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Category:  Nature (Sorted by Author's last name)

A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail (1998) - Bill Bryson (12/08/1951-)    (Grade:B+)

The River Home: A Return to the Carolina Low Country (1992) - Franklin Burroughs (-)    (Grade:A)

The All-New Illustrated Guide to Gardening: Now All Organic! (2009) - Trevor Cole (-)    (Grade:A-)

State of Fear (2004) - Michael Crichton (10/23/1942 -11/04/2008)    (Grade:B-)

Mosquito: A Natural History of Our Most Persistent and Deadly Foe (2001) - Michael D'Antonio (-)    (Grade:B+)

Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek (1974) - Annie Dillard (4/30/1945 -)    (Grade:A)

Being a Beast: Adventures Across the Species Divide (2016) - Charles Foster (1962 -)    (Grade:B+)

What Bird Did That?: A Driver's Guide to Some Common Birds of North America (1991) - Peter Hansard (-)    (Grade:B+)

Towards a Conservative Environmentalism (2002) - Orrin Corson Judd (12/02/1961 -)    (Grade:F)

The Perfect Storm: A True Story of Men Against the Sea (1997) - Sebastian Junger (01/01/1962 -)    (Grade:B-)

How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place (2006) - Bjorn Lomborg (01/06/1965-)    (Grade:C+)

H Is for Hawk (2016) - Helen MacDonald (1970 -)    (Grade:C+)

Wild Nights : Nature Returns to the City (2001) - Anne Matthews (1957 -)    (Grade:B)

The Pine Barrens (1968) - John McPhee (3/08/1931 -)    (Grade:A)

Encounters with the Archdruid [Narratives about a Conservationist and Three of his Natural Enemies] (1971) - John McPhee (3/08/1931 -)    (Grade:B+)

The Orchid Thief: A True Story of Beauty and Obsession (1998) - Susan Orlean (10/31/1955 -)    (Grade:A)

The Lost Gardens of Heligan (1996) - Tim Smit (09/25/1954-)    (Grade:B-)

Maus (1992) - Art Spiegelman (-)    (Grade:A)

Mosquito: A Natural History of Our Most Persistent and Deadly Foe (2001) - Andrew Spielman (-)    (Grade:B+)

Saving Graces: Sojourns of a Backyard Biologist (1991) - Roger B. Swain (02/05/1949-)    (Grade:A-)

From Laurel Hill to Siler's Bog: The Walking Adventures of a Naturalist (1969) - John K. Terres (-)    (Grade:B+)

Walking (1862) - Henry David Thoreau (07/12/1817 -05/06/1862)    (Grade:B)

Bulow Hammock : Mind in a Forest (1988) - David Rains Wallace (-)    (Grade:C+)