It's 1984 in Airstrip One, Oceania (formerly London, England). Winston Smith works at the Ministry of Truth, altering old newspapers to reflect current versions of events--"All history was a palimpsest, scraped clean and reinscribed exactly as often as necessary". This work is vital to the Party, whose legitimacy depends on the "mutability of the past." Oceania is governed by Big Brother and the Party and the doctrines of Ingsoc (English Socialism): WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH However, Winston does not believe these things and he has a message for us, which he confides to the journal that he has secretly begun keeping, even though he knows it will destroy him: To the future or to the past, to a time when thought
is free, when men are different from one
What is doublethink?: To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete
truthfulness while telling carefully
But against the tenets of doublethink, Winston posits the following: "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." Winston becomes convinced that a young woman at work, a sash wearing member of the Junior Anti-Sex League, is a member of the Thought Police out to destroy him, but one day she stumbles & when he helps her up, she hands him a note that says "I love you". The two soon become lovers, "but you could not have pure love or pure lust nowadays. No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow against the Party. It was a political act." As Julia understands: "Unlike Winston, she had grasped the inner meaning of the Party's sexual puritanism. It was not merely that the sex instinct created a world of its own which was outside the Party's control and which therefore had to be destroyed if possible. What was more important was that sexual privation induced hysteria; because it could be transformed into war fever and leader worship." Winston and Julia know their love is doomed and they are doomed because of it, but they make each other a promise: Winston: When once they get ahold of us there will
be nothing, literally nothing, that either of us
Julia: if you mean confessing, we shall do that,
right enough. Everybody always confesses. You
Winston: I don't mean confessing. Confession is not
betrayal. What you say or do doesn't matter;
Julia: They can't do that. It's the one thing they
can't do. They can make you say
Winston: No, no; that's quite true. They can't get
inside you. If you can feel that staying human is
Now that he is committed to independence of thought and loving Julia, Winston musters the courage to approach O'Brien, who he is convinced opposes Big Brother and tell him: "We believe that there is some kind of conspiracy, some kind of secret organization working against the Party, and that you are involved in it. We want to join it and work for it. We are enemies of the Party. We disbelieve in the principles of Ingsoc. We are thought-criminals. We are also adulterers. I tell you this because we want to put ourselves at your mercy. If you want us to incriminate ourselves in any other way, we are ready." And so, O'Brien initiates them into the Brotherhood. He gives them a
text by Goldstein, a founding member, but subsequent enemy, of the Party
and frequent subject of The Two Minutes Hate. Within the book, Goldstein
explains that whereas human history had seen a series of rebellions by
the Middle against the High in the name of equality, the current revolution
lead by the Party is
