Orrin's Stuff
Niccolò Ammaniti
-WIKIPEDIA: Niccolo Ammaniti
-AUTHOR SITE: Niccolo Ammaniti
-FILMOGRAPHY: Niccolo Amminiti
-ENTRY: Niccolo Amminiti
-AUTHOR PAGE: Niccolo Ammaniti
(Grove Atlantic)
-ENTRY: Niccolo Ammaniti
-ENTRY: Niccolò Ammaniti Italian author
(Encyclopaedia Britannica)
-ENTRY: Ammaniti, Niccolò 1966–
-ENTRY: Niccolo Ammanityi
(Fantastic Fiction)
-ENTRY: Italia Mia)
-INDEX: Niccolo Ammaniti
-INDEX: Niccolo Ammaniti
(London Review of Books)
-VIDEO INDEX: Niccolo Amminiti
-VIDEO: Author Niccolò Ammaniti in conversation with Antonio Monda (NYU) and Stefano Albertini (NYU)
(Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, New York University, 11/16/15, New Literature from Europe Festival)
-ESSAY: Snapshots: Niccolò Ammaniti
(Julian Gallo, Mar 27, 2024, Cazar Moscas)
-ESSAY: Niccolò Ammaniti: You and Me
Time, Space, Matter, 16 July 2019)
-ESSAY: The "Pharmakeía" of Blood: Misuse, Abuse, & Reuse in the Young Cannibals' Narrative of Violence
(Danila Cannamela, Annali d'Italianistica)
-ESSAY: Italian Pulp Fiction: The New Narrative of the 'Giovani Cannibali' Writers.
(Claudia Bernardi, Jan. 2003, Modern Language Review)
-ESSAY: Social Engagement in Italian Pulp literature: Literary and cinematic trends in the 1990s
(Eleonora Boscolo Suteu, June 2020)
-STUDY GUIDE: Niccolo Ammaniti
(Study Smarter)
-REVIEW INDEX: Niccolo Amminiti
(Publishers Weekly)
-REVIEW INDEX: Niccolo Ammaniti
-REVIEW: of I’m not Scared by Niccolò Ammaniti
(Michael Dibdin, The Guardian)
-REVIEW: of I’m Not Scared
-REVIEW: of I’m Not Scared
(The Greatest Books)
-REVIEW: of I’m not Scared
(Publishers Weekly)
-REVIEW: of I'm Not Scared
(Savidge Reads)
-REVIEW: of I'm Not Scared
(Beauty is a Sleeping Cat)
-REVIEW: of I'm Not Scared
(Studentessa Matta)
-REVIEW: of I'm Not Scared
(Elif the Reader)
-REVIEW: of I'm Not Scared
(Lizzie’s Literary Life)
-REVIEW: of Anna by Niccolo Amminiti
(Thomas Jones, LRB)
-REVIEW: of Anna
(Down Under Literatura)
-REVIEW: of Anna
(The Humble Book Giant)
-REVIEW: of Anna
(The Idle Woman)
-REVIEW: of Anna
(Reading Matters)
-REVIEW: of Anna
(John Burnside, The Guardian)
-REVIEW: of Anna
(Lit All Over)
-REVIEW: of I’ll Steal You Away by Niccolo Ammaniti
(Christopher Bray, NY Times Book Review)
-REVIEW: of The Crossroads by Niccolo Ammaniti
(Lizzie’s Literary Life)
-REVIEW: of Me and You by Niccolo Ammaniti
(The Complete Review)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(David Mehegan, Arts Fuse)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(Emilia Ippolito, Independent)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(Leyla Sanai, Independent)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(David Robinson, The Scotsman)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(Bibliophile by the Sea)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(Blogging for a Good Book)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(Publishers Weekly)
-REVIEW: of Me and You
(Bram E. Gieben, The Skinny)
-REVIEW: of Let the Games Begin by Niccolo Ammaniti
(The Complete Review)
I'm Not Scared (Io non ho paura)
(2001) -
Niccolò Ammaniti
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