Orrin's Stuff
Maurice Manning
-WIKIPEDIA: Maurice Manning (poet)
-AUTHOR PODCAST: The Grinnin’ Possum
-PUBLISHER PAGE: Maurice Manning
(Copper Canyon Press)
-PUBLISHER PAGE: Maurice Manning
(Harper Collins)
-FACULTY PAGE: Maurice Manning: Professor of English; Transylvania Writer in Residence
(Transylvania University)
-ENTRY: Manning, Maurice 1966-
-AWARD: Maurice Manning
(Guggenheim Fellowship)
-INDEX: Maurice Manning
(Literary Matters)
-INDEX: Maurice Manning
(Cutleaf Journal)
-INDEX: Maurice Manning
-INDEX: Maurice Manning
(Poetry Foundation)
-INDEX: Maurice Manning
(POem Hunter)
-INDEX: Maurice Manning
(Plume Poetry)
-PODCAST: Poet and IU Professor Maurice Manning
(Focus on Flowers, 14 October 2011)
(TK with James Scott, 22 January 2019)
-PODCAST: Maurice Manning on the Symbolic & Actual (Of the Invisible #4)
(Contemplify, 25 July 2019)
-PODCAST: Poet Maurice Manning on Abraham Lincoln, Voice in Poetry, and the Process of Imagination
(Forma, 9 October 2019)
-PODCAST: Line / Break Season 4 with Maurice Manning
(Copper Canyon Press)
-PODCAST: Matter is a Relative Matter with Maurice Manning: part 3
Permaculture Magazine()
-ESSAY: My Old Kentucky Conservatism
(Maurice Manning, Nov. 5, 2012, NY Times)
-POEMS: Maurice Manning
(Quarterly West)
-POEM: Eight Bucolics
(Maurice Manning, VQR)
-POEM: Bucolics [LIX]
(Maurice Manning)
-POEM: Like Flicks of Flame
(Maurice Manning, Miracle Monocle)
-AUDIO POEM: Maurice Manning's "On Silence"
(The Daily Poem, 17 January 2019)
-AUDIO POEM: Maurice Manning's "The Art of Poetry"
(The Daily Poem, 5 November 2019)
-AUDIO POEM: 1022: Two Shadows by Maurice Manning
(The Slowdown, 18 December 2023)
-AUDIO POEM: Maurice Manning's "Railsplitter"
(The Daily Poem, 15 February 2021)
-AUDIO POEM: Maurice Manning's "A Brief Refutation..."
(The Daily Poem, 20 February 2024)
-AUDIO POEM: Maurice Manning "The Winter of My Discontent'
(The Daily Poem, 2 February 2022)
-POEMS: Maurice Manning - Poetry
(The Cortland Review)
-POEMS: Poetry by Maurice Manning
(Appalachian Places)
(Bar City Review)
-AUDIO: Poetry Month #3: Maurice Manning
(NPR, April 19, 2001, All Things Considered)
-POEM: Dan and Alone by Maurice Manning
(Poetry Foundation)
-POEM: Maurice Manning: A Thread Worth Pulling
(Leon Literary Journal)
-POEMS: Maurice Manning
(Free Verse Journal, Winter 2008)
-ESSAY: 17 O’Clock: Notes Toward an Imaginary Guide to Poetry and Magical Thinking in a Time of Apparent Crisis
(Maurice Manning, Literary Matters)
-ESSAY: Birds of America; Or, Tell Me a Story About Farming, Haunted Houses, and Poetry in Motion: Down on the Farm
(Maurice Manning, Literary Matters)
-POEM: Why Poor Old Mama Took to Bed
(Maurice Manning, Literary Matters)
-POEM: Passion by Maurice Manning
POEM: The Watching Tree by Maurice Manning
(Verse Daily)-
-POEM: A Bestiary by Maurice Manning
(Verse Daily)
-POEM: On a Woodpecker Drinking from a Knothole Still Full of the Last Rain by Maurice Manning
(Verse Daily)
-POEM: Turner
(Maurice Manning, The New Yorker)
-LECTURE: Place and the Composition of Poetic Self
(Maurice Manning, Warren Wilson Lecture January 2011, Literary Matters)
