Centesimus Annus (1991)National Review's List of the Top 100 Nonfiction Books of the 20th Century (18)
Over the course of the last half millennia, an understandable, but disastrous, thing happened to the Catholic Church. It ended up defending centralized State power long after the State ceased to be an ally of the institutional Church. Up until the Reformation, Catholicism was the officially recognized, sanctioned, and supported, state religion of most European nations. As a result, the Church had a vested interest in the continuance of those states and their rulers in unaltered form. But, as first the Reformation tore the Church loose from the State, then the democratic Revolutions tore political power away from the State, and, finally, the rise of capitalism transferred economic power from the aristocracy to individuals, the Church, mostly reacting to these revolutionary forces, resisted the forces of protestantism, democracy, and capitalism. Catholicism became in some fundamental sense the enemy of human freedom and therefore found itself on the wrong side of history. Then comes the really sad part of the story. As Darwinism, Marxism, Socialism, Relativism, Freudianism, and the whole panoply of other -isms gnawed away at the religious faith of the educated upper and middle classes, religion became increasingly a lower class phenomenon and the Catholic Church, and its clergy, began to identify more with the very poor than with the powerful, as it had when it was itself a powerful institution. Exacerbating this phenomena was the fact that those countries (mostly in Southern and Eastern Europe and in Latin America) which were most Catholic--and thus most resistant to democratic capitalism--tended to be significantly poorer than the predominantly Protestant nations of Northern Europe and the wholly Protestant former colonies of Great Britain (America, Australia, etc.). Having set itself in opposition to the free market, and taken on the role of defender of the poor, the Church was easy prey when the Statist alternatives to democratic capitalism came along. This gave us the ugly phenomenon of Catholic clergy who supported Marxism (the so-called liberation theology of many Latin American clerics) and a general willingness on the part of the Church generally to accept the Left's critique of capitalism as unresponsive to human needs. All of this came to a head in the 1980s with clergy getting caught in the crossfire of revolutions in Nicaragua and El Salvador and with bishops writing letters opposing both the free market reforms of Thatcher and Reagan and calling for unilateral disarmament in the face of the Soviet Union's continuing threat. Thus did age old antagonisms between Church and capitalism reinforce themselves in a devastating loop. In a bitter irony, the Church itself had become a de facto ally of World Communism, which, it goes without saying, despised religion in all its forms, but most particularly the traditional hierarchical religions like Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity, which were the predominant religions of most of the nation's that fell under communist tyranny. The story is often told, and well understood, of how an Eastern European Pope, John Paul II, took power at this vital stage and played a significant role in the defeat of communism, particularly in his native Poland. What is underappreciated is the degree to which he has also sought to reconcile the Church with democratic capitalism. His primary instrument in this mission was the 1991 encyclical Centesimus Annus, a document which was apparently strongly influenced by the American philosopher of religion and economics Michael Novak. Here is just some of what the encyclical says : It would appear that, on the level of individual
nations and of international relations, the free
----------------------------------- The Church acknowledges the legitimate role of profit
as an indication that a business is
---------------------------------------- It is the task of the State to provide for the defence
and preservation of common goods such as the
Here we find a new limit on the market: there are
collective and qualitative needs which cannot be
---------------------------------- In the light of today's "new things", we have re-read
the relationship between individual or private
------------------------------------------- Authentic democracy is possible only in a State ruled
by law, and on the basis of a correct
-------------------------------------------- All human activity takes place within a culture and
interacts with culture. For an adequate
In essence, Pope John Paul II has accepted, on behalf of the Church, that economic and political life must be spheres in which the maximum of human freedom prevails. This is important both because it removes one more obstacle to such freedom, but also because, even as he cedes a great deal of influence in the politico-economic sphere, he retains the Church's, and Christianity's, claim to a predominant role in the cultural/moral sphere. Of course the spheres overlap, and it is precisely because the free market is an amoral system that it is so important for the Church to reinvigorate the moral/religious sphere. Democracy and capitalism were they not tempered by Judeo-Christian values would, in the long run, be so destructive of the human spirit as to become intolerable to people, which would be an unmitigated disaster. That the majority in a democracy can do as it will with the minority does not justify it in doing so, as long as their are moral reasons not to. But remove these moral constraints, remove religious beliefs, and the brute will of the majority will be unchecked. Similarly, capitalism depends for its effectiveness on the rewarding of good ideas and capable people, but if foolish ideas and less capable