The Lottery (1948)Despite writing a handful of excellent gothic horror novels, including The Haunting of Hill House (just made into a film for the second time), Shirley Jackson seems destined to be best remembered for her great short story The Lottery (read an online version). Originally published in The New Yorker in 1948, and a a staple of High School English classes ever since, it elicited some of the most spirited response in the history of that dowdy weekly. The story is a stunning indictment of something but is sufficiently ambiguous that many different individuals and groups were able to take personal offense at its implications. It would seem to me though, that there is a pretty conventional way of reading it; one that both touches upon a basic human truth and offers fairly little offense to anyone. Take it at relative face value and the Lottery represents any human institution which is allowed to continue unchallenged and unconsidered until it becomes a destructive, rather than a constructive, force in men's lives.. After all, in the story, the reasons for holding the Lottery are long forgotten, other than the platitudinous "Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon". And the rituals connected to it, other than the making of participant lists, the use of the old ballot box and the swearing in, have mostly fallen by the wayside. All that really remains is a rigid adherence to a hoary tradition. Now folks can, of course, freight it with specific signifigances--read the whole thing as an attack on capitalism (see Dave Sandberg's review below ) or religion or small town conformity or agrarian culture or any of a number of different things. But it seems to me that the most straightforward reading allows it to impact on all of those things. Simply put, the fact that something has been done a certain way for a really long time does not necessarily justify its continuance. If this powerfully disturbing story seems like too heavy a cudgel to wield to make such a self evident, unnuanced point, let's not underestimate how difficult it is to teach people anything. After all, Plato has maintained the title of world's greatest philosopher for a few thousand years now on the basis of "Know thyself". So, why shouldn't Shirley grab a spot in the limelight for herself with a story that admonishes us to examine our civic rituals, especially since she couched her admonition in a great American gothic horror tale, which still retains its visceral power to shock us. DAVE SANDBERG'S REVIEW:
In Shirley Jackson's short story, The Lottery, we see the nascent beginnings of a Marxist sensibility in American short literature begin to emerge and express itself. Despite the intrinsic quirkiness of Jackson's writing, and maybe because of it, we can really get a sense of the suppressed socio-economic status of the repressed American need for socialized regulation and state control of business and market forces. Liberty, Jackson demonstrates, is illusory in the American psyche as it is predicated on the exploitation of a sub-class which must be sacrificed for the benefit of all. The victim in the story is emblematic of the black, latino, and immigrant segments in our society who were fed into the American industrial maw for consumption as labor commodities. Indeed, without this constant feeding the pastiche of the American economy would invariably collapse from the inertia of its own antiquity and social unfairness. Capitalism, that mermaid on the rocks who lures sailors to their doom, must have her victims as well as her successful children. She must have losers as well as winners, and for the losers there can be no mercy and no reprieve from the public invalidation and execution of the exploited workers who toil daily in sub-standard work conditions and receive inadequate pay, health care, and social services. The true genius of this work is its setting. Jackson has brought this indictment home to middle America, to the heartland streets of America's small villages. Economic evil does not flow outward from America's cities but inwards from the rural belt - from the heartland towns and villages where ignorance of better social systems deliberately inculcated in warped public educational standards keeps the American agrarian classes in a state of hostile xenophobia to new socialist ideas and reform. GRADE: B+ ANDREW GELLER'S REVIEW: Boy, what a horrific story. I had not read it for many, many years. My academic instinct is to insulate myself from the horror by concentrating on the details to examine the crux of the story, for example, the notion that no one liked to upset the tradition represented by the black box or how much of the ritual had been forgotten or discarded. The story describes the catastrophic effects of tradition made separate from its roots. Who knows if the stoning at the end of the lottery was even its original intent or effect? So much of the ritual had been lost. On a large scale, one can read it as an indictment of the medieval Church for maintaining its control through meaningless ritual and homage to an earthly leader while subverting the gentle lessons of Jesus to essentially imperial intents. By extension, one can indict central authorities that keep control through meaningless bureaucratic, somewhat ritualized activities -- filling out forms that are filed away having no effect but to delay attainment of the original goal of the activity. Ahhhhh, summa time and the catfish is jumpin'. Recommended vacation reading alongside other childhood greats, such as Huckleberry Finn and Treasure Island. I remember seeing the movie in school. Disturbing. If I had only had an assault rifle..... Actually, the whole point to this fable is to make grotesquely clear Man's absurd fear of change. And, of course this all goes down in a New England village -- New England being the nerve center of the American "fraidy cat" and where it is perfectly customary to go about the daily routine with a sharp stick in one's eye. On another note, Mrs. Hutchinson deserved it. MARY-ELLEN JUDD'S REVIEW:
