Author: E. B. White [Elwyn Brooks]
-WIKIPEDIA: E. B. White -INTERVIEW: E. B. White, The Art of the Essay No. 1 (Interviewed by George Plimpton & Frank Crowther, FALL 1969, Paris Review) -ESSAY: The White Pages: America's greatest personal essayist was more than a little shy and intensely self-conscious (Danny Heitman, January/February 2014, Humanities) - -Life & Times : of E. B. White (NY Times) -E(lwyn) B(rooks) White (1899-1985) (kirjasto) -ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA : "E. B. White" -ENCYCLOPÆDIA BRITANNICA : White, E. B. -White, E. B. (Encarta Encyclopaedia) -E. B. White Collection (Carl A. Kroch Library, Cornell University) -EXCERPT : Chapter One of Charlotte's Web : Before Breakfast -LETTER : A Letter from E.B. White : Where did the ideas for Charlotte and Stuart Little come from? Why did E.B. White choose to write about a pig? Did his stories really happen? Read the answers in this letter, which he wrote to all kids everywhere shortly before his death. (Family Education) -ESSAY : What Am I Saying To My Readers? (E. B. White, May 14, 1961, NY Times) -LETTER : E.B. White's letter to Carnegie I (September 26, 1966) -ESSAY : Freedom (E. B. White, Harper's) -ESSAY : At Walden Pond (E. B. White, Harper's) -ESSAY : Once More to the Lake (E. B. White) -ESSAY : The Door (E. B. White) -ESSAY : E. B. White's Christmas (E.B. White, 12/20/52) -ESSAY EXCERPT : Excerpted from "Call Me Ishmael, Or How I Feel About Being Married to a Bryn Mawr Graduate," (Alumnae Bulletin, Summer 1956) -INTERVIEW : The Author of "One Man's Meat" Talks About Writing and Country Living (ROBERT VAN GELDER, August 2, 1942, NY times) -INTERVIEW : E. B. White: Notes and Comment by Author (Israel Shenker, July 11, 1969, New York Times) -PROFILE : Where Charlotte Wove (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -E.B. White Corner :Courtesy of Aardvark Member Lindsay Sinclair : E.B. White's niece Lindsay Sinclair shares personal memorabillia from her famous Uncle Andy -WHITE, E.B. (Educational Paperback Association) -E. B. White (Harper Childrens) -Elwyn Brooks [E. B.] White - (1899-1985) (Elana Schipano, student of Marylin Dykens, a teacher at Rome Free Academy in Rome, New York) -White, E. B. (Fact Monster) -Some Facts About E.B. White (Maine Authors) -EB White : Teacher Resource File (Internet School Library Media Center) -Charlotte's Web by E. B. White (ABC Teach) -Charlotte's Web Unit ( -Weaving Charlotte's Web -Charlotte's Web (Mrs. Taverna's Second Grade, 1998 - 1999) -Charlotte's Web Activities ( -CIMC Integrated Units : Title: Charlotte's Web Author: E.B White -LESSON PLAN : E.B. White (Teacher Vision) -Classic Authors: EB White ( -TRIBUTE : Charlotte's Web and Others (John Bangsund, The Society of Editors Newsletter, October 1985) -ESSAY: CHARLOTTE’S WEB REVISITED (Alexander Riley, 6 . 4 . 24, First Things) -ESSAY: “Small But Unforgettable Moments.” What E.B. White Loved About New York City: Martha White Remembers Her Grandfather’s Lifelong Relationship With the Big Apple (Martha White, November 25, 2024, LitHub) -ESSAY: Down with Strunk and White: Followers of the style guide don’t understand what a versatile, vigorous sentence can do (Peter Wood, December 6, 2021, Spectator) -ESSAY : Stuart, Wilbur, Charlotte: A Tale of Tales (URSULA NORDSTROM, May 12, 1974, NY Times) -ESSAY : E. B. White Takes On Xerox and Wins (LUCINDA FRANKS, June 15, 1976, NY Times) -ESSAY : Behind the Best Sellers (HERBERT MITGANG, November 20, 1977, NY Times) -ESSAY : Life Without Katharine: E. B. White and His Sense of Loss (Nan Robertson, Special to the New York Times , April 8, 1980) -ESSAY : Wild Creatures : Charlotte, Arachnida: The Scientific Sources (Peter F. Neumeyer, The Lion and the Unicorn, 19.2 (1995) -ESSAY : The Designs of E. B. White: An Analysis of "Stuart Little" and "Charlotte's Web" (GERALD WEALES, NY times, 1970) -ESSAY : THE FEAST OF ST. ELWYN (Tom Bethell, February 17, 1999, St. Columba's Episcopal Church) -ESSAY : The love that dare not squeak its name : Even as a child I suspected I had something special in common with Stuart Little. (David Rakoff, Dec. 21, 1999, Salon) -ESSAY : Polite literature : Strunk and White's much-revered "The Elements of Style" has sapped the life from American writing. (George Rafael, Salon) -Roundtable: The History of the Essay (Hosted by Milton J. Rosenberg on the WGN radio program Extension 720 on June 30, 1999) -LINKS : Charlotte's Web by E. B. White : Related Web Links -ARCHIVES : E.B. White (Salon) -ARCHIVES : "e. b. white" (Find Articles) -REVIEW : of Charlotte's Web by E. B. White (Eudora Welty , October 19, 1952, NY Times) -REVIEW : of Charlotte's Web : Entangled Reading "Charlotte's Web" with the clarity of an adult inspires tears, smiles and tenderness. (Peter Trachtenberg, Salon) -REVIEW : of Charlotte's Web (Holly Hartman, Fact Monster) -REVIEW : of Quo Vadimus? Or the Case for the Bicycle By E.B. White (CHARLES POORE, March 11, 1939, NY Times) -REVIEW : of One Man's Meat (Roger Angell, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW : of Stuart Little By E.B. White (MALCOLM COWLEY, October 28, 1945, NY Times) -REVIEW : of Here Is New York by E.B. White (MEYER BERGER, December 18, 1949, NY Times) -REVIEW : of Here is New York (Charles Taylor, Salon) -REVIEW : of The Second Tree From the Corner By E.B. White (IRWIN EDMAN, January 17, 1954, NY Times) -REVIEW : of The Elements of Style By William Strunk Jr. With Revisions, an introduction and a new chapter on writing by E.B. White (CHARLES POORE, June 9, 1959, NY Times) -REVIEW : of The Points of My Compass By E.B. White (M. J. ARLEN, October 28, 1962, NY Times) -REVIEW : of The Trumpet of the Swan (JOHN UPDIKE, June 28, 1970, NY Times) -REVIEW : of Letters of E.B. White Collected and Edited by Dorothy Lobrano Guth (ANATOLE BROYARD, December 7, 1976, NY Times) -REVIEW : of Essays of E.B. White (CHRISTOPHER LEHMAN-HAUPT, September 19, 1977, NY Times) -REVIEW : of E.B. White: The Emergence of an Essayist by Robert L. Root, Jr. (Kathleen Wildman, Antioch Review) -ESSAY: Back to Basics, Please: "The Elements of Style," illustrated? E.B. White wouldn't approve. (DAVID GELERNTER, October 14, 2005, Opinion Journal) Farewell, My Lovely! (Lee Strout White, 1936-05-16, The New Yorker) Where Charlotte Wove: On a visit to E.B. White's Farm, we find the animals gone but the place still enchanted (Andrew Ferguson, July 12, 1999, Time)
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