This is Mr. Ford's second Leo Waterman mystery (Who in Hell is Wanda Fuca? was the first). Waterman is a Seattle P.I., who is often assisted by The Boys, a gaggle of aging derelicts who were friends of his father. In this installment, his boyhood mentor, fisherman Heck Sundstrom, has nearly been killed after stepping in front of a truck. Sundstrom's wife hires him to look into the death at sea of their cancer-stricken son & his mysterious new fiance and Waterman soon finds himself on the trail of a potential "black widow". Ford moves his story along briskly & has created an interesting cast of characters. Waterman is a likable addition to the PI ranks. (Reviewed:) Grade: (B-) Tweet Websites:-INTERVIEW: GM Ford (J. Kingston Pierce, January Magazine) -Readings From the Fringe (Mike Shea, Weekly Wire) GENERAL
Other Leo Waterman mysteries by G.M. Ford:
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