Orrin's Stuff
Stephen Jay Gould
-ESSAY: THE ACCIDENTAL CREATIONIST: Why Stephen Jay Gould is bad for evolution.
(ROBERT WRIGHT, Dec. 13, 1999, The New Yorker)
-ESSAY: How Stephen Jay Gould Fought the Science Culture Wars
: In the 1970s, a crop of books purporting to provide a scientific basis for gender inequality met sharp criticism from figures like Stephen Jay Gould. Decades later, these debates have fallen out of public memory, but right-wing pseudoscience persists (Myrna Perez, 1/12/25, Jacobin)
-ESSAY: Conscious objector: The ultra-modern view of consciousness turns science upside down
(Colin Tudge, January 30, 2003, The Guardian)
-ESSAY: Genetics: why Prince Charles is so wrong
: Genes work just like computer software, says this writer - which is why the luddites don't get it, but their children probably will. (Richard Dawkins, January 28, 2003, Checkbiotech)
-ESSAY: Early Canid Domestication: The Farm Fox Experiment
(Lyudmila N. Trut, Ph.D., March-April 1999, American Scientist)
-REVIEW: of Moral Darwinism: How We Became Hedonists by Benjamin Wiker
(Richard Weikart, Books & Culture)
-REVIEW: of Freedom Evolves by Daniel C Dennett
: Does human evolution move onwards and upwards towards liberty and progress? (John Gray, The Independent)
-REVIEW: of Freedom Evolves by Daniel C Dennett
(Kenan Malik)
-REVIEW: of Darwinian Politics. The Evolutionary Origin of Freedom By Paul H. Rubin
(David Livingstone Smith, Human Nature)
The Mismeasure of Man
(1981) -
Stephen Gould
( -)
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