Author: Andrew Ferguson
-WIKIPEDIA: Andrew Ferguson -AUTHOR SITE: -VIDEO DISCUSSION: What’s So Funny about Corona, Politics, the Media, and the Culture? Andrew Ferguson and P.J O'Rourke (Peter Robinson, May 1, 2020, Uncommon Knowledge) - -ESSAY: The Elements of Buckley’s Style (Andrew Ferguson, December 19, 2024, National Review) Running Scared (Andrew Ferguson, 1996-02-19, The New Yorker) -REVIEW: of Scotty: James B. Reston and the Rise and Fall of American Journalism by John F. Stacks (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -Andrew Ferguson : Senior Editor (Weekly Standard) -ARCHIVES : Weekly Standard -BOOKNOTES : Author: Andrew Ferguson Title: Fools' Names, Fools' Faces. Air date: November 3, 1996 (C-SPAN) -TRIBUTE : The Conscience of a Curmudgeon : Barry Goldwater 1909-1998 (Andrew Ferguson, TIME) -TRIBUTE : Where Charlotte Wove : On a visit to E.B. White's farm, we find the animals gone but the place still enchanted (ANDREW FERGUSON, TIME, July 1999) -ESSAY : The President's Very Favorite Book : In defense of George W. Bush's literary taste. (Andrew Ferguson, August 2001, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY : Sex Talk : The surgeon general's farcical "Call to Action" (Andrew Ferguson, July 2001, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY : Bush's Exercise Guru : Will our next surgeon general make us all fit as fiddles? (Andrew Ferguson, May 2001, Weekly Standard) Evolutionary Psychology and Its True Believers. (Andrew Ferguson, March 19, 2001, Weekly Standard) Liberty, Equality, Dignity: a review of Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics by Leon R. Kass (Andrew Ferguson, November 4, 2002, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW : of Staying Tuned by Daniel Schorr and Tell Me a Story, by Don Hewitt (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY : Goodbye, brave Newtworld : His sweeping visions were a mix of brilliance and banality (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, November 1998) -ESSAY : Who Are You Calling Angry? (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, December 2000) -ESSAY : The Arianna Sideshow : The activist and socialite has plans for two "shadow conventions" she hopes will roil the Establishment. What are they really about? (ANDREW FERGUSON, TIME) -ESSAY : The Drug Culture Gets a Museum (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, April 17, 2000) -ESSAY : What's at Stake in the 2000 Election (Andrew Ferguson, American Spectator) -ESSAY : Debates that Rate (Andrew Ferguson, TV Guide, October 2000) -ESSAY : What Would They Think of the '90s : W. C. FIELDS (Andrew Ferguson, AEI) -ESSAY : Divine Comedy : P.G. Wodehouse's Perfect Pitch (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -ESSAY : Poor, poor, pitiful me: He's powerful and he knows Sharon Stone. Why won't Clinton stop whining? (ANDREW FERGUSON, TIME, FEBRUARY 17, 1997) -ESSAY : Christianity, Clinton Style : The confessor in chief wows an audience of evangelicals. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, September 11, 2000) -ESSAY : A License to Revisit the Word "Is" (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, June 2000) -ESSAY : Impeached and Proud of It : Bill Clinton's history of himself (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, May 15, 2000) -ESSAY : The Feminist Lothario (ANDREW FERGUSON, TIME, September 1998) -ESSAY : It's the Sex, Stupid (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, FEBRUARY 2, 1998) -ESSAY : The Metaphors Make the Man : Al Gore's deep thoughts. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, October 23, 2000) -ESSAY : Praise Al, from Whom All Blessings Flow : The amazing achievements of a lifelong politician.(Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, August 21, 2000) -ESSAY : His Struggle To Get Real : Who is Al under the wooden veneer? Sooner or later he'll have to find out (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, September 1997) -ESSAY : Mary Matalin : After failing up, the political operative-turned-pundit fails down. (Andrew Ferguson, Slate, Jan. 18, 2001) -ESSAY : The Arianna Sideshow (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, July 2000) -ESSAY : Gary Hart comes out : The former Senator and ex-presidential candidate reveals that he's thriller writer John Blackthorn (Andrew Ferguson, January 17, 2000, TIME) -ESSAY : Horrific Days Are Here Again : Get ready to hear about greed, homelessness, and inequality. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, January 22, 2001) -ESSAY : Confessions of a Dot-Com Delegate : The complete trivialization of political conventions.(Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, August 7, 2000) -ESSAY : Sex, Lies, and Conservatism (Tucker Carlson & Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, November 22,1999) -ESSAY : Mr. Bush, Tear Down This Roadblock : Reopen Pennsylvania Avenue (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, January 15, 2001) -ESSAY : Babe Ruth : Republican governor hopeful Ruth Dwyer tries to take back Vermont. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, October 16, 2000) -ESSAY : Vanishing Voters, Vamoose! : Harvard's Kennedy School finds a non-problem to worry about. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, April 10 , 2000) -ESSAY : Accentuate the Negative : Say this for them: Bush and McCain know how to crank up turnout. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, March 6 , 2000) -ESSAY : George W. Bush, Reformer? W. decides imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. (Andrew Ferguson , Weekly Standard, February 21 , 2000) -ESSAY : Bill Clinton's Last Gasp : The State of the Union as laundry list. . . .a long and artful one. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, February 7, 2000) -ESSAY : This is an Election, Not a Tea Party : Shouldn't the candidates attack each other? (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, January 31, 2000) -ESSAY : Reagan, McCain, and Sam McGee : The unlikely revival of Robert Service, presidential poet. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, December 20 ,1999) -ESSAY : The McCain Rage : John McCain is gaining in New Hampshire. Will his temper trip him up? (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, November 15 ,1999) -ESSAY : The Message is the Message : McCain's campaign for reform is very meaningful. But what does it mean exactly? (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, February 2000) -ESSAY : Iowa Gothic : The thrill of being ground zero of campaign 2000. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, August 16, 1999) -ESSAY : The Indiscreet Charm of Lucianne : Her cocktail of sex and gossip proved irresistible, if not deadly (Andrew Fergusion, TIME, December 1998) -ESSAY : Speaking for the American People... How come we always seem to agree with whoever's doing the talking for us? (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, October 1998) -ESSAY : An Era Of Tiny Commotions : From the NEA Four to the campaign-finance scandals, the '90s are the downsized decade (Andrew Ferguson, TIME, October 1997) -ESSAY : Barney backlash. (what is right with the Public Broadcasting Service children's television program 'Barney and Friends) (Andrew Ferguson, National Review, Nov 29, 1993) -ESSAY : Hands Off Our Cigars : The feds go after stogies. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, August 2, 1999) -ESSAY : PARDON ME IF I (STILL) SMOKE FOR SOME, IT'S A BADGE OF HONOR--A REFUSAL TO GIVE IN (ANDREW FERGUSON, TIME, JUNE 30, 1997) -ESSAY : Those Who Don't Get It : The following memo has been passed along by Andrew Ferguson, a senior writer at Washingtonian magazine (1994) -ESSAY : MAD ABOUT MAPPLETHORPE (Andrew Ferguson, National Review, 8/4/90) -DOWNLOADABLE ESSAY : Apocalypse Whenever (Andrew Ferguson, 1990, Reason magazine) Liberty, Equality, Dignity: a review of Life, Liberty and the Defense of Dignity: The Challenge for Bioethics by Leon R. Kass (Andrew Ferguson, November 4, 2002, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW : of Reagan : in His Own Hand (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, February 5, 2001) -REVIEW : of How I Accidentally Joined the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy (And Found Inner Peace) by Harry Stein (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard, ) -REVIEW : of The Operator: David Geffen Builds, Buys, and Sells the New Hollywood by Tom King (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW : of A Charge to Keep by George W. Bush (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW : of The Fat Man in the Middle Seat by Jack Germond (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW : of Unmanning Strunk and White : A fourth edition of the classic Elements of Style. (Andrew Ferguson, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW : of Crazy Rhythm: My Journey from Brooklyn, Jazz, and Wall Street to Nixon's White House by Leonard Garment (Andrew Ferguson, Commentary) -REVIEW : of On the Rez by Ian Frazier (Andrew Ferguson, Fortune) -INTERVIEW: Looking for Lincoln: Journalist Andrew Ferguson and NEH Chairman Bruce Cole discuss America's love-hate relationship with our sixteenth president. (Bruce Cole, November/December 2007, Humanities) - -BOOK LIST : The Contents of our Character REASON asked a number of writers and scholars to recommend three books, with a couple of restrictions: one had to be a work of fiction, and one had to have been written in the past 50 years. We were seeking the books that would be most instructive to a new immigrant on those vexing questions: What is the American character? What defines American culture? (Andrew Ferguson, Reason) -DISCUSSION : The Year of the Goat : To make sense of the tumultuous year 1998, The American Enterprise assembled three seasoned observers of folly: Lucianne Goldberg, literary agent best known for her friendship with Linda Tripp; Mark Steyn, columnist for The American Spectator and the London Spectator; and Andrew Ferguson, senior editor at the Weekly Standard and a former Bush administration speechwriter. (American Enterprise Institute) -ESSAY : Moyers' Boy Alter : NEWSWEEK KISSES UP (Mediawatch, 10/01/1991) -ESSAY : Our current howler (part III): When pundits don't attack : Synopsis: Scribes have experienced a "swoon" for McCain. In the process, some standards may have suffered. : The McCain Rage by Andrew Ferguson, The Weekly Standard, 11/15/99 (Daily Howler, 16 December 1999) -REVIEW : of Fools' Names, Fools' Faces by Andrew Ferguson (Daniel J. Silver, Commentary) -REVIEW : of Backward and Upward: The New Conservative Writing edited by David Brooks Pens at the ready, conservative writers march forward into the past in a new anthology (Richard von Busack, Metro Active) -REVIEW : of Backward and Upward (Joseph FitzPatrick, The Brunswickan) GENERAL :
Fools' Names, Fools' Faces (1996) - Andrew Ferguson (6/28/1956
-) (Grade:A) |
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