Author: Joseph Epstein
-WIKIPEDIA: Joseph Epstein - -ESSAY: The Love Song of Mortimer J. Adler: On editing Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Joseph Epstein, 8/02/24, The Lamp) -SHORT STORY: The Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff (Joseph Epstein, February 2009, Commentary) -ESSAY: WRITING MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY (Joseph Epstein, April 2024, First Things) -ESSAY: Joan Didion From the Couch: Should a writer be famous for being quite this neurotic? (Joseph Epstein, March 2024, Commentary) -ESSAY: Alone Again, Unnaturally: Thoughts on solitude (Joseph Epstein, June 2024, Commentary) - -ESSAY: Brush Off Your Shakespeare: A dissent on the Bard (by Joseph Epstein, January 2024, Commentary) -ESSAY: Alone Again, Unnaturally: Thoughts on solitude (Joseph Epstein, June 2024, Commentary) -TRIBUTE: The Statustician!:Tom Wolfe was death on intellectual pretension, and he mocked those who always sought out the worst in America. (JOSEPH EPSTEIN, May 24, 2018, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY: West Rogers Park: A memoir (Joseph Epstein, January 2023, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Farnsworth’s Classical English Style by Ward Farnsworth (Joseph Epstein, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Chasing Bright Medusas (Joseph Epstein, Free Beacon) -REVIEW: of Uncommon Wrath: How Caesar and Cato’s Deadly Rivalry Destroyed the Roman Republic by Josiah Osgood (Joseph Epstein, Washington Times) -ESSAY: What I Read (Joseph Epstein | August 25, 2010, The Atlantic) EXCERPT: Foreword to The Dimwit's Dictionary by Robert Hartwell Fiske (Joseph Epstein, Vocabula Review) -EXCERPT: THE PERSONAL ESSAY-A FORM OF DISCOVERY (JOSEPH EPSTEIN'S INTRODUCTION TO THE NORTON BOOK OF PERSONAL ESSAYS) - -ESSAY: Good Grief: Reflections on a dreaded emotion (Joseph Epstein, July/August, Commentary) -ESSAY: The Green-Eyed Monster: Envy is nothing to be jealous of. (Joseph Epstein, July/August 2003, Washington Monthly) -ESSAY: In a Snob-Free Zone: Is there a place where one is outside all snobbish concerns--neither wanting to get in anywhere, nor needing to keep anyone else out? (Joseph Epstein, June 2002, Washington Monthly) -ESSAY: Frisked in Munich (Joseph Epstein, 3/14/03, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY: Promises, Promises: Soaring expectations collide with harsh political realities. How Barack Obama looks from Chicagoland. (Joseph Epstein, 2/13/09, Newsweek) -REVIEW: Humor in Hopelessness: 'Zeno's Conscience' takes a wry look at life's paradoxes (JOSEPH EPSTEIN , WSJ) -REVIEW: of The Collected Prose of T.S. Eliot (Joseph Epstein, WSJ) -REVIEW: of The Last Days of Roger Federer by Geoff Dyer (Joseph Epstein, WSJ) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Fred Astaire with Joseph Epstein (WBUR: On Point, 4/16/09) -PROFILE: Snobs: They're Made, Not Born (EMILY EAKIN, June 8, 2002, NY Times) -INTERVIEW: Friendship with Joseph Epstein (Diane Rehm Show, July 11, 2006) -INTERVIEW: Joseph Epstein: Author of Fabulous Small Jews talks with Robert Birnbaum (Robert Birnbaum, 8/31/03, Identity Theory) -INTERVIEW: Fabulous Small Jews Indeed (Doug Wagner, January Magazine) -INTERVIEW: Not Your Regular Joe: A conversation with the essayist and editor Joseph Epstein (Katie Bolick, June 30, 1999, Atlantic Monthly) -ESSAY: Joseph Epstein, my teacher (DG Myers, DECEMBER 04, 2012, Commonplace Reader) - -ARCHIVES: Joseph Epstein (Vocabula Review) -ARCHIVES: Joseph Epstein (Hudson Institute) -ARCHIVES: Joseph Epstein (NY Times) -ARCHIVES: Joseph Epstein (Claremont Institute) -ARCHIVES: "joseph epstein" (Weekly Standard) -ARCHIVES: Joseph Epstein (Commentary) -ESSAY: The Green-Eyed Monster: Envy is nothing to be jealous of. (Joseph Epstein, July/Ausust 2003, Washington Monthly) -REVIEW: of Never Say Die: The Myth and Marketing of the New Old Age By Susan Jacoby (Joseph Epstein, WSJ) -REVIEW: of Cahiers/Notebooks, by Paul Valery (Joseph Epstein, New Criterion) -ESSAY: Birth of a snob (Joseph Epstein, June 2002, Commentary) -ESSAY: Early Riser: The joy of getting out of bed and down to work (Joseph Epstein, February 2002, Atlantic Monthly) -ESSAY: Vote for the Philistine: I'll take Bush over the pseudointellectual Gore. (Joseph Epstein, September 30, 2000, Wall Street Journal) -ESSAY : In a Snob-Free Zone : Is there a place where one is