Werewolf (1979)It seems noteworthy that nearly as much time is given to the scene-setting as to the action: Is a northern country; they have cold weather, they have cold hearts.This is a world where magic is real and creatures are a threat. In such a time and place how would society not view witches as the enemy? Of course, in our own time–secure in the knowledge that magic is ineffective–we tend to view practitioners of witchcraft, Satanism, etc. as harmless cranks. That is our luxury. So, in the other interpretation of the story, one could view the grandmother/wolf as an innocent victim of superstition. But even given what we now know about the futility of magical practices, if we view witch trials and the like simply as the means by which close-knit societies protected themselves against their most aberrant members–including those who did believe that sorcery would permit them to do harm–it gets harder to condemn their defensive measures. Red serves to inherit Grandma’s house and to prosper, like any hero of her people. (Reviewed:) Grade: (A) Tweet Websites:-WIKIPEDIA: Angela Carter -AUTHOR SITE: Angela Carter -Angela Carter Society -TRIBUTE SITE: Angela Carter Online -AUTHOR PAGE: Angela Carter (Penguin Random House) -ENTRY: Angela Carter British author (Encyclopaedia Britannica) -ENTRY: Angela Carter (Internet Science Fiction Database) -ENTRY: Angela (Olive) Carter (1940-1992) (Books & Writers) -WIKIPEDIA: The Bloody Chamber -ENTRY: Angela Carter (More Than Our Childhoods) -ENTRY: Angela Carter, Author of The Bloody Chamber (Larrisa Pope, March 30, 2019, Literary Ladies Guide) -ENTRY: Carter, Angela (Encyclopedia.com) -TRIBUTE SITE: The Gothic in Angela Carter -ENTRY: Angela Carter (The Short Story Project) -TRIBUTE SITE: Angela carter and the bloody chamber: A look into how Carter's re-writing of Fairy Tales also re-write's the gender stereotypes of its female heroines -ENTRY: Angela Carter (Women of Eastbourne) -ENTRY: Angela Carter (The Booker Prizes) -FEATURED AUTHOR: Angela Carter (NY Times Book Review) - -INDEX: Angela Carter (Fantasy Literature) -INDEX: “angela carter” (BookForum) -INDEX: “angela carter” (Paris Review) -INDEX: Angela Carter (Granta) -INDEX: Angela Carter Radio Plays -INDEX: Angela Carter (London Review of Books) -INDEX: Angela Carter (The Guardian) -INDEX: Angela Carter (LitHub) -INDEX: Angela Carter (London Magazine) -VIDEO INDEX: “angela Carter” (YouTube) -INDEX: Angela Carter (Literary Review) - - - - OBIT: -Angela Carter obituary (Lorna Sage, 17 Feb 1992, The Guardian) -TRIBUTE: Angela Carter, 1940-92: A Very Good Wizard, a Very Dear Friend (SALMAN RUSHDIE, March 8, 1992, NY Times) -OBIT: Angela Carter, 51, British Writer Of Fantasy With Modern Morals (LYNDA RICHARDSON, 2/19/1992, NY Times) - -STORY: Werewolf (Angela Carter) [pdf] -ESSAY: Bob Dylan on Tour: or, Huck Finn reaches Puberty (Angela Carter, August 1966, The London Magazine) -POEM: Two Wives and a Widow: A modern version from the Middle Scots of William Dunbar (Angela Carter, March 1966, The London Magazine) -RADIO PLAY: The Company of Wolves (BBC) -RADIO PLAY: Vampirella by Angela Carter (RTÉ Radio Drama on One) -ESSAY: Colette (Angela Carter, 10/02/1980, LRB) -AUDIO: Helen Simpson reads 'The Kitchen Child' by Angela Carter (The Guardian UK Culture Podcast) -ESSAY: Sugar Daddy (Angela Carter, 6/01/1983, Granta) -POEM: The Lady and the Skull (Angela Carter, Granta) -STORY: Cousins (Angela Carter, Granta) -STORY: ’Tis Pity She’s a Whore (Angela Carter, 10/24/88, Granta) -STORY: Puss-in-Boots by Angela Carter -STORY: The Snow Child by Angela Carter -STORY: The Tiger’s Bride by Anfela Carter -AUDIO: The Erl King (BBC Radio 4) -STORY: The Lady of the House of Love by Angela Carter -EXCERPT: Chapter One of Shaking a Leg by Angela Carter -REVIEW ESSAY: Noovs’ hoovs in the trough (Angela