Here then lies the genius of Orwell and the reason that the Left so despises him. It would have been easy to write a polemic against fascism in 1948 and by then you could even criticize Communism without courting total revulsion from the Left. Moreover, the politically expedient way in which to criticize these isms was to speak of the noble goals betrayed by tiny bands of oligarchs. But Orwell went beyond these easier targets and attacked Socialism and centralized government in general. When Winston is being tortured, he is told: "If you want a picture of the future imagine a boot stomping on a human face-forever." 1984 stands as an indictment of all the bureaucratic boot wearers everywhere, regardless of their intentions or their ideology. It is a paean to freedom & freedom of thought. 1984 is clearly the greatest novel of the 20th Century and should be #1 on the Modern Library list. (Reviewed:) Grade: (A+) Tweet Websites:See also:George Orwell (6 books reviewed)Classics Conservative Thought Top 100 Books of the Millenium Anthony Burgess : 99 Best Modern Novels (1934-84) Library Journal: Top 150 of the Century Modern Library Top 100 Novels of the 20th Century New York Public Library's Books of the Century World Magazine Top 100 of the Century -WIKIPEDIA: George Orwell -SUBSTACK: Daily Orwell (Orwell Foundation) - -George Orwell (1903-1950) - pseudonym of Eric Arthur Blair (kirjasto) -NET GUIDE: GEORGE ORWELL (1903-1950) (The Guardian) -ESSAY “NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR” AT 70 (John Rodden, 5/28/19, Modern Age) -AUDIO: Nineteen Eighty-Four: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Orwell's dystopian novel where the state rewrites history, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength - and Big Brother is watching you (Melvyn Bragg, 9/15/22, In Our Time) -PODCAST: George Orwell (The Rest is History) -George Orwell Essays and Reviews (Gaslight) -ESSAY: POLITICS VS. LITERATURE: AN EXAMINATION OF GULLIVER’S TRAVELS (George Orwell, Polemic, No. 5, September–October 1946) - -ETEXT: 1984 -ETEXT: Animal Farm -EXCERPT: Barcelona, 1938 from Homage to Catalonia, by George Orwell. -ETEXT: Articles by Orwell (Charles) -ETEXT: Shooting an Elephant -REVIEW: of Drums under the Windows by Sean O'Casey (George Orwell, 28 October 1945, The Observer) -ETEXT: Reflections on Gandhi (1949) -ETEXT: 'A Nice Cup of Tea' by George Orwell -ETEXT: Politics and the English Language BY George Orwell -ETEXT: The Prevention of Literature (1946) -ETEXT: You and the Atomic Bomb by George Orwell -ETEXT: Notes on Nationalism (May 1945) -ETEXT: Why I Write (1947) -REVIEW: of The Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek / The Mirror of the Past by K. Zilliacus Observer (George Orwell, 9 April 1944) -REVIEW: of Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler (George Orwell) [pdf] -TRIBUTE: Don Quixote on a Bicycle: In Memoriam, George Orwell (Paul Potts, March 1957, London Magazine) -ESSAY: Swift and Orwell: comrades in satire (Jeffrey Meyers, 9/01/24, The Article) -ESSAY: How the Most Influential Novel Ever Written Has Been Misunderstood (JOHN RODDEN • JUNE 20, 2024, Religion & Liberty) -ESSAY: Saving Orwell: He has been pressed into service of all sorts of causes, but the real Orwell remains unknown. (Peter Ross, June 2024, Boston Review) -ESSAY: The case against George Orwell: As with DH Lawrence, Orwell’s private life has imperilled his reputation. Is there a way back? (Robert Colls, 12/05/24, New Statesman) -ESSAY: 1984 and George Orwell’s Other View of Capitalism: In his work, intellectual freedom competes with economic centralization. (Arthur M. Eckstein, June 13, 2024, Modern Age) -ESSAY: The Publication of Nineteen Eighty-Four: On 8 June 1949, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four was published. His final novel, its themes had been present throughout his literary career. (Mathew Lyons, June 2024, History Today) -ESSAY: What Does George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Mean in 2024? Now 75 years old, the dystopian novel still rings alarm bells about totalitarian rule (Anne Wallentine, June 6, 2024, Smithsonian) -ESSAY: Saving Orwell: From invading Afghanistan to dismantling Confederate