Websites:-AUTHOR SITE: Thomas Fleming -Liberty! (PBS) -BOOKNOTES: The New Dealers' War by Thomas Fleming (C-SPAN, August 26, 2001) The most ruinous allied policy of the Second World War (Thomas Fleming, December 2001, History Today) The Plot Against America: What if FDR lost re-election to a pro-German Lindbergh in 1940? (THOMAS FLEMING, October 7, 2004, Wall Street Journal) Stop with the Hindsight ... Or Should We Rerun All Our Wars? (Thomas Fleming, 4-19-04, History News Network) General Clark's the Wrong Kind of General (Thomas Fleming, 10/27/03, History News Network) In Nearly All of Our Wars We've Made Serious Mistakes (Thomas Fleming. 9/24/03, History News Network) What We're Grappling with in Iraq Is Woodrow Wilson's Legacy (Thomas Fleming, 9-08-03, History News Network) What We're Grappling with in Iraq Is Woodrow Wilson's Legacy (Thomas Fleming, 9-08-03, History News Network) Donald Rumsfeld Was More Right than Wrong About the American Revolution and Its Aftermath (Thomas Fleming, 7/28/03, History News Network) You Want Propaganda?: Now This Is a Story About Propaganda (Thomas Fleming, 6-23-03, History News Network) -INTERVIEW: Thomas Fleming on the government experiment (PBS, The Duel) -PROFILE: High-Flying Tales (Tom Deignan, 1/20/2003, Publishers' Weekly) -PROFILE: Idealism vs. realism: Historian Thomas Fleming to deliver Abraham S. Burack Lecture (Hope Green, 9/28/01, BU Bridge) -PROFILE: Thomas Fleming--NJ-born Historian and Novelist (Get NJ) -REVIEW: of New Dealers' War (David Gordon, Mises Review) -REVIEW: of New Dealers' War (Christopher Westley, Mises Review) -REVIEW: of New Dealers' War (Richard M. Ebeling,, Future of Freedom Foundation) -REVIEW: of New Dealers' War () -REVIEW: of New Dealers' War () -REVIEW: of New Dealers' War () -REVIEW: of The Illusion of Victory: America in World War I (Patrick J. Buchanan) Book-related and General Links: -The German Conspiracy to Destroy Hitler 1938-1944 -PROFILE: 'Why my friends felt they had to kill Hitler': Sixty years after the bungled attempt by the German resistance to kill the Führer, a survivor, Inga Haag tells David Smith and Walter Harris of her role in the plot (David Smith and Walter Harris, July 11, 2004, The Observer) |
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