outside all snobbish concerns--neither wanting to get in anywhere, nor needing to keep anyone else out? (Joseph Epstein, June 2002 , Washington Monthly) -ESSAY: Think You Have a Book in You? Think Again (Joseph Epstein, September 28, 2002, NY Times) -ESSAY: Hollywood Courage (Joseph Epstein, Winter 2001, Women's Quarterly) -ESSAY: Among the Gentlemen-Publishers (Joseph Epstein, May 2001, Commentary) -ESSAY: The Game of the Name (Joseph Epstein, January 2001, Vocabula Review) -ESSAY: You Got Attitude? (Joseph Epstein, November 2000, Vocabula Review) -ESSAY: BATS, Balls, and IDOLS (Joseph Epstein, September 2000, American Enterprise) -ESSAY: Intellectuals--Public and Otherwise (Joseph Epstein, May 2000, Commentary) -ESSAY: Bloomin' Genius (Joseph Epstein, Hudson Review) -ESSAY: The old people's socialist League: the life of Irving Howe reconsidered (Joseph Epstein, August 1998, Commentary) -ESSAY: The secret life of Alfred Kinsey. (Joseph Epstein, January 1998, Commentary) -ESSAY: Sam Lipman at the NEA (Joseph Epstein, March 1995, New Criterion) -ESSAY: Wise, foolish, enchanting Lady Mary (Joseph Epstein, January 1995, New Criterion) -ESSAY: C. P. Cavafy, a poet in history (Joseph Epstein, January 1994, New Criterion) -ESSAY: Selling Henry James (Joseph Epstein, November 1990, New Criterion) -ESSAY: The big O: the reputation of George Orwell (Joseph Epstein , May 1990, New Criterion) -ESSAY: Decline & Blumenthal (Aristides, Winter 1994, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Such good taste (Aristides, Spring 1993, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Time on my hands, me in my arms. (Aristides, Autumn 1991, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Knocking on three, Winston. (Aristides, Summer 1991, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Entre nous (Aristides, Winter 1990, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Livestock (Aristides, Fall 1990, American Scholar) -SHORT STORY: Uncle Jack (Joseph Epstein, May 2002, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: My little Marjie (Joseph Epstein, November 01 2001, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: A Loss for Words (Joseph Epstein, October 2001, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: Howie's Gift: A Story (Joseph Epstein, June 2001, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: Postcards (Joseph Epstein, March 2001, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: The Master's Ring (Joseph Epstein, October 2000, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: Freddy Duchamp in Action (Joseph Epstein, October 1999, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: Dubinsky on the Loose (Joseph Epstein, December 1998, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: Saturday afternoon at the zoo with dad (Joseph Epstein, July 1998, Commentary) -SHORT STORY: Coming in With Their Hands Up (Joseph Epstein, March 2000, Commentary) Curious George: The psuedoprofundity of George Steiner: a review of Lessons of the Masters by George Steiner (Joseph Epstein, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of Diaspora: Homelands in Exile by FrŽdŽric Brenner (Joseph Epstein, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of DiMaggio: The Hero's Life by Richard Ben Cramer (Joseph Epstein, Commentary) -REVIEW: of The Corrections and Empire Falls (Joseph Epstein, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Sir Vidia's Shadow: A Friendship Across Five Continents by Paul Theroux (Joseph Epstein, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Playing for Keeps by David Halberstam (Joseph Epstein, Commentary) -REVIEW: of A Moral Temper: The Letters of Dwight Macdonald, edited by Michael Wreszin (Joseph Epstein, November 2001, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Between Father and Son: Family Letters, by V. S. Naipaul (Joseph Epstein, March 2000, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of The New Oxford Book of English Prose, edited by John Gross (Joseph Epstein, April 1999, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Lord Berners: The Last Eccentric, by Mark Amory (Joseph Epstein, November 1998, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of V. S. Pritchett: Complete Collected Stories (Joseph Epstein, March 1993, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Maurice Baring: A Citizen of