Carter, January 1985, LRB) -ESSAY: CHRISTMAS BOOKS; Is Santa Claus Really St. Nicholas Or Just Some Jolly, Beert Old Elf? (Angela Carter, 12/07/1986, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of A DUTIFUL DAUGHTER by Thomas Keneally (Angela Carter, NY Times Book Review) -RADO PLAY: Company Of Wolves (Angela Carter Radio Plays, Radio Echoes) -RADIO PLAY: Vampirella (Angela Carter Radio Plays, Radio Echoes) - - - -PODCAST: 144: “The Werewolf” by Angela Carter (Why is this Good?, 15 January 2025) - - - -PROFILE: On Angela Carter (Sharlene Teo, London Magazine) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Third Ear – an interview with Angela Carter: Paul Bailey introduces his interview with Angela Carter, recorded shortly before her death. -INTERVIEW: Angela Carter and Wilson Harris: A previously unpublished interview with Angela Carter by Kate Webb (Kate Webb, March 30, 2018, TLS) -INTERVIEW: Magical Mannerist: Interview with Angela Carter (John Haffenden, Literary Review) -INTERVIEW: Angela Carter by Rosemary Carroll: British novelist and short story writer Angela Carter talks to Rosemary Carroll about The Company of Wolves, Neil Jordan’s film adaptation of her short story. )(October 1, 1986, BOMB) - - - - - - - - - - - - -ESSAY: "Metamorphoses : how Angela Carter became feminism's great mythologist" (Acocella, Joan (13 March 2017, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Your favorite writer Angela Carter was a socialist too! (Emily Temple, May 7, 2019, LitHub) -ESSAY: Angela Carter: Far from the fairytale : The otherworldly figure conjured after her death in 1992 doesn’t do Angela Carter justice. Her biographer Edmund Gordon attempts a more accurate portrayal of a complex, sensual and highly intellectual woman (Edmund Gordon, 1 Oct 2016, The Guardian) One of the central themes of Carter’s writing is the contingency of personal identity. She believed that our selves are neither false nor true, but merely roles we either master or are mastered by. Her characters wear their personalities like fancy dress costumes. She was explicit about viewing femininity as a “social fiction”, part of a culturally choreographed performance of selfhood. She wasn’t the first to make this observation – but she may have been the first to greet it so warmly, as a licence for boundless self-invention. -ESSAY: In Which Angela Carter Gives No F*cks: On the Early Reception of The Sadeian Woman and The Bloody Chamber (Edmund Gordon, March 29, 2017, LitHub) -ESSAY: Marquis de Sade, a feminist icon? Novelist Angela Carter’s surprising take on a notorious writer: ‘The Sadeian Woman’ by Angela Carter attempts the near impossible, claiming Sade as a proto-feminist author. (Alexander Howard, 4/16/24, The Conversation) -ESSAY: Top 10 stories about wolves: Writers including Angela Carter, Karen Russell and Jiang Rong have looked into the eyes of an animal that roams widely through our stories and stalks our collective imagination (Erica Berry, 29 Mar 2023, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Top 10 retold fairytales: The best retellings of these archetypal stories can restore a childlike wonder – and offer startling new reflections of the world we live in now (Idra Novey, 8 Mar 2023, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Angela Carter’s ‘The Lady of the House of Love’ is the Vampire Story to End All Vampire Stories (Austin Gilkeson, 5/24/21, Tor Nightfire) -ESSAY: No one got Angela Carter like Corinna Sargood: The illustrator’s vivid depictions of her annual visits to Mexico reveal why she was the author’s kindred spirit (Susannah Clapp, 20 Jun 2021, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Angela Carter's exploration of life in a female body taught me to be comfortable in my own: I was 15 and in the bottom set for most subjects at