleachers (1955) - Arnold Hano (1922-) (Grade:A+)
The Day of Battle: The War in Sicily and Italy, 1943-1944 (The Liberation Trilogy) (2007) - Rick Atkinson (-) (Grade:A)
Day of Infamy (1957) - Walter Lord (1917-) (Grade:A)
The Day of the Locust (1939) - Nathanael West (10/17/1903
-12/22/1940) (Grade:C-)
Day of Wrath (1982) - Jonathan Valin (-) (Grade:A)
Days of Grace: A Memoir (1993) - Arthur Ashe (1943-1993) (Grade:B)
Dead Irish: a Dismas Hardy novel (1989) - John T. Lescroart (-) (Grade:B+)
The Dead (1914) - James Joyce (2/02/1882
-1/13/1941) (Grade:B-)
A Deadly Exchange (2001) - Sheryl Jane Stafford (-) (Grade:B-)
Deadly Feasts: Tracking the Secrets of a Terrifying New Plague (1997) - Richard Rhodes (-) (Grade:B-)
Death and Judgment (1995) - Donna Leon (02/28/1942
-) (Grade:A)
The Death and Life of Dith Pran (1980) - Sydney H. Schanberg (1/17/ 1934
-7/09/2016) (Grade:C+)
The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961) - Jane Jacobs (05/14/1916
-04/26/2006) (Grade:A-)
Death Be Not Proud: A Memoir (1949) - John Gunther (1901-1970) (Grade:A-)
Death Comes for the Archbishop (1927) - Willa Cather (12/07/1873
-4/24/1947) (Grade:C)
Death in a Strange Country : a Commissario Guido Brunetti Mystery (1993) - Donna Leon (02/28/1942
-) (Grade:A-)
A Death in the Family (1957) - James Agee (1909-1955) (Grade:C)
Death in Venice (1913) - Thomas Mann (6/06/1875
-8/12/1955) (Grade:C)
Death of a Gossip (Hamish Macbeth Mysteries) (1985) - M. C. Beaton (1936-) (Grade:A)
The Death of a Joyce Scholar: A Peter McGarr Mystery (1989) - Bartholomew Gill (1943-) (Grade:B+)
Death of a Nationalist (2002) - Rebecca Pawel (1977-) (Grade:A-)
The Death of a Nobody (1911) - Jules Romains (1885-1972) (Grade:B)
The Death of a Pope (2009) - Piers Paul Read (03/07/1941-) (Grade:A)
Death of a Red Heroine (2000) - Qiu Xiaolong (1953
-) (Grade:A+)
Death of a Salesman (1949) - Arthur Miller (10/17/1915
-02/10/2015) (Grade:F)
Death of an Outsider (Hamish Macbeth Mysteries) (1988) - M. C. Beaton (1936-) (Grade:A)
The Death of Common Sense: How Law is Suffocating America (1994) - Phillip K. Howard (-) (Grade:B)
The Death of Napoleon [La Mort de Napoleon] (1986) - Simon Leys (1935-) (Grade:A-)
The Death of Outrage : Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals (1998) - William J. Bennett (1943-) (Grade:A-)
The Death of Satan : How Americans Have Lost the Sense of Evil (1995) - Andrew Delbanco (
-) (Grade:C)
The Death of the Heart (1938) - Elizabeth Bowen (6/07/1899
-2/22/1973) (Grade:D)
The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization () - Patrick J. Buchanan (11/02/1938
-) (Grade:A-)
Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus from the Cross (2000) - Richard John Neuhaus (-) (Grade:A+)
Death in Pont-Aven : A Case for Commissaire Dupin (2012) - Jean-Luc Bannalec (1966-) (Grade:A)
The Debt to Pleasure (1996) - John Lanchester (1962-) (Grade:A-)
The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-88) - Edward Gibbon (05/081737
-1/16/1794) (Grade:B)
Deep and Crisp and Even (1981) - Peter Turnbull (1950-) (Grade:A-)
The Deep End of the Ocean (1996) - Jacquelyn Mitchard (-) (Grade:C-)
Deflation: What Happens When Prices Fall (2004) - Chris Farrell (-) (Grade:A+)
Defying Hitler: A Memoir [Geschichte eines Deutschen] (2000) - Sebastian Haffner (1907-1999) (Grade:A+)
Deliverance (1970) - James Dickey (2/02/1923
-1/19/1997) (Grade:A+)
Democracy and Populism : Fear and Hatred (2005) - John Lukacs (01/31/1924
-) (Grade:D)
Democracy in America (2000) - Harvey C. Mansfield (3/21/1932
-) (Grade:A+)
Democracy: An American Novel (1880) - Henry Brooks Adams (2/16/1838
-3/27/1918) (Grade:B)
Democracy: The Two Majorities (1963) - Willmoore Kendall (1909
-6/30/1967) (Grade:A)
The Demolished Man (1953) - Alfred Bester (1913-1987) (Grade:A-)
Demosclerosis: The Silent Killer of American Government (1994) - Jonathan Rauch (1960-) (Grade:B+)
The Denial of Death (1973) - Ernest Becker (9/27/1924
-3/06/1974) (Grade:D+)
Descent into Hell (1937) - Charles Williams (1886
-1945) (Grade:B)
