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Nobody's Fool ()

Guest review by Sue Herzog:

Recently finished Nobody's Fool which I generally liked although it needed a good editor--at least 15% of the action (that's overstating it -- day to day life)could have been readily pruned without giving up anything in terms of character development or the town feel or whatever.  I enjoyed the casual pace and humor and characters but got rather tired of them all about 2/3 of the way through.


Orrin Says:

I like Russo, maybe more than other folks do, because he captures Central/Upstate New York so perfectly, though I actually preferred his book The Risk Pool.  I also agree about editing in general.  Once an author sells enough books, no editor will cut his stuff, so we get the rapidly expanding length of big books, i.e. Clancy, King, DeLillo, etc.  Archer Mayor, one of our local authors, says he hires two editors to read his stuff because his editor at the publisher has never even offered a suggestion.


Grade: (B)


Book-related and General Links:
    -INTERVIEW: Richard Russo comic novelist (1997)(Beatrice)
    -REVIEW : of Empire Falls by Richard Russo (Dan Cryer, Washington Post)