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Category:  Sociology (Sorted by Author's last name)

Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drug (1996) - William J. Bennett (1943-)    (Grade:B-)

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce : The 25 Year Landmark Study (2000) - Sandra Blakeslee (-)    (Grade:B+)

The Other Side of Eden : Hunters, Farmers and the Shaping of the World (2001) - Hugh Brody (1943-)    (Grade:D)

Civility: Manners, Morals, and the Etiquette of Democracy (1998) - Stephen L. Carter (1954-)    (Grade:B-)

It Takes a Village: And Other Lessons Children Teach Us (1996) - Hillary Rodham Clinton (1947-)    (Grade:D)

How Race Is Lived in America : Pulling Together, Pulling Apart (2001) - Correspondents of The New York Times (-)    (Grade:D+)

Life at the Bottom: The Worldview That Makes the Underclass (2001) - Theodore Dalrymple (10/11/1949 -)    (Grade:A)

Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drug (1996) - John DiIulio Jr. (-)    (Grade:B-)

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance (2016) - Angela Lee Duckworth (1970 -)    (Grade:B)

The Birth (and Death) of the Cool (2009) - Ted Gioia (10/21/1957 -)    (Grade:A-)

The Tipping Point : How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (2000) - Malcolm Gladwell (09/03/1963-)    (Grade:C+)

Outliers: The Story of Success (2008) - Malcolm Gladwell (09/03/1963-)    (Grade:C+)

Trust: Self-interest and the Common Good (2008) - Marek Kohn (-)    (Grade:C)

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce : The 25 Year Landmark Study (2000) - Julia M. Lewis (-)    (Grade:B+)

Looking Good : Male Body Image in Modern America (2001) - Lynne Luciano (-)    (Grade:C)

The American Credo: A Contribution Toward the Interpretation of the National Mind (1920) - H. L. Mencken (9/12/1880 -1/29/1956)   - George Jean Nathan (2/14/1882 -4/08/1958)    (Grade:B+)

Renewing American Compassion (1996) - Marvin Olasky (6/12/1950 -)    (Grade:B-)

A Nation of Strangers (1972) - Vance Packard (1914-1996)    (Grade:A)

Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow's Big Changes (2007) - Mark Penn (-)    (Grade:B)

"Excuse Me, But I Was Next...": How to Handle the Top 100 Manners Dilemmas (2006) - Peggy Post (-)    (Grade:B+)

Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution (2002) - Howard Rheingold (-)    (Grade:B)

Fast Food Nation : The Dark Side of the All-American Meal (2001) - Eric Schlosser (-)    (Grade:B+)

Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age (2010) - Clay Shirky (1964-)    (Grade:A)

Liberal Racism: How Fixating on Race Subverts the American Dream (1997) - Jim Sleeper (-)    (Grade:B+)

The Content of Our Character: A New Vision of Race in America (1990) - Shelby Steele (1946 -)    (Grade:C+)

The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce : The 25 Year Landmark Study (2000) - Judith S. Wallerstein (-)    (Grade:B+)

Body Count: Moral Poverty...and How to Win America's War Against Crime and Drug (1996) - John P. Walters (-)    (Grade:B-)

Race Matters (1993) - Cornel West (06/02/1953 -)    (Grade:F)

Asian American Dreams : The Emergence of an American People (2000) - Helen Zia (-)    (Grade:C)