The Forgotten Man (William Graham Sumner 1840-1910) The type and formula of most schemes of philanthropy or humanitarianism is this: A and B put their heads together to decide what C shall be made to do for D. The radical vice of all these schemes, from a sociological point of view, is that C is not allowed a voice in the matter, and his position, character, and interests, as well as the ultimate effects on society through C's interests, are entirely overlooked. I call C the Forgotten Man. For once let us look him up and consider his case, for the characteristic of all social doctors is, that they fix their minds on some man or group of men whose case appeals to the sympathies and the imagination, and they plan remedies addressed to the particular trouble; they do not understand that all the parts of society hold together, and that forces which are set in action act and react throughout the whole organism, until an equilibrium is produced by a re-adjustment of all interests and rights. They therefore ignore entirely the source from which they must draw all the energy which they employ in their remedies, and they ignore all the effects on other members of society than the ones they have in view. They are always under the dominion of the superstition of government, and, forgetting that a government produces nothing at all, they leave out of sight the first fact to be remembered in all social discussion - that the State cannot get a cent for any man without taking it from some other man, and this latter must be a man who has produced and saved it. This latter is the Forgotten Man.One walks into the local library, scans the book sale shelf and sees the "Liberty Fund" imprint on one spine: . As this publisher seems almost incapable of bringing out an uninteresting book, one thumbs through the text: On Liberty, Society, and Politics: The Essential Essays of William Graham Sumner. Who? Sumner, William Graham (InfoPlease)A trailblazer in: American economics, a free marketeer and free trader; Social Darwinism; sociology; anti-Imperialism; academic reform; etc.? This is a guy you want to know more about, no? So one buys the book for a dollar and heads for the Internet. Turns out there's more than a little by and about him available on-line. Here's some of the book's introduction, by Robert C. Bannister, which, happily, is on-line: Many critics quoted a few phrases concerning "fittest" and "unfittest" as the sum of his social thought. Focusing on his views of government and the economy, most failed to place his work within the broader context of the effort of several generations of American intellectuals to ground morals and public policy in science rather than Protestant Christianity. A member of the "generation of 1840" who initiated this change, Sumner shared in this enterprise with the sociologist Lester Ward and the jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., among others, even though he did not share their politics. As these intellectuals debated the meaning of science, the charge of misapplied Darwinism (including the epithet "social Darwinist"), as I have argued in Social Darwinism: Science and Myth (1979), was essentially a battle strategy, more caricature than accurate characterization. Critics also assumed that Sumner's ideas remained unchanged throughout his career. Quotations from lectures of the 1870s or from Folkways became interchangeable evidence of a monolithic ideology.The great conservative struggle is over how to balance the good of personal liberty against the evil of extreme individualism. The quest of modernist conservatism is to find a grounding for absolutes in science rather than God. Here's a guy who was chin-deep in both struggles over a hundred years ago. Assuming that this has all piqued your interest too, see the links below for more. UPDATE: AMAGI: For folk who've been wondering, the Liberty Fund symbol pictured above is explained as follows in the front of the book: The cuneiform inscription that serves as our logo and as the design motif of our endpapers is the earliest-known appearance of the word "freedom" (amagi), or "liberty." It is taken from a clay document written about 2300 B.C. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash.We particularly like that it in part resembles an arrow. Meanwhile. William Graham Sumner, in addition to everything else, appears to have been one of, if not the, the first anti-communists: Developments in the industrial sphere meanwhile shifted the focus of his interest to labor, big business, and finally to Marxism. Responding to the bloody summer of railway strikes in 1877, he penned an angry response meant for but not finally published in the North American Review, following it with several other essays on labor and strikes throughout the 1880s. Although the secretive formation of the Standard Oil trust in 1882 heralded a new phase of industrial combination, Sumner, like most of his contemporaries, realized its implications only gradually. In a series in the Independent in 1887, however, he took direct aim at the emerging "plutocracy," a concept that joined middle class fear of industrial combination and the patrician dislike of vulgar wealth he had earlier expressed in his sermons. Narrowly defined, plutocracy referred to "a political form in which the controlling force is wealth," he explained. But more generally it enshrined the "increasing thirst for luxury" and the acquisitive