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I could have become a mass murderer after I hacked my governor module, but then I realized I could access the combined feed of entertainment channels carried on the company satellites. It had been well over 35,000 hours or so since then, with still not much murdering, but probably, I don’t know, a little under 35,000 hours of movies, serials, books, plays, and music consumed. As a heartless killing machine, I was a terrible failure.

I was also still doing my job, on a new contract, and hoping Dr. Volescu and Dr. Bharadwaj finished their survey soon so we could get back to the habitat and I could watch episode 397 of Rise and Fall of Sanctuary Moon.

I admit I was distracted. It was a boring contract so far and I was thinking about backburnering the status alert channel and trying to access music on the entertainment feed without HubSystem logging the extra activity. It was trickier to do it in the field than it was in the habitat.
Martha Wells has received numerous awards for this series, which started life as a set of four novellas that have made for ideal listening while walking the dog. They remind me of nothing so much as the very best of pulp fiction–Doc Savage, Tarzan, John Carter of Mars, etc.--or classic westerns–Shane, The Searchers… The titular Murderbot is a bionic security unit that has hacked its own hardware to liberate it from its programming after an incident where it murdered numerous humans. Now it just wants to spend its time watching space serials and staying under the radar. But it is still deploying on jobs and, as we open, is assisting a human team that is surveying a planet. Things start to go wrong when they are attacked by a creature that is not listed in their database and get worse as they realize that, not only have the records been tampered with, but that the corporation responsible for doing so has no intention of letting them get off-world safely. Subsequent stories deepen the mystery about what is being hidden and why while corporate competition provides tension. There’s plenty of action and a healthy dose of hard science. It’s a perfect prescription for escapist fun.

But…the key to the series is the chatty humorous first-”person” narration by Murderbot himself and there things get kind of confusing. It is more than a little distracting that this bionic entity, that was programmed for certain inhuman purposes, is somehow sardonic, sarcastic, and droll virtually from the moment of his liberation, nevermind the question of why he was capable of defying his programming in the first place. After all, it seems he was driven by emotion–regret about what he’d done–and he tries to keep his distance from the humans he works with because he’s uncomfortable about having feelings for them. And if that isn’t unsettling enough, in subsequent episodes we get a pure computer persona that demonstrates a similar capacity for feelings and a full-fledged combat robot that gets annoyed when it is attacked. Your Zoomba doesn’t vacuum angry when it bumps into a chair leg, does it? Ultimately, these machines/hybrids are so pivotal to the story-telling that giving them personality makes dramatic sense, but it doesn’t really make scientific sense. And I couldn’t help noticing every time they deviated from what their programming would obviously dictate. It’s not a fatal flaw, but it is bothersome.


Grade: (B+)


Martha Wells Links:

