Author: Thomas Mann
-WIKIPEDIA: Thomas Mann - - - - -INDEX: Thomas Mann (Yale Review) -ESSAY: Brother Hitler (Thomas Mann, 1939, Esquire) -ETEXT: Essays of Three Decades (Thomas Mann)[pdf] - - -ESSAY: Mann and his musical demons: Thomas Mann was all too aware of the ties between music and Nazi ideology (Wolfgang Schneider, 7/18/07, Sign and Sight) - -ESSAY: Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man (Eskil Elling, 12/19/21, The Point) -ESSAY: Under a Spell Everlasting: Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain, published a century ago, tells of a world unable to free itself from the cataclysm of war (Samantha Rose Hill, December 2, 2024, American Scholar) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann and the European disease of nihilism: The vicious battle of ideas behind the continent's World Wars has migrated East. (Tanjil Rashid, 11/26/24, New Statesman) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann's 'Magic Mountain' still resonates 100 years on: A divided society, existential fears and the specter of war: Thomas Mann's novel "The Magic Mountain" is still frighteningly relevant, a century after its first publication. (Suzanne Cords, 11/26/24, Deutsche Welle) -ESSAY: The Magic Mountain Saved My Life: When I was young and adrift, Thomas Mann’s novel gave me a sense of purpose. Today, its vision is startlingly relevant. (George Packer, December 2024, The Atlantic) -ESSAY: The Apostle of Love: How Thomas Mann discovered sensual education in The Magic Mountain (Merve Emre, November 2024, Yale Review) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann predicted the New World Order: He saw Davos in his Magic Mountain (Boyd Tonkin, 11/08/24, UnHerd) -ESSAY: The life and Lives of Thomas Mann (Jeffrey Meyers, The Article) -ESSAY: The Art of Distance: Story and Style Now (John Pistelli, 07/15/24, Grand Hotel Abyss) -ESSAY: My journey around Thomas Mann’s Magic Mountain: He is ideal reading for the ecstatic diseased (Jeremy Clarke, January 7, 2023, Spectator) -ESSAY: Cholera in Thomas Mann’s ‘Death in Venice’ (Jeffrey Meyers, The Article) -INTERVIEW: The Eternal Return of Fascism: A Conversation with Rob Riemen (Natasha Lennard, 1/15/23, LA Review of Books) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann, the humorous German: comedy in ‘Buddenbrooks’ (Jeffrey Meyers, 12/18/22, The Article) -REVIEW ESSAY: Thomas Mann’s Brush with Darkness: How the German novelist’s tormented conservative manifesto led to his later modernist masterpieces. (Alex Ross, January 17, 2022, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Thomas Mann’s Dilemma: The great novelist’s defense of the nonpolitical continues to resonate. (Adam Kirsch, Autumn 2021m City Journal) -ESSAY: Against Politics: Communists and fascists are very often the same unpleasant people, wrote Thomas Mann—literary champion of the German bourgeois. He was right. (DAVID MIKICS, JUNE 03, 2021, Tablet) -ESSAY: Mannhood: When Thomas Mann and Stefan Zweig Had Lunch Together (Morten Høi Jensen, January 2025, Liberties) -ESSAY: In Today's Terror, An Old Allegory Gets a New Life: Has Abu Musab al-Zarqawi been reading Thomas Mann? (BRET STEPHENS, August 19, 2005, Opinion Journal) -REVIEW: of MANN’S MAGIC MOUNTAIN by Karolina Watroba (Ian Ellison, TLS) -REVIEW: of Thomas Mann: New and Selected Stories By Thomas Mann (Joshua Hren, University Bookman) FILM: - -REVIEW ESSAY: Criminally Overrated: Death in Venice (Alan Zilberman, 8/01/24, Spectrum Culture) -ESSAY: “Death in Venice”: The Problem of Romantic Reaction (Eva Brann, June 24th, 2019, Imaginative Conservative) Death in Venice (1913) - Thomas Mann (6/06/1875
-8/12/1955) (Grade:C) |
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