Desertion: In the Time of Vietnam (2001) - Jack Todd (1946-) (Grade:F)
Desolation Island (1978) - Patrick O'Brian (12/12/1914
-01/02/2000) (Grade:A)
Created, the Destroyer (1971) - Warren Murphy (9/13/1933-9/04/2015) (Grade:C+)
The Destructors (1954) - Graham Greene (10/02/1904
-4/03/1991) (Grade:A)
The Devil and Daniel Webster (1936) - Stephen Vincent Benet (1898-1943) (Grade:A)
The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair That Changed America (2003) - Erik Larson (-) (Grade:A)
The Devil's Cure (2000) - Kenneth Oppel (1967-) (Grade:B-)
The Devil's Dictionary [The Cynic's Word Book] (1911) - Ambrose Gwinnett Bierce (6/24/1842
-1914?) (Grade:A)
The Devil's Halo (2005) - Chris Fox (-) (Grade:A)
The Devil's Star [Marekors] (2003) - Jo Nesbo (03/29/1960
-) (Grade:B+)
The Diary of a Superfluous Man (1850) - Ivan Turgenev (11/09/1818
-9/03/1883) (Grade:B+)
The Diary of a Young Girl : The Definitive Edition (1947) - Anne Frank (6/12/1929
-February 1945) (Grade:A)
Diaspora (1997) - Greg Egan (1961-) (Grade:C)
The Dice Man (1971) - Luke Rhinehart (11/15/1932
-11/06/2020) (Grade:A-)
Dictatorships and Double Standards : Rationalism and Reason in Politics (1982) - Jeane J. Kirkpatrick (11/19/1926
-12/07/2006) (Grade:A)
A Dictionary of Modern English Usage (1926 (Second Edition, 1965)) - H. W. Fowler (1858-1933) (Grade:A+)
A Discovery of Witches (2010) - Deborah E. Harkness (1965-) (Grade:C+)
Dissolution (2004) - C. J. Sansom (12/09/1952
-4/27/2024) (Grade:A)
Divided by God: America's Church-State Problem--and What We Should Do About It (2005) - Noah Feldman (1970-) (Grade:A)
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly : A Memoir Of Life In Death (1997) - Jean-Dominique Bauby (1952-1997) (Grade:A+)
Doctor Janeway's Plague (2000) - John Farrell (-) (Grade:B-)
Doctor Zhivago (1956) - Boris Pasternak (02/10/1890
-5/30/1960) (Grade:B-)
Dog Eat Dog (1996) - Edward Bunker (12/31/1933-07/19/2005) (Grade:B)
The Dog of the South (1979) - Charles McColl Portis (12/28/1933
-2/17/2020) (Grade:B-)
A Dog's Ransom (1972) - Patricia Highsmith (01/19/1921
-2/04/1995) (Grade:B)
Dom Casmurro (1899) - Joaquim Maria Machado de Assis (1839
-1908) (Grade:A+)
Dominic (1972) - William Steig (11/14/1907
-10/03/2003) (Grade:A+)
Don Quijote (Part 1--1605, Part 2--1615) (1615) - Miquel de Cervantes (9/29/1547
-4/22/1616) (Grade:A+)
Don't Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate--The Essential Guide for Progressives (2004) - George Lakoff (1941-) (Grade:D)
Double Indemnity (1935) - James M Cain (7/1/1892
-10/27/77) (Grade:A+)
The Doubter's Companion: A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense (1994) - John Ralston Saul (1947-) (Grade:B+)
Dr. No (1958) - Ian Fleming (05/28/1908
-8/12/1964) (Grade:B+)
Dr. Sam Johnson: Detector (1946) - Lillian de la Torre (03/15/1902-1993) (Grade:A+)
Dr. Tatiana's Sex Advice to All Creation (2002) - Olivia Judson (-) (Grade:B-)
The Draining Lake : A Reykjavik Thriller (2004) - Arnaldur Indridason (01/08/1961-) (Grade:A+)
Drawing Life : Surviving the Unabomber (1997) - David Gelernter (-) (Grade:A-)
Dreamer: A Novel (1998) - Charles R. Johnson (1948-) (Grade:C)
Dreaming Jungles [Les Jungles Pensives] (1985) - Michel Rio (-) (Grade:C+)
Dreams of My Russian Summers (1995) - Andrei Makine (1957-) (Grade:C+)
The Dreams Our Stuff Is Made of: How Science Fiction Conquered the World (1998) - Thomas M. Disch (1940-) (Grade:B-)
In Dreams Begin Responsibilities (1937) - Delmore Schwartz (12/08/1913
-07/11/1966) (Grade:D)
A Drink Before the War (1994) - Dennis Lehane (8/04/1965
-) (Grade:C)
Drood (2009) - Dan Simmons (04/04/1948-) (Grade:B)
The Duke's Children (1879) - Anthony Trollope (04/24/1815
-12/06/1882) (Grade:B+)
Dune (1965) - Frank Herbert (10/08/1920
-2/11/1986) (Grade:A+)
Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan (1999) - Edmund Morris (-) (Grade:A)
Dylan Goes Electric!: Newport, Seeger, Dylan, and the Night That Split the Sixties (2015) - Elijah Wald (1959-) (Grade:A-)
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