    -WIKIPEDIA: Martha Wells
    -The Martha Wells Book Club (Reactor)
    -WIKIPEDIA: The Murderbot Diaries
    -AUTHOR PAGE: Martha Wells (Tor Publishing)
    -PUBLISHER PAGE: The Murderbot Diaries (Martha Wells (MacMillan)
    -PUBLISHER PAGE: The Murderbot Diaries (Tor)
    -AWARD: Winner, Best Novella in 2017 (Nebula Awards)
    -WIKIPEDIA: All Systems Red
    -WIKI: Murderbot Fandom
    -ENTRY: the Murderbot Diaries (Internet Speculative Fiction Database)
    -REVIEW INDEX: Martha Wells (Kirkus)
    -INDEX: Martha Wells (ReacTor)
    -EXCERPT: Chapter one of All Systems Red by Martha Wells (ReacTor)
    -STORY: Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory: Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory was originally given free to readers who pre-ordered Martha's Murderbot novel, Network Effect. The story is set just after the 4th novella, Exit Strategy. (Martha Wells, April 19, 2021, reacTor)
    -EXCERPT: The Future of Work: Compulsory (Martha Wells, Dec. 17th, 2018, wired)
    -ESSAY: Sci-fi author Martha Wells on what a machine intelligence might want (Martha Wells, New Scientist)
    -ESSAY: Introduction to the Subterranean edition of The Murderbot Diaries (Martha Wells, Oct. 21st, 2021)
-PODCAST: Ep 621 - All Systems Red (Murderbot Diaries #1), by Martha Wells (Overdue, November 27, 2023)
    -PODCAST: Ep 633 - Network Effect (Murderbot Diaries #5), by Martha Wells (Overdue, February 12, 2024)
    -PODCAST: 426. All About Murderbot with Martha Wells (SB Sarah, Oct 9, 2020, Smart Podcast Trashy Books)
    -INTERVIEW: Sci-fi author Martha Wells on writing a series about a robot that calls itself Murderbot (Andrew Liptak, Sep 16, 2017, The Verge)
    -INTERVIEW: Martha Wells: System Rebuild (Locus, February 5, 2024)
    -INTERVIEW: Martha Wells Q&A: Complete The Murderbot Diaries (Monster Complex)
    -PROFILE: Murderbot, She Wrote: Martha Wells created one of the most iconic characters in 21st-century science fiction: Murderbot, reluctant savior of humanity. Then she faced an existential threat of her own. Meghan Herbst, Nov 26, 2024, Wired)
    -INTERVIEW: Martha Wells: I didn’t know how non-neurotypical I was until Murderbot (Obomate Briggs and Sophie Bushwick, New Scientist)
    -VIDEO INTERVIEW: Martha Wells - The Murderbot Diaries & Writing About the Future! (Maude Garrett)
    -VIDEO INTERVIEW: Author Talk with Martha Wells (MVPublicLibrary)
    -VIDEO INTERVIEW: Martha Wells talks Witch King, The Murderbot Diaries, Hard Lessons & More (SFF Addicts Ep. 55, FanFiAddict)
    -INTERVIEW: Exclusive Q&A: Sci-fi author Martha Wells talks about her latest Murderbot novella, 'Fugitive Telemetry' (Jeff Spry, June 22, 2021,
    -INTERVIEW: ‘Murderbot Diaries’ author Martha Wells says a book was ‘lifeline’ during ice storm (Erik Pedersen, February 10, 2024, OC Register)
    -INTERVIEW: Martha Wells on writing an anxious, relatable killbot: Martha Wells on her blockbuster series Murderbot: finding common ground with anxiety-driven killer robots, television, and second chances. (Andrew Liptak Apr 27, 2021, transfer Orbit)
    -Q&A: Ask the Author: Martha Wells (GoodReads)
    -INTERVIEW: Author Interview: Martha Wells (Passing Impermanence, 5/05/16)
    -AUDIO INTERVIEW: 'Murderbot' Is Not Your Typical AI (Emiko Tamagawa, 5/11/21, WBUR)
    -INTERVIEW: Martha Wells on Her Return to Fantasy—and What Murderbot Is Up To: io9 talks to the prolific author about The Murderbot Diaries , Witch King , how to start a story, and what it means to explore one point of view. (Linda Codega, September 26, 2023, Gizmodo)
    -INTERVIEW: Martha Wells on MURDERBOT, Weird Science, the 12 Best Time Loop Movies, and More!: In today's round-up of recent sci-fi and fantasy links, we have the best time loop movies, an interview with Martha Wells, and more! (Liberty Hardy, Jan 9, 2025, BookRiot)
-REVIEW ESSAY: Martha Wells’ Murderbot series is a fantastic story about what it means to be human (Andrew Liptak, Oct. 13th, 2018, The Verge)
    -REVIEW ESSAY: Let My Machine Talk to Me: Having An Emotion With Murderbot (David Dark, August 18, 2023, Paste)
    -REVIEW ESSAY: The Murderbot Diaries #1-4 (Confessions of a Serial Reader)