Europe, by Emma Letley (Joseph Epstein, October 1992, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Hazlitt: A Life, by Stanley Jones (Joseph Epstein, November 1991, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Willa: The Life of Willa Cather, by Phyllis C. Robinson (Joseph Epstein, December 1983, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Making the Body Beautiful by Sander L. Gilman (Joseph Epstein, Commentary) -REVIEW: of A Company of Readers, Edited by Athur Krystal (Joseph Epstein, Commentary) -REVIEW: of The Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff' (Ted Gioia, PopMatters) -REVIEW: of The Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff' (Robert Birnbaum, The SF Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff' (Martin Northway, New City Lit) -REVIEW: of Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff' (Larry Thornberry , American Spectator) -REVIEW: of Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff (Kirkus Reviews) -REVIEW: of Love Song (BILL RUEHLMANN, The Virginian-Pilot and The Ledger-Star) -REVIEW: of Love Song (Sam Allis, Boston Globe) -REVIEW: of -REVIEW: of A Line Out for a Walk: Familiar Essays by Joseph Epstein (D. Keith Mano, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of With My Trousers Rolled: Familiar Essays by Joseph Epstein (Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Life Sentences: Literary Essays by Joseph Epstein (Emily Barton, NY Times Book Revbiew) -REVIEW: of Alexis De Tocqueville: Democracy's Guide by Joseph Epstein (Christopher Caldwell, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Democracy’s Guide, by Joseph Epstein (Daniel J. Mahoney, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Snobbery: The American Version, by Joseph Epstein (Glenn Ellmers, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Alan Riding, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Martha Bayles, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Joan O'C. Hamilton, Business Week) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Adam Begley , NY Observer) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Carol Doup Muller, CS Monitor) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Robert Finn, Bookreporter) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Claire Zulkey, PopMatters) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (JoAnn Gutin, Salon) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (David Ehrenstein , LA Weekly) -REVIEW: of Snobbery (Eric J. Iannell, Ink 19) -REVIEW: of In a Cardboard Belt!: Essays Personal, Literary, and Savage, by Joseph Epstein ( Joseph Tartakovsky, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Narcissus Leaves the Pool (Ronald McCloskey, Catholic Exchange) -REVIEW: of Friendship by Joseph Epstein (Stephen Metcalf, Slate) -REVIEW: of Friendship (William Grimes, NY Times) -REVIEW: of FRED ASTAIRE By Joseph Epstein (David Thompson, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Middle of My Tether by Joseph Epstein (Anatole Broyard, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Once More Around the Block: Familiar Essays by Joseph Epstein (Joel Conarroe, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Friendship (Mindy Aloff, NY Observer) -REVIEW: Of The Novel, Who Needs It? by Joseph Epstein (Jacob Brogan, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of The Novel, Who Needs It? (Lee Oser, Law & Liberty) -REVIEW: of The Novel (National Review) -REVIEW: of The Novel (John G. Grove, Real Clear Books) -REVIEW: of The Novel (Christopher Scalia, The Dispatch) -REVIEW: of The Novel (Emina Melonic, City Journal) -REVIEW: of Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life: Especially If You’ve Had a Lucky Life By Joseph Epstein (Larry Thornberry, American Spectator) -REVIEW: of Never SayYou've Had a Lucky Life (John Tamny, Real Clear Books) -REVIEW: of Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life (Patricia Schultheis, Washington Independent Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life (Chuck Chalberg, University Bookman) -REVIEW: of Never Say You’ve Had a Lucky Life: (Edward Short, City Journal) -REVIEW: Of Never Say You've Had a Lucky Life (Jesse Tisch, Jewish Review of Books)
The Love Song of A. Jerome Minkoff (2010) - Joseph Epstein (01/09/1937
-) (Grade:A) |
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