Billy Budd, Foretopman (1891)I still remember the trepidation with which I picked up Moby Dick for the first time after someone warned me that there was one paragraph that went on for three pages. For any reader, let alone a kid, that is a daunting prospect. But I persevered and I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked it. That pleasure has only grown with rereadings and my appreciation has deepened as I figured out some of the symbolism of the story. Then David Sandberg got me to read Bartleby the Scrivener (see review, Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street (1853)(Grade: A) and, once again, I was impressed. So I figured it was time to go back and read Billy Budd again, I don't think I'd read it since High School. Now, I was surprised at the disagreement that Bartleby still provokes among critics, but I had no idea that Billy Budd was one of the hot beds of contention in literary criticism. The story is seemingly simple. Billy Budd is an impressed seaman serving aboard the British ship Indomitable in 1797. He is a young man of such sweet naïveté, gentle disposition, great good humor and surpassing physical beauty that he is extremely well liked, even adored. This provokes the jealousy of John Claggart, one of the ship's officers. Billy rebuffs some shipmates who are discussing mutiny (the story occurs at the time of the Great Mutiny in the British Navy), but Claggart takes advantage of the air of unrest and denounces Budd to Captain Vere. Billy is so flabbergasted that he is unable to speak and when the Captain prompts him to defend himself, Budd lashes out at Claggart and kills him with one punch. Given the climate in the fleet, Vere determines to make an example of Billy, so he is tried, convicted and hanged. My brief search of the Internet reveals that there are bitter wrangles over several issues implicated by the story. First, is it primarily about justice and is the punishment itself just? Those who feel that Melville was trying to demonstrate the injustice of the case maintain that Vere was insane and site the following passage: Who in the rainbow can draw the line where the violet
tint ends and the orange tint begins?
Whether Captain Vere, as the Surgeon professionally
and privately surmised, was really the sudden
However, no less an authority than Richard Posner (the brilliant Federal judge who was just appointed mediator in the Microsoft antitrust case) has apparently addressed this issue too. He weighs in, as I think is proper, on Captain Vere's side and says that the maintenance of discipline required harsh measures and Vere should not be judged by modern standards. Next there is the argument over whether the tale is mainly concerned with Capital Punishment and if so, whether it is intended to be a polemic in opposition to the practice. The essay Billy Budd and Capital Punishment: A Tale of Three Centuries (H. Bruce Franklin, Rutgers) makes a strong enough case for me to accept that Melville was indeed addressing the issue. Whether the story is necessarily an indictment of Capital Punishment remains, for me, an open question. Finally there is a controversy within the community of queer theorists over whether Billy Budd is a homosexual text. It seems fairly obvious that there is at least a subtext of homoeroticism to the story. But, in addition, I don't see how you can explain away the startling "closed interview" between Budd and the Captain, just before Billy is executed: Beyond the communication of the sentence, what took
place at this interview was never known. But
It would have been in consonance with the spirit
of Captain Vere should he on this occasion have
I don't know about you, but start with a naval vessel, shut the stateroom door with two men inside and start throwing around words like latent, passion, primeval, embrace and sacrament and I've gotta think there's a pretty good chance we're talking "love that dare not speak its name." Of course, there is another important theme here and that is Billy as a kind of Christ figure, even up to and including the obligatory crucifix scene as Billy is hung from the yardarm. Topping it all off, Melville reveals that in later years men collected splinters from the mast: "To them a chip of it was as a piece of the Cross." And the book ends with a sort of hymn about Billy, written by a sailor. Oddly enough, Moby Dick has a climactic crucifix scene too. When Moby resurfaces after killing Ahab, the Captain's corpse has become entangled in the old harpoons & lines stuckk in the whale's flank and Ishmael sees him dangling there. I have no idea what it means that Billy, an innocent, and Ahab, the very embodiment of obsession, should both end the same. At any rate, there is plenty of food for thought in this pretty tiny package. (Reviewed:) Grade: (A-) Tweet Websites:-WIKIPEDIA: Herman Melville - -PODCAST: 10 Essential Questions About Moby-Dick: From The History of Literature Podcast with Jacke Wilson (History of Literature, January 30, 2023) - - -ESSAY: 100 YEARS OF BILLY BUDD (Lafayette Lee, 3/23/24, IM1776) -ESSAY: What Melville’s “Bartleby, the Scrivener” Tells Us About Memory Loss: Dasha Kiper on Understanding and Caring For Dementia Patients (Dasha Kiper, March 23, 2023, LitHub) -ESSAY: Melville Reborn, Again and Again: A scholar traces Herman Melville’s reputation in American and British literary circles. (Matthew Wills September 28, 2014, Jstor) -ESSAY: Ishmael’s Real Name Was Jonah: The Interpretive Key that Allows Us to See Melville’s Work as a Unified Whole (Will Hoyt, 8/29/20, University Bookman) -ESSAY: Cooking with Herman Melville (Valerie Stivers April 16, 2021, Paris Review) -ESSAY: Herman Melville and the Desolation of Solitude (Jason Katz, 11.23/20, Ploughshares) -ESSAY: Satire, Symbolism, and the “Working Through” of Historical Ghosts in The Confidence-Man (Alex McDonnell Articles, Issue 10 2020-21, Irish Journal of American Studies) - -REVIEW: of The Confidence-Man: His Masquerade By Herman Melville Edited by Hershel Parker and Mark Niemeyer (Roger K. Miller, Philadelphia Inquirer) -REVIEW: of The Value of Herman Melville, by Geoffrey Sanborn (Daniel Ross Goodman, Imaginative Conservative) -REVIEW: of Cook, Neither Believer Nor Infidel: Skepticism and Faith in Melville’s Shorter Fiction and Poetry (Zach Hutchins, Irish Journal of American Studies) - - Book-related and General Links: -The Life and Works of Herman Melville -Literary Research Guide: Herman Melville (1819 - 1891) -Billy Budd Guide -ETEXT: Herman Melville: Billy Budd (Bibliomania) -Annotated ETEXT: Herman Melville BILLY BUDD, Sailor -ESSAY: Billy Budd and Capital Punishment: A Tale of Three Centuries (H. Bruce Franklin, Rutgers) -ESSAY: Lovers of Human Flesh: Homosexuality and Cannibalism in Melville's Novels (Caleb Crain, Columbia) -The Curse of the Somers: Billy Budd's Ghost Ship -ESSAY: Melville in Manhattan (J. Bottum, First Things) -REVIEW: of Herman Melville A Biography. Volume 1, 1819-1851. By Hershel Parker (Paul Berman, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of "Herman Melville" by Elizabeth Hardwick A great critic takes on a great novelist, finding agony, homoeroticism and, ultimately, mystery (Maria Russo, Salon) -REVIEW : of Melville by Elizabeth Hardwick (Thomas Curwen, LA Times) |
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