school. The Magic Toyshop changed everything (Evie Wyld, 8 Jun 2020, The Guardian) -ESSAY: 10 Transgressive Fairy Tales for Grown-Ups: If Only Disney Would Remake These (Emily Temple, March 21, 2017, LitHub) -ESSAY: Eileen Myles, the Books in My Life: From Little Women to Angela Carter: The Author of Afterglow Shares a Few Thoughts on Favorite Writers (Eileen Myles, September 13, 2017, LitHub) -ESSAY: Literary Witches, From Angela Carter to Zora Neale Hurston: Celebrating the Radical Creativity of Five Beloved Writers (Taisia Kitaiskaia and Katy Horan, October 31, 2017, LitHub) -ESSAY: Peek inside a new illustrated edition of Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus. (Emily Temple, March 2, 2021, litHub) -ESSAY: Angela Carter remembered: Kate Webb pays tribute to Angela Carter, and to the cinema that inspired her life and writing (Kate Webb, 03 May 2010, Telegraph) -AUDIO: Writing in Three Dimensions: Angela Carter's Love Affair with Radio: Angela Carter wrote five innovative radio plays. On the 20th anniversary of her death, friends, colleagues and admirers talk about why she found the medium so exciting. (BBC Radio 4, 2/16/12) -ESSAY: Angela's influence: what we owe to Carter: Angela Carter died 25 years ago, but her legacy lives on – from Fifty Shades to Buffy, from Björk to The Hunger Games (John Dugdale, 16 Feb 2017, The Guardian) -ESSAY: The 50 greatest British writers since 1945: What better way to start the year than with an argument? The Times has decided to present you with a ranking of whom they consider the best postwar British writers, and are awaiting your responses (The Times uk, 1/05/08) -ESSAY: Lessons from Angela Carter (Anne Enright, 2/17/11, LRB) -EXCERPT: Angela Carter in Japan: An extract from Edmund Gordon’s new biography (Edmund Gordon, 10/07/16, TLS) -REVIEW ESSAY: Angela Carter’s monsters: Kate Webb on Memories of Carter – combative, indignant, sui generis (Kate Webb, 7/08/16, TLS) -ESSAY: The fairy tale queen: Angela Carter (Joanna Norledge, 22 February 2016. British Library: English and Drama blog) -ESSAY: 10 of the Best Angela Carter Stories Everyone Should Read (Dr Oliver Tearle,June 2022, Interesting Literature) -INTERVIEW: Finding Angela Carter: An Interview with Biographer Edmund Gordon (Center for Fiction) I think that Angela Carter’s relationship with her mother was in many ways the most important of her life. Her mother was socially very conservative (she loathed swearing, and would change the television channel if an actor or presenter had been divorced), and almost pathologically overprotective (she wouldn’t allow Angela to go to the bathroom unaccompanied until she was in her teens). So Angela felt that she had to reject her mother’s values absolutely in order to gain a measure of independence from her. The personality that emerges so powerfully in Carter’s writing—bawdy, funny, frequently outrageous—was formed in direct opposition to the sort of nice, polite young lady her mother wanted her to be. -ESSAY: Angela Carter: The Fairy Tale (Lorna Sage, 1998, Marvels & Tales) -ESSAY: Unmasked, Untamed, Unabashed — Angela Carter's Writings (Ann Therese Lambo, Spring 2015, First Class) -ESSAY: Chamber of Secrets: The Sorcery of Angela Carter (Marina Warner, October 17, 2012, Paris Review) -ESSAY: The Little Peach: Angela Carter’s travels in America. (Edmund Gordon March 22, 2017, Paris Review) -ESSAY: Cooking with Angela Carter (Valerie Stivers, April 27, 2018, Paris Review) -ESSAY: Angela Carter and the "So Fucking What?" Approach to Writing: Recommending The Bloody Chamber for your October reading pile (Lincoln Michel, Sep 27, 2024, Counter Craft) -VIDEO ESSAY: 'If God is a snail': Angela Carter on food in the London Review of Books: In this film, Marco Alessi revisits these pieces and, with Susannah Clapp and Edmund Gordon, explores