Sort of "The Grapes of Mirth"; it's a lighthearted look at the zany antics of amoral, ignorant, stupid, inbred, deformed sharecroppers in the Piedmonts. It's a laugh riot if you think harelips are a hoot. This book is supposedly fraught with social signifigance. However, it raises an inevitable question: is there any economic system that would make it possible for people who are this stupid to succeed in life? Simple answer: No. (Reviewed:) Grade: (C+) Tweet Websites:-Erskine Caldwell Birthplace Museum -The Erskine Caldwell Website -Southern Literature and Culture on the Internet -OBIT: ERSKINE CALDWELL, 83, IS DEAD; WROTE STARK NOVELS OF SOUTH (EDWIN McDOWELL, NY Times) If you liked Tobacco Road, try: Crews, Harry
Steinbeck, John
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