    -REVIEW ESSAY: Murderbot Diaries #1 – #4: I’m OBSESSED with this novella series (Book Cheshire Cat)
    -REVIEW ESSAY: The Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells (Marguerite Reads)
    -REVIEW ESSAY: The Murderbot Diaries, by Martha Wells (Tar Val On)
    -REVIEW ESSAY: Martha Wells’ Murderbot Diaries, the Sci-Fi Novellas You’ll Devour in One Sitting (Ashley Whitlatch, Books are my Third Place)
    -REVIEW ESSAY: Argh Re-Reads: Martha Wells’ Murderbot Books (Jenny, 4/16/21, Argh Ink)
    REVIEW ESSAY: The Murderbot Diaries (Valthura)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red: Murderbot Diaries #1 by Martha Wells (Andrew Liptak, The Verge)
    -REVIEW: of The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells (The Book Lover's Sanctuary)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Publishers weekly)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (James Nicholl)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Mania Delight)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Mal Warwick)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (the Quill to Live)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Civilian Reader)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Joyspren’s Reading Adventures)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Starvind)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Cathy Carmode Lim, Rated Reads)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (The Geeky Jock)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (The BiblioSanctum)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (haich-slash-cee, Wince)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Chronicles)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Elitist Book Review)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (The Bossy Bookworm)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Kevin Hoiltsberry, Collected Miscellany)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (What I think About When I Think About Writing.)
    -REVIEW: of All Systems Red (Umney’s Alley)
    -REVIEW: of Artificial Condition: The Murderbot Diaries Vol #2 by Martha wells (Mal Warwick)
    -REVIEW: of Artificial Condition by Martha Wells (Ana Grilo, Kirkus)
    -REVIEW: of Artificial Condition (
    -REVIEW: of Artificial Condition (
    -REVIEW: of Artificial Condition and Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells (Liz Bourke, Locus)
    -REVIEW: of Rogue Protocol: The Murderbot Diaries #3 (Publishers Weekly)
    -REVIEW: of Rogue Protocol (Ana Grillo, Kirkus)
    -REVIEW: of Rogue Protocol (Mal Warwick)
    -REVIEW: of Rogue Protocol (Feathered Turtle Press)
    -REVIEW: of Rogue Protocol (Steve Stred)
    -REVIEW: of Rogue Protocol and Exit Strategy (john Denardo, Kirkus)
    -REVIEW: of Exit Strategy: the murderbot Diaries #4 by Martha Wells (Amal El-Mohtar, NY Times Book Review)
    -REVIEW: of Exit Strategy (Liz Bourke, ReacTor)
    -REVIEW: of Exit Strategy (Mark Springer, Fiction Unbound)
    -REVIEW: of Exit Strategy (Ana Grilo, Kirkus)
    -REVIEW: of Exit Strategy (Mal Warwick)
    -REVIEW: of Exit Strategy (Tea Rex Reads)
    -REVIEW: of Exit Strategy (Powered by Robots) -REVIEW: of Network Effect; The Murderbot Diaries Book #5 by Martha Wells (Mal Warwick)
    -REVIEW: of Network Effect (Steve Mullis, NPR)
    -REVIEW: of Fugitive Telemetry; The Murderbot Diaries Book #6 by Martha Wells (Adrienne Martini, Liz Bourke, Locus)
    -REVIEW: of Fugitive Telemetry (Powered by Robots)
    -REVIEW: of System Collapse by Martha Wells: Murderbot Diaries #7 (Liz Bourke, Locus)
    -REVIEW: of System Collapse (George Kelley)
    -REVIEW: of System Collapse (The Bossy Bookworm)
    -REVIEW: of System Collapse (Eyrie)
    -REVIEW: of The Murderbot Audiobooks (Amy Goldschlager, Locus)
    -REVIEW: of
-REVIEW: of Witch King by Martha Wells (Adrienne Martini, Locus)
    -REVIEW: of Witch King (Mostly Mysteries)
    -REVIEW: of Witch King (Sophia Rose, That’s What I’mm Talking About)
    -REVIEW: of CITY OF BONES by Martha Wells (Kirkus)
    -REVIEW: of City of Bones (Mike Finn’s Fiction)

Book-related and General Links: