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Category:  Essays (Sorted by Author's last name)

The Culture We Deserve (1989) - Jacques Barzun (11/30/1907 -10/25/2012)    (Grade:A)

One Day—and One Night—in Anthony Bourdain’s Kitchen (essay) (2000) - Anthony Bourdain (07/25/1956 -06/18/2018)    (Grade:B+)

Wry Martinis (1997) - Christopher Buckley (1952-)    (Grade:A-)

Warning Signs (2003) - Alan Caruba (10/09/1937-)    (Grade:B+)

A Good Death (essay) (2024) - Neko Case (9/08/1970 -)    (Grade:B+)

Ghosts on the Roof : Selected Journalism of Whittaker Chambers 1931-1959 (1989) - Whittaker Chambers (4/01/1901 -7/09/1961)    (Grade:A)

Unbought Spirit: A John Jay Chapman Reader () - John Jay Chapman (03/02/1862-11/04/1933)    (Grade:A)

Of Liberty (essay) (1668) - Abraham Cowley (11/11/1618-7/28/1667)    (Grade:A)

Slouching Towards Bethlehem (1968) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934 -12/23/2021)    (Grade:A+)

Salvador (1983) - Joan Didion (12/05/1934 -12/23/2021)    (Grade:C)

Narcissus Leaves the Pool : Familiar Essays (1999) - Joseph Epstein (01/09/1937 -)    (Grade:A+)

Fools' Names, Fools' Faces (1996) - Andrew Ferguson (6/28/1956 -)    (Grade:A)

Beg, Borrow, Steal: A Writer's Life (2009) - Michael Greenberg (1952-)    (Grade:B)

PEOPLE WILL SAY WE'RE IN LOVE: (01/31/2003) - Orrin Corson Judd (12/02/1961 -)    (Grade:F)

The King of the Ferret Leggers (essay) (1983) - Donald R. Katz (01/30/1952-)    (Grade:A+)

Democracy: The Two Majorities (1963) - Willmoore Kendall (1909 -6/30/1967)    (Grade:A)

Modern and American Dignity : Who We Are as Persons, and What That Means for Our Future (2010) - Peter Augustine Lawler (07/30/1951 -05/23/2017)    (Grade:A+)

How the Russians Invented Baseball : And Other Essays of Enlightenment (1989) - John Leo (-)    (Grade:B)

The Conquest of the United States (1949) - Archibald MacLeish (05/07/1892-04/20/1982)    (Grade:B+)

The Vintage Mencken (1955) - H. L. Mencken (9/12/1880 -1/29/1956)    (Grade:A)

Up in the Old Hotel and Other Stories (1992) - Joseph Mitchell (7/27/1908 -5/24/1996)    (Grade:A+)

My Final Days on the Maine Coast (2025) - Joseph Momminger (10/28/1953-1/01/2025)    (Grade:A+)

A Collection of Essays (1954) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)    (Grade:A+)

These Precious Days: Tell me how the story ends (essay) (2021) - Ann Patchett (12/03/1963 -)    (Grade:A+)

Airing Dirty Laundry (1993) - Ishmael Reed (2/22/1938 -)    (Grade:C+)

Walking (1862) - Henry David Thoreau (07/12/1817 -05/06/1862)    (Grade:B)

The Immediate Experience: Movies, Comics, Theatre and Other Aspects of Popular Culture (1962) - Robert Warshow (1917-1955)    (Grade:A-)

Hooking Up (2000) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)    (Grade:A+)