appetites of the man "on the make." "The principle of plutocracy is that money buys whatever the owner of money wants," Sumner concluded with disgust.Here then his essay, Socialism (or, The Challenge of Facts), which seems especially germane to the recent affirmative action ruling: Socialists are filled with the enthusiasm of equality. Every scheme of theirs for securing equality has destroyed liberty. The student of political philosophy has the antagonism of equality and liberty constantly forced upon him. Equality of possession or of rights and equality before the law are diametrically opposed to each other. The object of equality before the law is to make the state entirely neutral. The state, under that theory, takes no cognizance of persons. It surrounds all, without distinctions, with the same conditions and guarantees. If it educates one, it educates all-black, white, red, or yellow; Jew or Gentile; native or alien. If it taxes one, it taxes all, by the same system and under the same conditions. If it exempts one from police regulations in home, church, and occupation, it exempts all. From this statement it is at once evident that pure equality before the law is impossible. Some occupations must be subjected to police regulation. Not all can be made subject to militia duty even for the same limited period. The exceptions and special cases furnish the chance for abuse. Equality before the law, however, is one of the cardinal principles of civil liberty, because it leaves each man to run the race of life for himself as best he can. The state stands neutral but benevolent. It does not undertake to aid some and handicap others at the outset in order to offset hereditary advantages and disadvantages, or to make them start equally. Such a notion would belong to the false and spurious theory of equality which is socialistic. If the state should attempt this It would make itself the servant of envy. I am entitled to make the most I can of myself without hindrance from anybody, but I am not entitled to any guarantee that I shall make as much of myself as somebody else makes of himself.In the yawning gap between "equality before the law" and the "theory of equality" lies much of the West's former freedom and a couple hundred million victims of the 20th Century's various ultimately indistinguishable totalitarianisms. (Reviewed:) Grade: (A) Tweet Websites:-INTRODUCTION: On Liberty, Society and Politics (Robert C. Bannister) -LECTURE: The Conquest of the United States by Spain (William Graham Sumner, Lecture delievered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Yale University, Jan. 16, 1899, and published in the Yale Law Journal, Jan. 1899) The Forgotten Man (William Graham Sumner 1840-1910) -ESSAY: The Challenge of Facts (William Graham Sumner) -ESSAY: Monetary Development (William Graham Sumner, September 1875, Harper's) -ESSAY: Politics in America, 1776 - 1876 (William Graham Sumner, January 1876, North American Review) -ESSAY: What Our Boys are Reading (William Graham Sumner, March 1878, Scribner's) -ESSAY: Socialism (William Graham Sumner, October 1878, Scribner's) -ESSAY: The National Bank Circulation (William Graham Sumner, December 1878, Scribner's) -ESSAY: Sociology (William Graham Sumner, 1881, Princeton Review) -EXCERPT: from What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other: ON A NEW PHILOSOPHY: THAT POVERTY IS THE BEST POLICY (William Graham Sumner) -EXCERPT: from What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other (William Graham Sumner) -EXCERPT: from What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other: Social Obligations in the Industrial Age (William Graham Sumner) -EXCERPT: from What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other: THAT IT IS NOT WICKED TO BE RICH; NAY, EVEN, THAT IT IS NOT WICKED TO BE RICHER THAN ONE'S NEIGHBOR (William Graham Sumner) -EXCERPT: from The absurd effort to make the world over (William Graham Sumner, March 1894) -EXCERPT: William Graham Sumner on Reform -EXCERPT: from On Empire and the Philippines (William Graham Sumner, 1898) -TESTIMONY: Yale Professor William Graham Sumner Prescribes Laissez-Faire for Depression Woes (On August 22, 1878, Yale faculty member William Graham Sumner testified before a select committee of the U.S. House of Representatives charged with investigating the Causes of the General Depression in Labor and Business) William G. Sumner, President 1908-1909 (American Sociological Society ) -William Graham Sumner, 1840-1910 (History of Economic Thought) -William Graham Sumner (Robert Bannister, Swarthmore College) -BIO: Sumner, William Graham (American History 102) -BIO: William Graham Sumner (Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography, 1887-1889) -William Graham Sumner (CT Heritage) -LECTURE: William Graham Sumner-- Social Darwinism and neo-liberalism in defense of laissez-faire capitalism (U.S. Political Thought: Lecture 12, November 9, 1995, Joseph Boland) -"SOCIAL NORMS": William Graham Sumner (1840-1910) -ESSAY: Sumner's Forgotten Classic (Christopher Mayer, September 5, 2003, -ESSAY: Freedom Is Honesty, and Honesty Is Freedom (James Leroy Wilson, 6/20/03, -ESSAY: Market Extremists Amok: And how best to dethrone them (Kevin Phillips, July 15, 2002, American Prospect) -ARCHIVES: "william graham sumner" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of History of American Currency (North American Review, 1874) EDU