Author: Robert P. Kraynak
-Robert Kraynak : Professor of Political Science (1978) (Colgate University) ( -BOOK SITE : Christian Faith and Modern Democracy God and Politics in the Fallen World by Robert Kraynak (University of Notre Dame Press) - -ESSAY: The American Founders and Their Relevance Today: (Robert P. Kraynak, June 17, 2015, Modern Age) -ESSAY: Conservative Critics of Modernity: Can They Turn Back the Clock? (Robert P. Kraynak, Fall 2001, Intercollegiate Review) (PDF) -ESSAY: Tocqueville's Constitutionalism (Robert P. Kraynak, December 1987, The American Political Science Review) -ESSAY: Hobbes on Barbarism and Civilization (Robert P. Kraynak, February 1983, The Journal of Politics) -ESSAY: Hobbes's Behemoth and the Argument for Absolutism (Robert P. Kraynak, December 1982, The American Political Science Review) -ESSAY: John Locke: From Absolutism to Toleration (Robert P. Kraynak, March 1980, The American Political Science Review) -ESSAY : Robert P. Kraynak. "Catholicism and The Declaration of Independence: Principled Harmony or Prudent Alliance?" (Paper prepared for delivery at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, August 30-September 2, 2001) -ESSAY : The New and the Old Law : How John Finnis reads Thomas Aquinas (Robert P. Kraynak, Claremont Institute, APSA Annual Meeting Program 2000) -ESSAY : Generational politics in the '96 election (Robert Kraynak, September 1996, Colgate Scene) -REVIEW : of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn by Daniel J. Mahoney (Robert P. Kraynak, First Things) -REVIEW: Aquinas for the Democratic Age: a review of Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory, by John P. Hittinger (Robert Kraynak, Spring 2004, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW: of God and Man in the Law: The Foundations of Anglo-American Constitutionalism by Robert Lowry Clinton (Robert P. Kraynak, The American Political Science Review) -REVIEW: of After Ideology: Recovering the Spiritual Foundations of Freedom by David Walsh (Robert P. Kraynak, The American Political Science Review) -SIGNATORY : Don't Let the President Lie with Impunity (Wall Street Journal, December 1998) -Grant Data Matrix : Colgate University (Media Transparency) -ARTICLE : Wagner And Kraynak Debate Conservatism Vs. Liberalism (Erika Miller, March 1999, Maroon-News) -REVIEW: of The Long Truce: How Toleration Made the World Safe for Power and Profit by A.J. Conyers (David Gordon, The Mises Review) -ESSAY: Jaffa Versus Mansfield: Does America Have A Constitutional or A "Declaration of Independence" Soul? (Thomas G. West, November 29, 2002, The Claremont Institute) -ARCHIVES: "robert p. kraynak" (Find Articles) -INTERVIEW: Church-State Relations in America and Europe: Robert Kraynak on America's Civil Religion (ZENIT, 25 MARCH 2005) -INTERVIEW: Church-State Relations in America and Europe (Part 2): Robert Kraynak on the Different Paths of Development (MARCH 26, 2005, -INTERVIEW: Church-State Relations in America and Europe (Part 3): Robert Kraynak on Catholicism and Americanism (MARCH 27, 2005, -REVIEW: Aquinas for the Democratic Age: A review of Liberty, Wisdom, and Grace: Thomism and Democratic Political Theory, by John P. Hittinger (Robert Kraynak, Spring 2004, Claremont Review of Books) -REVIEW : of Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God and Politics in the Fallen World by Robert P. Kraynak (Damon Linker, First Things) -REVIEW : of Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God and Politics in the Fallen World By Robert P. Kraynak (Ken Masugi, Religion & Liberty) -REVIEW: of Christian Faith and Modern Democracy (Robert F. Drinan, America) -REVIEW: of Christian Faith and Modern Democracy (Patrick J. Deneen, Commonweal) -REVIEW: of Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God and Politics in the Fallen World by Robert P. Kraynak (Douglas A. Ollivant, Markets & Morality) -REVIEW: of History and Modernity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes by Robert P. Kraynak (Joshua Mitchell, The American Political Science Review) -REVIEW: of Educating the Prince: Essays in Honor of Harvey Mansfield, edited by Mark Blitz and William Kristol (Damon Linker, National Review) The Word from Rome: The pope�s too liberal; down on American culture; champion of •dynamic orthodoxy�; Disowning •primacy of conscience�; hubbub in Holland; hot, hot, hot; some brief notes (JOHN L. ALLEN JR., 8/22/03, National Catholic Reporter) Although the movement has largely flown under media radar, John Paul faces a growing conservative opposition to this embrace of liberalism, understood in the classic sense. CARDINAL DIONIGI TETTAMANZI: -ESSAY: Anthropological and Ethical Thoughts on Whether Domestic Partnerships Should Have Same Legal Status as the Family (Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi, September 30, 1998, L'Osservatore Romano) -ESSAY: Ten Rules on Resisting Satan (Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi) -ESSAY: Cardinal