their humour, style and intellectual background. (London Review of Books, 4/10/24) -VIDEO: Angela Carter: Of Wolves & Women (BBC, 2018) -VIDEO: Forever After: Angela Carter and the Re Invention of the Fairy Tale (British Library, 18 January 2024) -ESSAY: Angela Carter and the Visual Imagination (Greg Buzwell, 14 October 2016, British Library: English and Drama blog) -VIDEO: Angela Carter: Fairytale Sexuality and the Deconstruction of myth (NPTEL-NOC IITM, May 6, 2019) -VIDEO ESSAY: In Defence of Angela Carter (Books 'n' Cats) -ESSAY: Angela Carter: Making Women Magical: Ellie Rowe shares her love for the works of novelist Angela Carter (Ellie Rowe, 4/02/18, That’s What She Said) -ESSAY:Evolving Feminism: Angela Carter and “Glam Rock” Feminism (Tara M. Formisano) -ESSAY: The Marquis de Sade as feminist icon? Angela Carter’s surprising take on a notorious writer (Alexander Howard, March 26, 2024, The Conversation) -VIDEO: Angela Carter - A Readers' Guide (Joshua J Clarke-Kelsall) -ESSAY: Radical writing: Was Angela Carter ahead of her time? (BBC, 1 August 2018) -ESSAY: Angela Carter's taste for the fantastic: In both her fiction and her life Angela Carter was fearless, says Anne Chisholm (Anne Chisholm, September 14, 2016, Prospect) -ESSAY: The Feminist Horror Author You Need to Read Immediately (Vulture, Jul 23, 2014) -ESSAY: Feminist Re-writing in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber (P.Priyanka, July/August 2019, International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science) -CHAPTER: The Poet of Bad Girls: Angela Carter (1940–1992) (The Feminism of Uncertainty) -ESSAY: Carter, Gender & the Binary (Madeleine. E. Vaughan, February 10, 2020) -ESSAY: Angela Carter's "The Bloody Chamber" and the Decolonization of Feminine Sexuality (Merja Makinen, Autumn 1992, Feminist Review) -ESSAY: Literary Sisters: Angela Carter (Rachel Connor, PhD, Mar 20, 2013, Wordplay Coaching) -PODCAST: by Podcast #57: Angela Carter (The Dead Ladies Show, November 16, 2022) -ESSAY: The much-missed vitality of Angela Carter: Angela Carter would have been 80 this year. Alice Vincent examines the author's wild and tremendous legacy. (Alice Vincent, 07 May 2020, Penguin) -ESSAY: Angela Carter -ESSAY: 'The End of Exile is the End of Being': The Enlightenment and the Death of the Femme Fatale in Angela Carter's "The Lady of the House of Love" (Laura Linker, Journal of Dracula Studies) -ESSAY: Belle Dame Sans Merci: On Angela Carter Angela Carter nudges readers — especially women — to look upon the world, however fantastical or frightening it may be, and let it teach us courage, and common sense. And laughter. (Amy Weldon, September 20, 2013, LA Review of Books) - - - - - - - -ETEXT: The Werewolf by Angela Carter -VIDEO: 'The Werewolf' by Angela Carter. Read by Lisa McKinley -PODCAST: Why Is This Good? episode 144: "The Werewolf" by Angela Carter (Naples Writers' Workshop, 1/15/25) -STUDY GUIDE: The Bloody Chamber: The Werewolf by Angela Carter (LitCharts) -STUDY GUIDE: A Summary and Analysis of Angela Carter’s ‘The Werewolf’ (Dr Oliver Tearle, Interesting Literature) -STUDY GUIDE: A Summary and Analysis of the ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ Fairy Tale (Dr Oliver Tearle, Interesting Literature) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (GradeSaver) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (Talking People) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (CourseHero) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (Whiteboard) -VIDEO: Close Reading "The Werewolf" by Angela Carter (Professor RSP) -VIDEO: The Werewolf by Angela Carter- Analysis (Luciana Aguilo) -STUDY GUIDE: A Level Study Notes and Revision Guides: The Bloody Chamber: AS & A2 York Notes : Angela Carter (York