ACCOUNTS ONLY: -REVIEW: of Folkways by William Graham Sumner (Robert E. Park, American Sociological Review) -REVIEW: of The Forgotten Man and Other Essays by William Graham Sumner (J. H. Tufts, International Journal of Ethics) -REVIEW: of War and Other Essays (The Journal of Political Economy) -REVIEW: of Folkways: A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals (Henry Berkowitz, International Journal of Ethics) -REVIEW: of Anthropologic Miscellanea: Albert G. Keller; John P. Harrington; O. G. Libbey; E. E. Woodworth; Gilbert L. Wilson; C. A. Peterson; Shridhar V. Ketkar; James Mooney (American Anthropologist, New Series) -REVIEW: of Folkways. A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals by William Graham Sumner (William I. Thomas, The American Historical Review) -REVIEW: of A History of Banking in All the Leading Nations by William Graham Sumner (L., The Journal of Political Economy) -REVIEW: of The Financier and the Finances of the American Revolution by William Graham Sumner (Worthington Chauncey Ford, Political Science Quarterly) -REVIEW: of Makers of America: Alexander Hamilton by William Graham Sumner (H. L. O., Political Science Quarterly) -REVIEW: of Essays of William Graham Sumner (Redvers Opie, The Economic Journal) -REVIEW: of The Science of Society by William Graham Sumner (Hutton Webster, The Quarterly Journal of Economics) -REVIEW: of An Introduction to Sociology by Wilson D. Wallis and The Science of Society by William Graham Sumner; Albert Galloway Keller (Floyd N. House, American Journal of Sociology) -REVIEW: of Reminiscences (Mainly Personal) of William Graham Sumner (Edward Alsworth Ross, The Journal of Higher Education) -ESSAY: William Graham Sumner "On the Concentration of Wealth" (Bruce Curtis, The Journal of American History, Mar., 1969) -ESSAY: William Graham Sumner and the Problem of Progress (Bruce Curtis, The New England Quarterly, Sep., 1978) -REVIEW: of American Masters and Contemporary Sociology. I. William Graham Sumner by Donald W. Calhoun (Social Forces, Oct., 1945) -ESSAY: William Graham Sumner, Social Darwinist (Richard Hofstadter, The New England Quarterly) -REVIEW: of Essays of William Graham Sumner. Volumes I and II. (August B. Hollingshead, American Sociological Review) -REVIEW: of The Social Science Theories of William Graham Sumner (L. L. Bernard, Social Forces) -ESSAY: "The Survival of the Fittest is our Doctrine": History or Histrionics? (Robert C. Bannister, Journal of the History of Ideas) -ESSAY: The Moralist Rigorism of W. G. Sumner (Robert B. Notestein, Journal of the History of Ideas) -ESSAY: Two Representative Contributions of Sociology to Political Theory: The Doctrines of William Graham Sumner and Lester Frank Ward (Harry Elmer Barnes, American Journal of Sociology) -REVIEW: of William Graham Sumner by Bruce Curtis (Robert C. Bannister, The Journal of American History) -ESSAY: Law and Social Change: Sumner Reconsidered by Harry V. Ball; George Eaton Simpson; Kiyoshi Ikeda (American Journal of Sociology) -REVIEW: of Summer Today: Selected Essays by William Graham Sumner with Comments by American Leaders, edited by Maurice R. Davie (R. H., The New England Quarterly) -REVIEW: of American Conservatism in the Age of Enterprise: A Study of William Graham Sumner, Stephen J. Field, and Andrew Carnegie edited by Robert Green McCloskey (Fritz Redlich, The American Historical Review) -REVIEW: of American Conservatism in the Age of Enterprise: A Study of William Graham Sumner, Stephen J. Field, and Andrew Carnegie. by Robert Green McCloskey (Edward C. Kirkland, The Journal of Southern History) -REVIEW: of Sumner Today: Selected Essays of William Graham Sumner with Comments by American Leaders, edited by Maurice R. Davie (Robert C. Angell, American Journal of Sociology) -REVIEW: of Sumner Today by Maurice R. Davie (Robert E. Park, American Sociological Review) -ESSAY: Literary Aspects of American Anti-Imperialism 1898-1902 (Fred Harvey Harrington, The New England Quarterly) -REVIEW: of Essays of William Graham Sumner (Pitirim A. Sorokin, The New England Quarterly) -REVIEW: of Essays of William Graham Sumner (William Seal Carpenter, The American Political Science Review) -REVIEW: of Reminiscences (Mainly Personal) of William Graham Sumner (P. A. S., The New England Quarterly) -REVIEW: of William Graham Sumner: Sociologist (Harris E. Starr, Journal of Social Forces) -ESSAY: Two Representative Contributions of Sociology to Political Theory: The Doctrines of William Graham Sumner and Lester Frank Ward (Harry Elmer Barnes, September 1919, American Journal of Sociology) -REVIEW: of Social Darwinism: Selected Essays of William Graham Sumner edited by Stow Persons (Harry V. Ball, American Sociological Review) -REVIEW: of American Conservatism in the Age of Enterprise: A Study of William Graham Sumner, Stephen J. Field and Andrew Carnegie by R. G. McCloskey (D. W. B., The English Historical Review) -REVIEW: of American Conservatism in the Age of Enterprise; A Study of William Graham Sumner, Stephen J. Field and Andrew Carnegie by Robert Green McCloskey (Guy Howard Dodge, The American Political Science Review) -REVIEW: of American Conservatism in the Age of Enterprise: A Study of William Graham Sumner, Stephen J. Field, and Andrew Carnegie by Robert Green McCloskey (Vaughn D. Bornet, The Western Political Quarterly) Book-related and General Links: |
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