I say that it is an allegory(?) for how random life can be. The
old adage
The reader is repulsed by
the idea that a town could merrily go along with
* Mrs. Hutchinson is the United States reluctantly entering a war that
The Lottery is of course exactly the right title for this allegory, since
I don't get all political on this stuff; just a gut human reaction. :-) WINGNUT'S REVIEW:
I'm sorry Orrin, but your buddy is way off here. The lottery is a
Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" has about as much to do with Communism vs. Capitalism as "The Haunting of Hill House" has to do with centralized zoning laws. Oh, sure, you can drag a bunch of symbollic garbage out of your rear to show that the black voting box is really the dark core of evil in men's souls, but really; that kind of dreck is best left for freshman Lit majors. And Dave. What "The Lottery" is really about are the broader issues of not blindy obeying authority and not doing things just because they are tradition. The people of the town don't even stop to think about why they are killing someone, and we never find out through the course of the story (personally, I think it was some kind of population control measure, but that's a guess). When people talk about getting rid of the lottery and of other places that have gotten rid of it, the town elder casts scorn upon the idea. Why do things differently? The old ways work just fine for us, and we're not going to be swayed by some big city types. So the morals of the story are: "Question authority" and "Just because something is old, doesn't make it good." (Reviewed:) Grade: (A) Tweet Websites:-WIKIPEDIA: Shirley Jackson -ESSAY: My Life With R.H. Macy: Shirley Jackson's short stint with the department store (Shirley Jackson, December 22, 1941, New Republic) -PODCAST: Charles by Shirley Jackson (Cultured Bumpkin) -ESSAY: Shirley Jackson: celebrating 75 years of taut, ambiguous, disturbing stories (Bernice M. Murphy, June 25, 2024, The Conversation) -ESSAY: Stranger Than Fiction: The Paranormal Researcher Who Inspired Shirley Jackson (Michele Debczak, Oct 27, 2022, Mental Floss) -ESSAY: SHIRLEY JACKSON GETS A JOB AT MACY’S (New England Historical Society) -ESSAY: 12 Chilling Facts About Shirley Jackson's 'The Haunting of Hill House' Anna Green, Oct 11, 2018, Mental Floss) -ESSAY: Green Mountain Mysteries: A Taxonomy of Vermont Noir: Sarah Stewart Taylor considers the many fictional horrors and murders of her beloved home state (Sarah Stewart Taylor, 8/15/24, Crime Reads) -INTERVIEW: ‘The Letters of Shirley Jackson’ Is the Autobiography We’ve Been Waiting For: Laurence Jackson Hyman, son of author Shirley Jackson, talks to Shondaland about her new book and his mother’s literary legacy. (Sandra Ebejer, 8/20/21, Shondaland) - -ESSAY: Shirley Jackson and the Unsettled Mystery of Life: On the disquieting fiction of the author of “The Lottery” and the chronicler of James Harris. (BILL RYAN, OCTOBER 21, 2021, The Bulwark) -ESSAY: Why Shirley Jackson is a Reader’s Writer: On the Brilliance of We Have Always Lived in the Castle and the Intimacy of Everyday Evil (Jonathan Lethem, February 24, 2021, Lit Hub) Book-related and General Links: -BIO: (Brighton HS, Rochester, NY) -BIO: Life and Work -The Shirley Jackson Page (American Women Writers) -The Haunted World of Shirley Jackson (Donna Dedman) -Shirley Jackson (Most Web) -ETEXT: The Lottery Shirley Jackson (1948) -ESSAY: A Reading of Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" (Peter Kosenko) -ESSAY: the haunted hearth (margaret quamme, George Jr.) -SHORT STORY: What a Thought by Shirley Jackson (Book Wire) -Monstrous Acts & Little Murders: A new collection of unpublished stories betrays the two faces of Shirley Jackson, the writer who created "The Lottery." (JONATHAN LETHEM, Salon) -ESSAY: Dark Thoughts Shirley Jackson (Paula Guran, Dark Echo) -The Irrepressible Individual in the Works of Shirley Jackson (Eran Mukamel) -REVIEW: Private Demons The Life of Shirley Jackson By Judy Oppenheimer (CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, NY Times) -REVIEW: PRIVATE DEMONS The Life of Shirley Jackson By Judy Oppenheimer (Elizabeth Frank, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: Just An Ordinary Day By Shirley Jackson. Edited by Laurence Jackson Hyman and Sarah Hyman Stewart (Joyce Carol Oates, NY Times Book Review) -ESSAY: THE HAUNTING OF SHIRLEY JACKSON (Judy Oppenheimer, NY Times Book Review) |
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