Notes) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (Quizlet) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (Studienet) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf By Angela Carter Full lesson PP (TES) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (Prime Study Guides) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (eNotes) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (My Little Word Land) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werewolf (Cram) -STUDY GUIDE: The Werrewolf (SuperSummary) - -ESSAY: Little Red meets the Werewolf; A dark twist on feminism (Other Women’s Words, February 5, 2021) -ESSAY: ‘The Werewolf’ by Angela Carter (Andrew McDonnell, Personal Anthology) -ESSAY: Angela Carter's "The Werewolf" and the Impact of Story Retold (Dino Muši?, Sep 4, 2022, By Arcadia) -ESSAY: CONTEMPORARY FAIRY TALES: ANGELA CARTER’S THE WEREWOLF (Barbara KLONOWSKA) -ESSAY: The Articulation of character in Angela Carter’s, The Werewolf (Much Ado About Literature) -ESSAY: An archetypal analysis of Angela Carter’s “The Werewolf” and Ursula K. Le Guin’s “The Wife’s Story” (Esra ÜNLÜ Ç?MEN) -ESSAY: Angela Carter’s wolf tales (‘The Werewolf’, ‘The Company of Wolves’ and ‘Wolf-Alice’) (Bidisha, 5/25/16, Discovering Literature)) -CHAPTER: Chapter 15 Howling in the Woods: Angela Carter’s Metamorphosed Little Red Riding Hoods (Nerea Riobó-Pérez, Contemporary Fairy-Tale Magic) -ESSAY: Feminism and Postmodern Aesthetics in Angela Carter's "Wolf- Alice", "The Company of Wolves", and "The Werewolf" (Rabab Taha Al-Kassasbeh. 2013, International Journal of Arabic-English Studies) -ESSAY: Remix Analysis of Angela Carter’s “The Werewolf” (Christian Durham, 2/16/17, Remix Analysis) -ESSAY: The Demythologizing Effect in Angela Carter’s “The Werewolf” and “The Company of Wolves” (Çelik Ekmekçi) -ESSAY: Little Red Riding Hood in Sheep’s Clothing: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Angela Carter’s The Werewolf (Laleh Atashi and Mohammad Hossein Bakhshandeh, 11/14/18, Fabula) -ESSAY: Angela Carter- The Werewolf: Monsters, Virgins, and Women (K Benedicto) -ESSAY: Erotic Infidelities: Angela Carter's Wolf Trilogy (Kimberly J. Lau, 2008, Marvels & Tales) -ESSAY: “Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?”: The Motif of the Wolf in Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber (Alba Blanco Rodríguez) -ESSAY: Snowy Days With Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber: Part One (Ardo Omer, February 24, 2017, Wuh-whack) -ESSAY: Identity in Angela Carter's Wolf Trilogy (Phoenix-Pen) - - - -REVIEW INDEX: Angela Carter (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of The Werewolf by Angela Carter (Deborah Hawkins) -REVIEW: of The Werewolf (Earth and Skye) -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter (Helen Simpson, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber (ABC Tales) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chanmber (The Resident Judge of Port Phillip) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber (Kelly Dent, The Kelly Edit) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber (Guido Almansi, Literary Review) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber (The Literary Omnivore) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber (Vishy’s Blog) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber (Book mand Beauty Blog) -REVIEW: of The Bloody Chamber (Alan Friedman, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Comic and Curious Cats by Angela Carter and Martin Leman (Peter Campbell, LRB) -REVIEW: of Black Venus by Angela Carter and Come unto these yellow sands by Angela Carter (Patricia Craig, LRB) -REVIEW: of Black Venus’s Tale by Angela Carter (Robert Taubman, LRB) -REVIEW: of Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter (Michael Wood, LRB) -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of