Orrin's Stuff
(Sorted by Author's last name)
Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World
(1995) -
Benjamin R. Barber
America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the 21st Century-Why America's Greatest Days Are Yet to Come
(2013) -
James C. Bennett
The Crisis Years : Kennedy and Krushchev, 1960-1963
() -
Michael R. Beschloss
The Shield of Achilles
(2002) -
Philip Bobbitt
(07/22/1948 -)
A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny
(1999) -
Patrick J. Buchanan
(11/02/1938 -)
The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization
() -
Patrick J. Buchanan
(11/02/1938 -)
(2003) -
Niall Ferguson
( -)
(2003) -
Niall Ferguson
( -)
Ashes of the Earth
(2003) -
Niall Ferguson
( -)
How Soccer Explains the World : An Unlikely Theory of Globalization
(2004) -
Franklin Foer
Untapped: The Scramble for Africa's Oil
(2007) -
John Ghazvinian
Civilization and Its Enemies : The Next Stage of History
(2004) -
Lee Harris
The Central Liberal Truth : How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself
(2006) -
Lawrence E. Harrison
The Eagle's Shadow: Why America Fascinates and Infuriates the World
(2002) -
Mark Hertsgaard
War and the Liberal Conscience (Trevelyan Lectures)
(1978) -
Michael Eliot Howard
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
(1996) -
Samuel P. Huntington
(04/18/1927 -12/24/2008)
The Roman Predicament: How the Rules of International Order Create the Politics of Empire
(2006) -
Harold James
Redefining Sovereignty
(March 2006) -
Orrin Corson Judd
(12/02/1961 -)
Warrior Politics: Why Leadership Demands a Pagan Ethos
(2002) -
Robert D. Kaplan
(1952 -)
The Coming Anarchy : Shattering the Dreams of the Post Cold War
(2000) -
Robert D. Kaplan
(1952 -)
Dictatorships and Double Standards : Rationalism and Reason in Politics
(1982) -
Jeane J. Kirkpatrick
(11/19/1926 -12/07/2006)
Modern and American Dignity : Who We Are as Persons, and What That Means for Our Future
(2010) -
Peter Augustine Lawler
(07/30/1951 -05/23/2017)
Second Treatise of Government
(1689) -
John Locke
(08/29/1632 -10/28/1704)
How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place
(2006) -
Bjorn Lomborg
The Art of War (Dell'arte della guerra)
(1521) -
Niccolo Machiavelli
(5/03/1469 -6/21/1527)
The Case For Goliath: How America Acts As The World's Government in the Twenty-first Century
(2005) -
Michael Mandelbaum
Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World
(2001) -
Walter Russell Mead
( -)
The Cell: Inside the 9/11 Plot, and Why the FBI and CIA Failed to Stop It
(2002) -
John Miller
Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda
(2010) -
John Mueller
The Coming China Wars: Where They Will Be Fought and How They Can Be Won
(2008) -
Peter Navarro
Fighting Terrorism : How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists
(1995) -
Benjamin Netanyahu
Revolutions in Sovereignty: How Ideas Shaped Modern International Relations
(2001) -
Daniel Philpott
Lenin's Tomb : The Last Days of the Soviet Empire
(1993) -
David Remnick
The Threat Closer to Home: Hugo Chavez and the War Against America
(2009) -
Michael Rowan
(1942-) -
Douglas E. Schoen
The Case For Democracy : The Power of Freedom to Overcome Tyranny and Terror
(2004) -
Natan Sharansky
(01/20/1948 -)
How the West Won : The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity
(2014) -
Rodney Stark
(07/08/1934 -07/21/22)
(1966) -
Hugh Thomas
The French Betrayal of America
(2004) -
Kenneth R. Timmerman
The World and the West
(1953) -
Arnold J. Toynbee
Breakthrough International Negotiation: How Great Negotiators Transformed the World's Toughest Post-Cold War Conflicts
(2001) -
Michael Watkins
Pakistan: In the Shadow of Jihad and Afghanistan
(2002) -
Mary Anne Weaver
Copyright 1998-2015 Orrin Judd