Author: Jane Jacobs
-Jane Jacobs (Wikipedia) -Jane Jacobs Writing on the Web (The Preservation Institute) -The Jane Jacobs Home Page - -OBIT: Jane Jacobs, 89; Writer, Activist Spoke Out Against Urban Renewal (Adam Bernstein, April 26, 2006, Washington Post) Jane Jacobs, Urban Activist, Is Dead at 89 (DOUGLAS MARTIN, 4/25/06, NY Times) She wrote the book on cities (WARREN GERARD, Apr. 26, 2006, Totonto STAR) -INTERVIEW: Jane Jacobs Interviewed by Jim Kunstler (Metropolis Magazine, March 2001) -INTERVIEW: City Views: Urban studies legend Jane Jacobs on gentrification, the New Urbanism, and her legacy. (Interviewed by Bill Steigerwald, June 2001, Reason) -T.O. owes debt to Jacobs (CHRISTOPHER HUME, 4/26/06, Toronto Star) -Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) (FEE, April 26, 2006) - -PROFILE: CITIES AND SONGS (Adam Gopnik, 2004-05-17, The New Yorker) -Ideas That Matter (A Quarterly to Stimulate Public Discourse) -ESSAY: Jane Jacobs: Why TVA Failed, NY Review of Books -EXCERPT: Jane Jacobs on Urban Renewal in Hyde Park-Kenwood (from The Death and Life of Great American Cities)(Urban Planning at the University of Chicago) -LECTURE: The Separation of Norway from Sweden (Jane Jacobs, excerpted from the 1979 CBC Massey Lectures) -INTERVIEW: Jane Jacobs: Urban Agitator (Adele Freeman, Architecture Magazine) -INTERVIEW: Whole Earth: Vital Cities: An Interview with Jane Jacobs (Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Magazine) -DISCUSSION: Beyond the Car (A Panel Discussion with Olivia Chow, Joan Doiron, Jane Jacobs, Marilou McPhedran, Lisa Salsberg and Sue Zielinski) -DISCUSSION: After the Megacity: What Next? (MegaCouncil Watch) -PROFILE: When Jane Jacobs Took On the World (Robert Fulford, NY Times) -PROFILE: Jane Jacobs: Still a Pioneer (Paul Goldberger, NY Times) -PROFILE: An Expert on Cities, at Home in the World (MICHAEL KIMMELMAN, NY Times) -PROFILE: The Metropolis Observed: Jane Jacobs at 81 (Lisa Rochon, Metropolis Magazine) -PROFILE: Radical Dreamer: Jane Jacobs on the streets of Toronto (Robert Fulford, Azure, October-November 1997) -PROFILE: JANE JACOBS: EYES ON THE STREET "Meaningful change doesn't come about through lots of clout and lots of money. It comes about through lots of little changes everywhere." (David Dillon, Preservation Magazine) -ARTICLE: Grooving with Jane Jacobs (Christina Varga, University of Toronto Varsity) -ARTICLE: Jane Jacobs talks city business (Paul-Mark Rendon, University of Western Ontario Gazette) -ESSAY: Why Jane Jacobs Stopped the Spadina (Debbie Gillies, 32CP1) -SUMMARY: The Death and Life of Great American Cities by Jane Jacobs (ONTARIO ROUND TABLE ON ENVIRONMENT AND ECONOMY TRANSPORTATION AND CLIMATE CHANGE COLLABORATIVE SEARCH CONFERENCE LITERATURE REVIEW ) -LINKS: Jane Jacobs: writing on the web (Preserve Net) -ESSAY: The Life And Death Of England's Cities (Ed Driscoll, August 07, 2005) -REVIEW: of THE NATURE OF ECONOMIES By Jane Jacobs (CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, NY Times) -REVIEW: of The Nature of Economies By Jane Jacobs (Robert Kuttner, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Nature of Economies by Jane Jacobs Economies of Truth (ROBERT M. SOLOW, New Republic) -REVIEW: of The Nature of Economies By Jane Jacobs (mike davis, Voice Literary Supplement) -REVIEW: Alan Ryan: Cautionary Tales, NY Review of Books Systems of Survival: A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics by Jane Jacobs -REVIEW: of SYSTEMS OF SURVIVAL A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics. By Jane Jacobs (Alan Wolfe, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Systems of Survival A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics By Jane Jacobs (CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, NY Times) -REVIEW: Peter Bauer: City Lights, NY Review of Books Cities and the Wealth of Nations: Principles of Economic Life by Jane Jacobs -REVIEW: of CITIES AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS Principles of Economic Life. By Jane Jacobs (Richard J. Barnet, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of CITIES AND THE WEALTH OF NATIONS. Principles of Economic Life. By Jane Jacobs (Christopher Lehmann-Haupt, NY Times) -REVIEW: Richard Sennett: An Urban Anarchist, NY Review of Books The Economy of Cities by Jane Jacobs -REVIEW: E.Z. Friedenberg: Splitting Up, NY Review of Books The Question of Separatism: Quebec and the Struggle Over Sovereignty by Jane Jacobs -REVIEW: of THE NATURE OF ECONOMIES By Jane Jacobs (CHRISTOPHER LEHMANN-HAUPT, NY Times) -REVIEW: of DARK AGE AHEAD By Jane Jacobs (MICHIKO KAKUTANI, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Cities and the Wealth of Nations by Jane Jacobs (John Chamberlain, The Freeman) -REVIEW: of Systems of Survival: A Dialogue on the Moral Foundations of Commerce and Politics by Jane Jacobs (Peter J. Boettke, The Freeman) The Death and Life of Great American Cities (1961) - Jane Jacobs (05/14/1916
-04/26/2006) (Grade:A-) |
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