I know, I know, I can hear you now : why in the name of God would I want to read 300 pages about mummies ? Well, let me just briefly try to convince you that you do want to. First of all, Heather Pringle is a terrific writer. This is popular science writing as it should be done--witty, interesting and accessible. Second, the mummies themselves are fascinating. Though we tend to think of just the Egyptians and old horror movies (which, amazingly enough, she was not a fan of as a youth), a wide range of cultures--including our own, as Pringle shows in the very amusing final chapter--have been obsessed by the idea of preserving the body even after death. The mummies offer her the opportunity to look into each of these cultures and into a variety of topics, including disease, murder, drugs and other equally juicy matters. Finally, the scientists and researchers who study the mummies are a colorful and interesting group in their own right and Pringle, though sympathetic to them, has a good sense of what makes them entertaining. Just trust me on this one; read the book; it's great fun. (Reviewed:) Grade: (A-) Tweet Websites:-BOOK SITE : The Mummy Congress, by Heather Pringle (Hyperion) -Discover Magazine (Contributor) -Science Magazine (Contributor) -Canadian Geographic -ESSAY : THE SICKNESS OF MUMMIES (Heather Pringle, Discover, December 01 1998) -ESSAY : The Cradle of Cash : When money arose in the ancient cities of Mesopotamia, it profoundly and permanently changed civilization. (Heather Pringle, Discover) -ESSAY : The Slow Birth of Agriculture : New methods show that around the world, people began cultivating some crops long before they embraced full-scale farming, and that crop cultivation and village life often did not go hand in hand (Heather Pringle, Science) -ESSAY : Reading the Signs of Ancient Animal Domestication (Heather Pringle, Science) -ESSAY : A Few Old Bones to Pick (Heather Pringle, Literascape) -ESSAY : Arctic time traveller (Heather Pringle, Canadian Geographic) -ESSAY : TEMPLES OF DOOM : Human sacrifice has long been one of history's unprovable secrets. Then Steve Bourget began digging at the Pyramid of the Moon in Peru (Heather Pringle, Discover) -ESSAY : Secrets of the Alpaca Mummies : Did the ancient Inca make the finest woolen cloth the world has ever known? (Heather Pringle, Discover) -ARCHIVES : "heather pringle" (Find Articles) -ARCHIVES : "heather pringle" (Mag Portal) -REVIEW : of The Mummy Congress (Guy Gugliotta, Washington Post) -REVIEW : of The Mummy Congress by Heather Pringle (James M. Deem, Mummy Tombs) -REVIEW : of The Mummy Congress (Phil Baker, The Guardian) -REVIEW : of The Mummy Congress (Francis Spufford, This is London) -REVIEW : of The Mummy Congress. By Heather Pringle (The Economist) -REVIEW : of The Mummy Congress , by Heather Pringle (Mike Lepore for crimsonbird.com) -REVIEW : of The Mummy Congress (Julie Finnin Day, Christian Science Monitor) -REVIEW : of In Search of Ancient North America by Heather Pringle (Geoff Olson, Literascape) GENERAL :
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