monuments, George Orwell has been pressed into the service of all sorts of causes. But the real Orwell remains unknown. (Peter Ross, October 2017, Boston Review) -ESSAY: Why is George Orwell so difficult to pin down?: The writer is an easy man to admire and sympathize with, but a hard one to like (Alexander Larman, July 2, 2023, Spectator) -ESSAY: George Orwell, a "Tory anarchist": (Jacques Charpier, January 1984, Unesco) -ESSAY: Orwell and Socialism: Reflections on the Western Left’s fragmented ideology. (Michael C. Anderson, 21 Apr 2023, Quillette) -ESSAY: Orwell, Camus and truth: On honesty as an attitude (William Fear, 12 March, 2023, The Critic) -ESSAY: How America influenced George Orwell: The legendary British author’s attitude to the US is curiously double-edged (DJ Taylor, March 22, 2023, Spectator) -ESSAY: George Orwell’s Jurassic period (Jeffrey Meyers, May 2024, The Artricle) -ESSAY: George Orwell’s Error: Had he lived long enough to witness the fruits of liberal capitalism, perhaps Orwell would finally have accepted the failure of socialism. (Christopher J. Snowdon, 6 Jun 2024, Quillette) -ESSAY: George Orwell: Forgotten Prophet (Joseph Pearce, March 26th, 2023, Imaginative Conservative) -ESSAY: A thoughtful old-fashioned rambler: George Orwell’s gardening prowess comes as a surprise (Margaret Willes, November 2022, The Critic) -PODCAST: Rebecca Solnit: Why It Matters That George Orwell Was a Gardener: In Conversation with Paul Holdengräber on The Quarantine Tapes (The Quarantine Tapes, November 2, 2021) -PODCAST: Rebecca Solnit on George Orwell (Primary Sources, 5/16/22) -ESSAY: The battle for George Orwell’s soul: Nineteen Eighty-Four at 75 (ED WEST, JUN 15, 2024, Wrong Side of History) -ESSAY: Read the first reviews of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. (Dan Sheehan, June 8, 2023, LitHub) -ESSAY: The patriotic prejudice of George Orwell: Uncheerful thoughts on the love of country (David Robjant, 15 Jun 2022, ABC Religion & Ethics) -ESSAY: ‘Every time you commit an antisocial act, push an acorn into the ground’: Rebecca Solnit on Orwell’s lessons from nature: When the American writer went in search of trees and roses planted by George Orwell in a Hertfordshire garden, she uncovered questions of legacy and peace (Rebecca Solnit, 16 Oct 2021, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Whose Nightmare Are We Living In: Orwell’s or Huxley’s?: Andrew Keen Investigates Dual Literary Visions of Society’s Collapse (Andrew Keen, June 24, 2022, LitHub) -ESSAY: How Orwell Diagnosed Democrats’ Culture War Problem Decades Ago: The famed English writer warned that “cranks” on the left were turning off ordinary voters, even as broad support existed for progressive policies. (JEFF GREENFIELD, 04/19/2022, Politico) -ESSAY: WHAT ORWELL LEARNED FROM CHESTERTON (M. D. Aeschliman, 5 . 17 . 22, First Things) -ESSAY: Bolshevism, Truth, and Ancient Greek Philosophy: George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four Redux (Pedro Blas González, 4/03/22, University Bookman) -ESSAY: George Orwell outside the whale: What the writer teaches us about politics and the imagination in a time of crisis. (Ian McEwan, 12/09/21, Spectator) -ESSAY: George Orwell: how romantic walks with girlfriends inspired Nineteen Eighty-Four (Vanessa Thorpe, 27 Nov 2021, The Observer) -ESSAY: 75 Years of 1984:: Why George Orwell’s Classic Remains More Relevant Than Ever: Elif Shafak on the Relentless Real-World Spread of Orwellian Dystopia (Elif Shafak, June 24, 2024, LitHub) -ESSAY: There's (a Lot) More to George Orwell than Nineteen Eighty-Four (Herman Goodden, 27 Aug 2021, Quillette) -REVIEW ESSAY: ‘Animal Farm’ Turns 75: Revisiting Orwell's work on the anniversary of the barnyard classic. (JOHN RODDEN, 8/26/21, American Conservative) -ESSAY: George Orwell and the Struggle against