-POEM: The Gospel of Music
(Maurice Manning, Literary Matters)
-POEM: Memories of an Omnipotent God
(Maurice Manning, Literary Matters)
-POEM: The Invention of Hooky
(Maurice Manning, Literary Matters)
-POEM: A Reaching Thing
(Maurice Manning, LEON Literary Review)
-POEM: The Slate by Maurice Manning
(Best American Poetry, Pick of the Week)
-POEMS: For National Poetry Month: "History," "Monotheism in Kentucky, Present Time," "My Aunt Fanny," "A Translation"
: A selection of new poetry by Maurice Manning. (Maurice ManningApril 21, 2014, LA Review of Books)
-PROFILE: Poet Maurice Manning: A Voice in the Wilderness
: Part Appalachian storyteller. Part modern-day Thoreau, Manning has carved out his own spot in the pantheon of American poets from a twenty-acre swath of Kentucky woods (Erik Reece, February/March 2019, Garden & Gun)
-INTERVIEW: The Kentucky Stage
: Maurice Manning on the South, Spoon River, and why he’s not a fan of Facebook. (John McIntyre, July 23, 2013, Poetry Foundation)
-INTERVIEW: Quantum Cowboys and Honky Tonk Heroes: A Conversation with Maurice Manning
(Bryan Penberthy and Anne Zimmerman)
-INTERVIEW: A Conversation with Maurice Manning: An Interview by Ben Palpant
(Words Under the Words No. 5, Mar 25, 2024, The Rabbit Room)
-INTERVIEW: Maurice Manning
(Light Box Poetry)
-INTERVIEW: “The Sound of the World Alive”: A Conversation with Maurice Manning
(Brian Brodeur, Literary Matters)
-PROFILE: Maurice Manning
(Arwen Donaghue, Rooted Words)
-PROFILE: Dr. Maurice Manning & “The Grinnin’ Possum”
(Lyra Duffly, 10/11/23, The Rambler)
(Marianne Worthington, Fall 2017, Appalachian Heritage)
-PROFILE: Kentucky poet connects to Mainers through common language of rural life
(University of Southern Maine, 10/30/23)
-INTERVIEW: Maurice Manning: A Mighty Fortress is Our God
((Jeffrey L. Johnson, April 16, 2018, Poets on Hymns)
-VIDEO INTERVIEW: Poet's Café - 4/26 - Maurice Manning
-AUDIO INTERVIEW: Maurice Manning
(Katerina Stoykova, August 9, 2023, WUKY)
-INTERVIEW: Bitter, Sweet Transcendence: An Interview with Maurice Manning
(Swartwout, Susan.? Winter 2013, Southern Quarterly)
-ESSAY: “The Rhapsodic Fallacy” and Maurice Manning’s “Snakedoctor”
(Johnny Payne, 05/12/2024, Merion West)
-ESSAY: A MERCY BRANCHES OUT: The Poetry of Maurice Manning
(Tamara Miles, Verity LA)
-ESSAY: A Kingdom of Mediacy: On Maurice Manning and Snakedoctor
(Timothy Kleiser, Literary Matters)
-STUDY GUIDE: Maurice Manning Poetry
(Poem Analysis)
-ARCHIVE: creator:"Manning, Maurice, 1943-"
(Internet Archive)
-REVIEW: of Lawrence Booth's Book of Visions by Maurice Manning.
(Dwight Garner, NY Times)
-REVIEW: of Lawrence Booth's Book of Visions
(Ravi Shakar, Surveying the Landscape)
-REVIEW: of Maurice Manning. One Man's Dark
( John Lang, Appalachian Heritage)
-REVIEW: of The Common Man
(Cecily Parks, Charlotte Lit)
-REVIEW: of Bucolics by Maurice Manning
-REVIEW: of Bucolics
-REVIEW: of Railsplitter by Maurice Manning
(wesley Sexton, Adroit Journal)
Monotheism in Kentucky, Present Time (poem)
(2014) -
Maurice Manning
Copyright 1998-2015 Orrin Judd