Wise Children by Angela CarterM (Joyce Carol Oates, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Wise Children (Patrick Parrinder, LRB) -REVIEW: of Wise Children (Michael Dirda, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Wise Children (kirkus) -REVIEW: of Wise Children (John Bayley, NYRB) -REVIEW: of BURNING YOUR BOATS: THE COLLECTED SHORT STORIES by Angela Carter>a> (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of Shadow Dance by Angela Carter (James Wood, LRB) -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: Book of a lifetime: Shaking a Leg by Angela Carter: Susannah Clapp warmly remembers her wild and imperious friend through her collected journalism – struck by its forthrightness, imagination, unpredictability, ferocity and exactitude (Susannah Clapp, 06 April 2024, Independent uk) -REVIEW: of Shaking a Leg (Wendy Steiner, NY TImes Book Review) -REVIEW: of Nothing Sacred: Selected Writings by Angela Carter (Tom Paulin, LRB) -REVIEW: of The Second Virago Book of Fairy Tales edited by Angela Carter (John Bayley, LRB) -REVIEW: of The Virago Book of Fairy-Tales edited by Angela Carter. (Marina Warner, LRB) -REVIEW: of The Virago Book of Fairy-Tales (Estelle Moores, Viva Voce) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter by Edmund Gordon (Michael Dirda, washington Post) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Rosemary Hill, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Ruth Franklin, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Minna Zallman Proctor, BookForum) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (The Economist) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Dwight Garner, NY Times) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Jenny Turner, LRB) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (new Republic) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Roberta Silman, Arts Fuse) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Jeff VanderMeer, The Atlantic) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter (Alison Lurie, NYRB) -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter ( -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter ( -REVIEW: of The Invention of Angela Carter ( FILM: -FILMOGRAPHY: Angela Carter (IMDB) -FILMOGRAPHY: The Company of Wolves (IMDB) -FILMOGRAPHY: The Company of Wolves (Rotten Tomatoes) - - - - - - - - - -INTERVIEW: ‘Turning into a wolf was fantastic’: how we made The Company of Wolves: ‘Our budget was tiny. The forest was 12 trees on rollers – and for long shots we used bonsai. The crew had worked on Star Wars and thought we were absurd’ (Chris Broughton, 13 Mar 2023, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Little Red Riding Hood Meets the Werewolf: Genre and Gender Tensions in Neil Jordan's "The Company of Wolves" (Sara Martin, 2001, Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts) - - - - - - - - -FILM REVIEW: The Company of Wolves (Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times) -FILM REVIEW: The Company of Wolves (Budd Wilkins, Slant) -FILM REVIEW: -FILM REVIEW: -FILM REVIEW: -FILM REVIEW: -FILM REVIEW: -PLAY REVIEW: Angela Carter’s The Company of Wolves review – a moving variation on Red Riding Hood: Choreography accentuates the otherness of the creatures in a fluid take on the dark coming-of-age fable (Clare Brennan, 29 Sep 2024, The Guardian) -PLAY REVIEW: Angela Carter’s The Company of Wolves review – full-blooded fairytale leaps for the jugular: The pack prowls the stage and falls from the sky in this dark and dynamic production combining Carter’s rich gothic language with impressive aerial skills (Mark Fisher, 25 Sep 2024, The Guardian) -FILM REVIEW: -FILM REVIEW: Book-related and General Links: |
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