Inevitable Bias (Adam Wakeling, 8/15/21, Quilette) -ESSAY: All is Orwell: On George Orwell in Spain. (Gerald Frost, June 2021, New Criterion) -ESSAY: How Orwell Became 'Bitter Enemy' of Communism (John Rossi, May 4, 2021, RealClearHistory) -ESSAY: Why George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia is necessary reading for the 21st century. (Jonny Diamond, April 26, 2021, lit Hub) -ESSAY: The Heretical Impulse: Zamyatin and Orwell (Riley Moore, 12/01/20, Quillette) -ESSAY: The lesser-known Orwell: are his novels deserving of reappraisal?: George Orwell has a gift for the unusual and the memorable that means that even his half-forgotten novels are well worth discovering once again (Alexander Larman, 7 January, 2021, The Critic) -ESSAY: George Orwell On Populism, Patriotism, & Veiled Censorship (Jerry Salyer,January 31st, 2021, Imaginative Conservative) -ESSAY: The last man to know George Orwell as a man — not as a legend : The human face of the celebrated author of 1984 and Animal Farm (Jonathon Van Maren, Oct 29, 2020, Mercator Net) -ESSAY: George Orwell, Henry Miller, and the ‘Dirty-Handkerchief Side of Life’ (Matt Johnson, 10/05/20, Quillette) -ESSAY: George Orwell: political flake, towering moralist: Orwell wasn’t a serious political thinker of any stripe, indeed it is not even clear what his politics were. The real value lies elsewhere (Stephen Ingle, August 28, 2020, Prospect) -ESSAY: Orwell’s Humor: The British writer confronted totalitarianism with determination but also with wit and irony. (Jonathan Clarke, May 13, 2022, City Journal) -ESSAY: George Orwell and The Founding Fathers (Joyce Vance, Dec 02, 2024, Civil Discourse) - -REVIEW: of 1984: Orwell: History as Nightmare (IRVING HOWE, Spring 1956, The American Scholar) -LINKS: Charles' George Orwell Links -ARCHIVES : "orwell" (NY Review of Books) -George Orwell Links (K-1) -George Orwell (Essays, Biblio, etc.) -George Orwell (Chestnut Tree Cafe) -George Orwell (Spartacus Educational Home Page) -The Orwell Reader -the Internet Public Library: Online Literary Criticism Collection: George Orwell (1903 - 1950) -ARTICLE : ORWELL RADIO SCRIPTS AND LETTERS FOUND (JUSTINE DE LACY, June 12, 1984, NY Times) -ETEXT: George Orwell: A Life by Bernard Crick -ESSAY: Orwell’s ideas remain relevant 75 years after ‘Animal Farm’ was published (Mark Satta, 8/12/21, The Conversation) -ESSAY: Orwell and Dalrymple on English Class Laurie Wastell, 02 May 2022, Quillette) -ESSAY: Un-herding the animals of Animal Farm (Peter Franklin, August 17,2020, Unherd) -ESSAY: How George Orwell Helped Cause the Cold War: John Rodden and John Rossi|November 26th, 2016, Imaginative Conservative) -TRIBUTE: A Seer's Blind Spots: On George Orwell's 100th, a Look at a Flawed and Fascinating Writer (Glenn Frankel, June 25, 2003, Washington Post) -ESSAY: Orwell Up Close: On the 100th anniversary of his birth, a clutch of new biographies explores the wintry genius of George Orwell - a hero claimed by left and right (DONALD MORRISON, June 30, 2003, TIME Europe) -ESSAY: Blacklisted writer says illness clouded Orwell's judgement: Survivor tells Guardian that author was 'losing his grip' (Fiachra Gibbons, June 24, 2003, The Guardian) AUDIO ESSAY: Wrestling with Orwell: Ian McEwan on the art of the political novel (Audio Long Reads, from the New Statesman) -ESSAY: The Road to Oceania (WILLIAM GIBSON, June 25, 2003, NY Times) -ESSAY: Introduction to 1984: The road to 1984: George Orwell's final novel was seen as an anticommunist tract and many have claimed its grim vision of state control proved prophetic. But, argues Thomas Pynchon, Orwell - whose centenary is marked this year - had other targets in his sights and drew an unexpectedly optimistic conclusion (Thomas Pynchon) Why Orwell Matters: The world of Nineteen Eighty-Four may have ended in 1989, the year the