Author: Friedrich Nietzsche
-WIKIPEDIA: Friedrich Nietsche - -ESSAY: Over Man: On Nietzsche and our crisis of masculinity (Mat Messerschmidt, 8/16/24, The Point) -ESSAY: Behold the Demon: Nietzsche as Destroyer (Bradley J. Birzer, August 3rd, 2024, Imaginative Conservative) -ESSAY: Far right, misogynist, humourless? Why Nietzsche is misunderstood: The German philosopher has been adopted by the alt-right, but he hated antisemitism. He has been misappropriated and misread, argues his biographer (Sue Prideaux, 6 Oct 2018, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Macbeth Revisited: The Decline & Fall of Friedrich Nietzsche (Joseph Pearce, November 29th, 2023, Imaginative Conservative) -ESSAY: Greatness Without Cruelty: Young Nietzscheans should look to Tocqueville as a more politically responsible source for a new politics. (Daniel J. Mahoney, 11/30/23, American Mind) -ESSAY: Nietzsche’s Critique of Liberalism (Matthew McManus, October 6, 2023, Liberal Currents) -ESSAY: The Birth of Tragedy by Friedrich Nietzsche: Rose Thompson relates a redeeming myth by Friedrich Nietzsche (Rose Thompson, February 2023, Philosophy Now) -ESSAY: Nietzsche and the perils of denying your self (Guy Elgat, 12/01/22, IAI News) -ESSAY: Nietzsche’s Quarrel with History: Are there any lessons left for history to teach us? (Jennifer Ratner-Rosenhagen, Summer 2022, Hedgehog Review) -ESSAY: NIHILISM’S CONSCIENCE: ON NIETZSCHE’S POLITICS OF ARISTOCRATIC RADICALISM (Ronald E. Osborn, 10/08/14, Modern Age) -ESSAY: Back to the Future: Peter Adamson looks back at ideas of eternal repetition (Peter Adamson, Philosophy Now) -ESSAY: What Nietzsche can teach us about embracing risk and failure in an age of technological comforts: Safety through technology is no bad thing—Nietzsche himself sought doctors and medicines throughout his life—but it can become pathological. (Nate Anderson, 4/10/22, Big Think) -ESSAY: Over Man: On Nietzsche and our crisis of masculinity (Mat Messerschmidt, august 2024, The Point) -ESSAY: Friedrich Nietzsche’s guide to better online living: He lived long before the Internet. But he knew all about staving off FOMO. (Evan Selinger, March 23, 2022, Boston Globe) -ESSAY: How Two Leftist Scholars Saved Nietzsche’s Archive (Peter Salmon, 8/04/24, Jacobin) -VIDEO: Gardening With Nietzsche - On Being Yourself In The Outside World (Aeon) -REVIEW: of Friedrich Nietzsche by Curtis Cate (John Gray, New Statesman) -REVIEW: of FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE By Curtis Cate (William T. Vollman, NY Times Book Review) - -REVIEW: of Lesley Chamberlain's Nietzsche in Turin (Patrick West, spiked) -REVIEW: Nietzsche the Afflicted: On Ritchie Robertson’s “Friedrich Nietzsche” (Kim Solin. 9/14/23, LA Review of Books) -REVIEW: of How Nietzsche Came In from the Cold: Tale of a Redemption, by Philipp Felsch, translated by Daniel Bowles (Rachel Lu, National Review) -REVIEW: of How Nietzsche Came In from the Cold (Robert Wyllie, American Conservative) - - - The Birth of Tragedy (1872) - Friedrich Nietzsche (10/15/1844
-8/25/1900) (Grade:C) |
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