See also:
1 (
2 movies reviewed)
-ETEXT: Authorship and the Films of David Lynch (British Film)
-ESSAY: The Difference Between Elephants & Humans as Filmed by David Lynch & Reassessed by a Student of Existentialism (E.Thaddeus Pawlowski, December 15, 1998, Transparency Now)
-ESSAY: Poetry of Religion on Broadway: "The Elephant Man" (Janet Karsten Larson, January 2-9, 1980, Christian Century)
-SCREENPLAY: Elephant Man - The Screenplay
-INFO: The Elephant Man (1980) (
-INFO: The Elephant Man (1980) (80s Movie Rewind)
-INFO: The Elephant Man (1980) (NY Times)
-INFO: The Elephant Man (Wikipedia)
-Joseph Carey Merrick Tribute Web Site
-"The Elephant Man" John Merrick: An Extraordinary Man, An Extraordinary Life!: A WebQuest for 9th-12th Grade (Cameron R. Hedges)
- JOSEPH MERRICK : Medical Curiosity (Who2)
What is Proteus Syndrome? (The Proteus Foundation)
-ESSAY: s NF1 the Elephant Man's Disease? (Genetic Science Learning Center at the Eccles Institute of Human Genetics)
-he Elephant Man was not the Elephant Man (You Gotta Read This)
-ARTICLE: Elephant man's descendant found (BBC, 20 November, 2002)
-ESSAY: John Merrick, the Elephant Man (Barbara T. Gates, Victorian Web)
-ESSAY: The Elephant Man's Bones Reveal Mystery: He stumped physicians for 100 years (Mary Kugler, BSN, RN,C, Guide to Rare/Orphan Diseases)
-ESSAY: The Elephant Man (Elizabeth Batt, November 12, 1999, Suite 101)
-ESSAY: Who was the Elephant man?
-REVIEW ARCHIVES: The Elephant Man (1980) (MRQE)
-REVIEW ARCHIVES: The Elephant Man (1980) (IMDB)
-REVIEW: of The Elephant Man (Vincent Canby, NY Times)
-REVIEW: of The Elephant Man (Almar Haflidason, BBCi)
-REVIEW: of The Elephant Man (Mike Hartmann)
-REVIEW: of The Elephant Man (John Pym, Sight and Sound)
-REVIEW: of The Elephant Man (Kim Newman, Empire)
-REVIEW: of The Elephant Man (FileThirteen)
-REVIEW: of The Elephant Man (Marc Zimmer, Digitally Obsessed)