Berlin Wall came down, but George Orwell's writing remains as relevant today as ever. (Timothy Garton Ash, Fall 2001, Hoover Digest) -ESSAY: The Man Who Saved Orwell: Harry Milton served with George Orwell in the Spanish Civil War. His papers recall the trauma of opposing Franco's forces on the battlefield-and of fleeing Stalin's forces in revolutionary Barcelona. (David Jacobs, Fall 2001, Hoover Digest) -ESSAY: Mencken and Orwell, Social Critics With Little (and Much) in Common (EDWARD ROTHSTEIN, October 26, 2002, NY Times) -ESSAY: George Orwell: A Study in Trans-Political Truth-Speaking (Michael R. Stevens, Religion & Liberty) -ARTICLE: In Latin America, the Cult of Revolution Wanes (LARRY ROHTER, May 18, 2003, NY Times) -ESSAY: George Orwell, devoted family man 50 years after death, his son remembers (The Daily Telegraph) -ESSAY: Words and Things On the 50th anniversary of George Orwell's essay, Politics and the English Language, Andrew Marr assesses the state of political English and finds it in robust good health. (Prospect) -ESSAY : On Shooting at Elephants (John Leonard, The Nation) -ESSAY: A Comparison of Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984 -ESSAY: Orwell & Marx: Animalism vs. Marxism -ESSAY: Orwell and me (Margaret Atwood, June 16, 2003, The Guardian) -ESSAY: The big O: the reputation of George Orwell (Joseph Epstein, New Criterion) -DISCUSSION: the Journalism of George Orwell (radion national) -Senior Seminar: Professor Osborne War & Remembrance -ESSAY: WRITERS IN UNIFORM (Stephen Spender, NY Times Book Review) -ESSAY : George Orwell, Socialist, Anarchist or what...? On George Orwell's Political Development (Claus B. Storgaard) -ESSAY: Homage to Catalonia and The Spanish Civil War (Andrew Weiss) -ESSAY : THE MACHO MAKER OF NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR (Virginia Held, NY Times Book Review) -ESSAY : PUBLISHING: ORWELL'S SIMPLE SECRET (EDWIN McDOWELL, NY Times) -ESSAY : PUBLISHING: FROM BBC'S ORWELL FILE (EDWIN McDOWELL, NY Times) -ESSAY : THE VISION OF BOTH ORWELL AND KAFKA IS AS SHARP AS EVER (WALTER GOODMAN, December 30, 1983, NY Times) -ESSAY : Is Bad Writing Necessary?: Adorno and Orwell's competing legacies (James Miller, Lingua Franca, December 1999/January 2000) -ESSAY : IN SEARCH OF '1984' (LINDA McK. STEWART, NY Times) -Orwellian & Animal Farm Studies Resources From the Chico High School Library -READERS GUIDE: Animal Farm (Novel -ONLINE STUDYGUIDE: 1984 by George Orwell. (SparkNote by Brian Phillips) -SUMMARY: Nineteen Eighty-Four (Maros Kollar) -ONLINE STUDYGUIDE: Animal Farm by George Orwell (Rebecca Gaines, Spark Notes) -SUMMARY: Animal Farm (Maros Kollar) -DISCUSSION : orwell's "coming up for air" (George Orwell Campfire) -SUMMARY: The Road to Wigan Pier (Maros Kollar) -LINKS: George Orwell in Our Age -LINKS: George Orwell Resources -LINKS: Charles' George Orwell Links -ARCHIVES: "george orwell" (Find Articles) -ARCHIVES: "george orwell" (Mag Portal) -REVIEW: of Keep the Aspidistra Flying by George Orwell: Orwell’s Rare Happy Ending (Susannah Pearce, May 1st, 2023, Imaginative Conservative) - -Review of Homage to Catalonia (Brian Maye, Irish Times) -REVIEW: of Homage: George Orwell's Prelude in Spain (Granville Hicks, NY Times) -REVIEWS : of Coming Up for Air (Epinions) -REVIEW : of ORWELL The Lost Writings. By George Orwell (Will Watson, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of ORWELL The Lost Writings. By George Orwell (Walter Goodman, NY Times) -REVIEW : of GEORGE ORWELL The Authorized Biography. By Michael Shelden (Samuel Hynes, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of ORWELL: The Road to Airstrip One. By Ian Slater (Michiko Kakutani, NY Times) -REVIEW : of GEORGE ORWELL A Life. By Bernard Crick (John Leonard, NY Times) -REVIEW : of GEORGE ORWELL A Life. By Bernard Crick (Steven