damned for reviving Satan: Frontrunner for Pope writes 10 rules to resist temptation (Rory Carroll, March 5, 2001, The Guardian ) -PROFILE: Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi (Daily Catholic, 12/22/99) -ESSAY: Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi poised to be the next Pope (Finbarr Slatery, August 08, 2002 , The Kingdom) -ESSAY: 21st Century Pope: Papal succession is a hot - but whispered - topic among Catholics of all ranks. Here's a tip sheet on the strongest candidates (JEFF ISRAELY, 12/16/02, TIME Europe) -ESSAY: Betting on the Next Pope (Peter Gould, 12/05/02, BBC) CARDINAL AVERY DULLES: -Avery Cardinal Dulles: Laurence J. McGinley Professor of Religion and Society (Fordham University) -Avery Dulles, S.J. (Reflections in Jesuit Ministry) -Cardinal Avery Dulles Online (Christopher Blosser) -EXCERPT: Models of the Church (Avery Dulles) -ESSAY: The Papacy for a Global Church (Avery Dulles, S.J., July 15, 2000, AMERICA) -ESSAY: Two Languages of Salvation: The Lutheran/Catholic Joint Declaration (Avery Dulles, December 1999, First Things) -ESSAY: True and False Reform (Avery Cardinal Dulles, August/September 2003, First Things) -ESSAY: The Population of Hell (Avery Cardinal Dulles, May 2003, First Things) -ESSAY: Religious Freedom: Innovation and Development (Avery Cardinal Dulles, December 2001, First Things) -ESSAY: Enjoying and Making Use of a Responsible Freedom (Rev. Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Sep/Oct 2001, Religion & Liberty) -ESSAY: Catholicism & Capital Punishment (Avery Cardinal Dulles, April 2001, First Things) -ESSAY: Can Philosophy Be Christian? (Avery Dulles, April 2000, First Things) -ESSAY: Are We Speaking the Same Language?: What Catholics really believe about justification--and why defining our terms makes all the difference. (Donald Bloesch and Father Avery Dulles, 11/01/99, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: Should the Church Repent? (Avery Dulles, December 1998, First Things) -ESSAY: The Ways We Worship (Avery Dulles, March 1998, First Things) -ESSAY: Evangelizing Theology (Avery Dulles, March 1996, First Things) -ESSAY: John Paul II and the Truth about Freedom (Avery Dulles, August/September 1995, First Things) -ESSAY: The Challenge of the Catechism (Avery Dulles, January 1995, First Things) -REVIEW: of Witness to Hope: The Biography of Pope John Paul II. By George Weigel (Avery Dulles, First Things) -REVIEW: of The Reform of the Papacy: The Costly Call to Christian Unity. By John R. Quinn (Avery Dulles, First Things) -REVIEW: of After Our Likeness: The Church as the Image of the Trinity. By Miroslav Volf (Avery Dulles, First Things) -REVIEW: of Mother Church: Ecclesiology and Ecumenism. By Carl E. Braaten (Avery Dulles, First Things) -REVIEW: of Passionate Uncertainty: Inside the American Jesuits. By Peter McDonough and Eugene C. Bianchi (Avery Dulles, First Things) -INTERVIEW: God's Gift of Freedom Must Be Used to Choose the Good (Religion & Liberty, May/June 1999) -INTERVIEW: Reason, Faith, and Theology: An Interview with Cardinal Avery Dulles, S.J. (James Martin, S.J., Mar. 5, 2001, America) -PROFILE: Avery Dulles�s Long Road to Rome (Robert Royal, July/August 2001, Crisis) -ARTICLE: ALL DRESSED IN SCARLET : Avery Dulles goes to college (Joseph A. Komonchak, Feb 23, 2001, Commonweal) -ARCHIVES: "avery dulles" (Find Articles) -REVIEW: of The Splendor of Faith: The Theological Vision of Pope John Paul II by Avery Dulles (Michel Therrian, Religion & Liberty) -REVIEW: of The Assurance of Things Hoped For: A Theology of Christian Faith. By Avery Dulles, S.J. (David F. Wells, First Things) -REVIEW: of 'The Holocaust, Never To Be Forgotten', Avery Dulles SJ, Rabbi Leon Klenicki (Anthony Cappello, AD2000) CARDINAL FRANCIS GEORGE: -HIS EMINENCE CARDINAL FRANCIS EUGENE GEORGE, O.M.I. ARCHBISHOP OF CHICAGO -LECTURE: Globalisation: Who's in Control? (Text of Cardinal Francis George�s Caritas Helder Camara Lecture, May 2000) -ESSAY: One Lord and One Church For One World (Cardinal Francis George, February 8, 2001, Catholic News Service) -ARCHIVES: The Cardinal's Colum (Catholic New World) BISHOP FABIAN BRUSKEWITZ: -Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz (Diocese of Lincoln, NE) -ESSAY: Homosexuality & Catholic Doctrine: FRIENDSHIP WITH GOD IS ULTIMATELY WHAT IT'S ABOUT (Fabian Bruskewitz, March 2001, New Oxford Review) -ESSAY: Unspeakable Abomination (Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, April 18, 2002, The Wanderer) -STATEMENT: Statement of Bishop Bruskewitz Excommunicating Certain Groups (Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz, March 22, 1996, Southern Nebraska Register) -INTERVIEW: An Interview With Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz (Paul Likoudis, April 18, 1996, The Wanderer) Christian Faith and Modern Democracy: God and Politics in the Fallen World (2001) - Robert Kraynak (1949
-) (Grade:A) |
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