people are not only punished by the market but also left by the wayside by the society as a whole, then the system will, and should, be judged a failure. Pope John Paul II is easily caricatured as a retrograde conservative figure, and on issues of church doctrine, religious faith, and morality, this is largely the case. But the change in the position of the Church as regards economics and politics, as reflected in Centesimus Annus, is so revolutionary and (small case) liberal, that the caricature is obviously inadequate. Only time will tell, but it seems possible that, as the man who placed the Church back on the side of freedom in the civil arena, but recalled the Church to absolutism in the moral arena, he may one day be considered one of the most important figures in human history. For this hope to come true it will be necessary for us all to value and defend freedom, on the one hand, but to take responsibility for our own actions and for the welfare of our fellow citizens on the other. GRADE : C'mon, the guy's infallible; I can't grade him (Reviewed:) Grade: () Tweet Websites:See also:General LiteratureNational Review's List of the Top 100 Nonfiction Books of the 20th Century -ARCHIVES: POPE JOHN PAUL II (Brothers Judd Blog) -Interactive Feature: The Life of Pope John Paul II Frank Bruni looks back on the extraordinary papacy of John Paul II. (NY Times) -TRIBUTE: The Pope in Private: A serious philosopher, John Paul II also had a serious sweet tooth. A very personal portrait. (George Weigel, 4/11/05, Newsweek) -INTERVIEW: Pope John Paul II and Evangelicals: Protestants admired his lifelong admonition to "Be not afraid! Open the doors to Christ!" An interview with George Weigel. (Interview by Michael Cromartie, 04/04/2005, Christianity Today) -TRIBUTE: This shepherd of titanic stature: Though a catalyst for reconciliation and freedom, he endured a loss of flock as well as moral opposition (Martin E. Marty, April 4, 2005, Newsday) -OBIT: Pope Succumbs to Illness Suffered at Length and in Public (IAN FISHER, April 3, 2005, NY Times) -OBITUARY: All-Embracing Man of Action for a New Era of Papacy: John Paul II captivated much of humanity and reshaped the church with a heroic vision of a combative, disciplined Catholicism. (ROBERT D. McFADDEN, 4/03/05, NY Times) -TRIBUTE: John Paul the Great: he turned the world away from communism and made the papacy a public institution (Father Richard John Neuhaus, April 3, 2005, San Diego Union Tribune) -TRIBUTE: Pope John Paul II (Charles Krauthammer,April 3, 2005, Townhall) -TRIBUTE: A counterbalance to Communists (Judy Dempsey, April 2, 2005, International Herald Tribune) -TRIBUTE: The Tikkun Olam Pope (Lisa Palmieri-Billig, Apr. 3, 2005, THE JERUSALEM POST) -TRIBUTE: POPE JOHN PAUL II: DAYS OF GRACE (Joseph Farrell, 4/03/05, Sunday Herald) -TRIBUTE: Tireless thinker who offered world's masses love and hope (STEPHEN MCGINTY, 4/02/05, The Scotsman) -TRIBUTE: A giant of faith and freedom on the world stage (The Australian, 2nd April 2005) -ESSAY: Catholics in America: A Restive People (LAURIE GOODSTEIN, 4/03/05, NY Times) AUDIO: The Religious Legacy of Pope John Paul II (Speaking of Faith, April 2, 2005, NPR) John Paul II's papacy was dramatic and historic on many fronts. Speaking of Faith explores some of the critical religious issues of his 26 years as pontiff and discusses the great and contradictory impact he made on the Catholic Church in America and abroad. Host Krista Tippett speaks with NPR's senior European correspondent Sylvia Poggioli, priest and author Donald Cozzens, and Yale theologian Margaret Farley. -John Paul II: The Miillennial Pope (Frontline, Sept. 1999, PBS) -The Papacy: TIME.com presents a look at Pope John Paul II -The Pontificate of Pope John Paul II (EWTN.com) -The Vatican -How Are Popes Elected? Two Complimentary Lectures (The Teaching Company) -Pope John Pal II's Theology of the Body Book-related and General Links: -The Holy See - The Vatican Website -His Holiness John Paul II (Catholic Information Center on Internet) -The Writings of Pope John Paul II - FTP archives of Catholic Information Network -His Holiness Pope John Paul II (Writings and Speeches of John Paul II) -ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA : Your search: "centesimus annus" -ETEXT : ENCYCLICAL LETTER CENTESIMUS ANNUS (Vatican.va) -ESSAY : An Evangelical Looks at Centesimus Annus, the Nature of Man, and Human Economy (E. Calvin Beisner, Acton Institute) -ESSAY : Profits and Morals: A Non-Catholic Assessment of Centesimus Annus (Larry Reed, Religion & Liberty) -ESSAY : A Preferential Option for Liberty (Robert A. Sirico, Religion & Liberty) -ESSAY : The Liberalism of John Paul II (Richard John Neuhaus, First Things) -ESSAY : The very liberal John Paul II. (Richard John Neuhaus, National Review) -ESSAY : Values, Virtues, and John Paul II (Thomas D. Williams, First Things) -ESSAY: What Would the World Be Like Without Him? (Robin Wright, July 1994 Atlantic Monthly) -REVIEW: of John Paul II ÝCrossing the Threshold of Hope (1994) (Philip Zaleski, First Things) -REVIEW: of WITNESS TO HOPE The Biography of Pope John Paul II. By George Weigel (Jon Meacham, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: Witness to Hope by George Weigel (Paul Johnson, Commentary) -REVIEW : of Witness to Hope by George Weigel A Pope Who Knows How to Pope (Elias Crim, Intellectual Capital) -REVIEW: The Man of the Century A review by Lee Edwards of Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II by George Weigel (World & I) -REVIEW : of Witness To Hope by George Weigel The Legacy of John Paul II : Why the bishop of Rome may be the most important figure in this secularist age. (Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Christianity Today) MICHAEL NOVAK :
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