Marcus, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of Orwell: Wintry Conscience of a Generation By JEFFREY MEYERS (RICHARD BERNSTEIN, NY Times) -REVIEW : of ORWELL: Wintry Conscience of a Generation by Jeffrey Meyers ( JOHN CAREY, Sunday Times of London) -REVIEW : of Orwell by Jeffrey Myers (Paul Foot, The Spectator) -REVIEW : of Wintry Conscience of a Generation, by Jeffrey Meyers (Enda O'Doherty, Irish Times) -REVIEW : of "Orwell" The new biography glosses over the defiant, troubled life of the eerily prescient author of "Animal Farm" and "Nineteen Eighty-Four" (Benjamin Anastas, Salon) -REVIEW : of THE POLITICS OF LITERARY REPUTATION The Making and Claiming of 'St. George' Orwell. By John Rodden (Julian Symons, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of '1984' REVISTED Totalitarianism in Our Century Edited by Irving Howe (Arthur Schlesinger Jr, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of George Orwell By Gordon Bowker (The Economist) -REVIEW: of Orwell's Victory By Christopher Hitchens (The Economist) -REVIEW: of ORWELL: WINTRY CONSCIENCE OF A GENERATION By Jeffrey Meyers (The Economist) -REVIEW: of George Orwell by Gordon Bowker (Philip Hensher, The Spectator) FILMS : -FILMOGRAPHY : "george orwell" (Internet Movie Database) -ESSAY : DID THE HEART OF ORWELL'S '1984' GET LOST IN THE MOVIE? (Richard Grenier, NY Times) -FILM REVIEW: Animal Farm a TV movie review (Rick Norwood, SF Site) GENERAL : -ESSAY : The left's ace of clubs : It sold books, held dances, supported causes and promoted socialism. Paul Laity on the radical venture that engaged the political passions of the British middle classes in the 1930s (The Guardian, July 7, 2001) -REVIEW : of THE BLOODY CROSSROADS Where Literature and Politics Meet. By Norman Podhoretz (Cynthia Ozick, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of England, Their England Commentaries on English Language and Literature By Denis Donoghue (John Gross, NY Times) -REVIEW ESSAY: Such, Such Was Eric Blair: a review of Facing Unpleasant Facts: Narrative Essays by George Orwell, compiled and with an introduction by George Packer; All Art Is Propaganda: Critical Essays by George Orwell, compiled by George Packer, with an introduction by Keith Gessen; and Why I Write by George Orwell (Julian Barnes, 3/12/09, NY Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Orwell's Roses by Rebecca Solnit (LYNNE FEELEY, Chicago Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Orwell's Roses (chris Moss, Prospect) -REVIEW: of ORWELL AND EMPIRE by Douglas Kerr (Krishan Kumar, TLS) -REVIEW: of The Socialist Patriot: George Orwell and War by Peter Stansky (Chuck Chalberg, Imaginative Conservative) -REVIEW: of Orwell: The New Life by DJ Taylor (Dominic Green, WSJ) -REVIEW: of Orwell: The New Life (John Wilson, First Things) - -     -REVIEW: of Orwell: The New Life (sarah Bakewell, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of George Orwell and Russia by Masha Karp (Jeffery Myers, The Article) -REVIEW: of Wifedom by Anna Funder (Francine Prose, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Wifedom (Jeffrey Myers, The Article) -REVIEW: of Orwell by D. J. Taylor (Paul Krause, Law & Liberty) -REVIEW: of Masha Karp’s “George Orwell and Russia” (Daniel Sharp, Merrion West) -REVIEW: of Who Is Big Brother? by D. J. Taylor (Theodore Dalrymple, Law & Liberty) -REVIEW: of Orwell’s Ghosts: Wisdom and Warnings for the Twenty-First Century By Laura Beers (John P. Loonam, Washington Independent Review of Books) - Book-related and General Links: -RADIO PLAY: Hear the Very First Adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984 in a Radio Play Starring David Niven (1949) -REVIEW: of Slave State: Rereading Orwell’s 1984 by David Lowenthal (Robert Grant Price, University Bookman) |
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