Orrin's Stuff
Henry Newbolt
-WIKIPEDIA: Henry Newbolt
-ENTRY: Prose & Poetry - Sir Henry Newbolt
-ENTRY: Sir Henry Newbolt British poet
(Encylopaedia Britannica)
-ENTRY: Sir Henry Newbolt, CH (1862 – 1938)
(War Poets Association)
-ENTRY: Sir Henry Newbolt
-ENTRY: Sir Henry Newbolt
-ENTRY: Sir Henry Newbolt
(London Remembers)
-INDEX: Henry Newbolt
(Lapham’s Quarterly)
-INDEX: Henry Newbolt
(The Atlantic)
-INDEX: Henry Newbolt
(Best Poems Encyclopedia)
-INDEX: Sir Henry Newbolt
(Poem Hunter)
-INDEX: Sir Henry Newpolt
(My Poetic Side)
-INDEX: Henry Newbolt
(Poetry Foundation)
-INDEX: Sir Henry Newbolt
(All Poetry)
-INDEX: Sire Henry Newbolt
-INDEX: Henry Newbolt
(Internet Archive)
-INDEX: Henry Newbolt
(Project Gutenberg)
-POEM: Vitai Lampada ("They Pass On The Torch of Life")
(Henry Newbolt)
-AUDIO: Henry Newbolt Reading his Own Poems - Vitaï Lampada & 3 Other Poems
-AUDIO: Admirals All
-VIDEO: "Vitaï Lampada", an Illustrated Reading
-POEM: Drake’s Drum
(Henry Newbolt)
-POEM: The War Film
(Henry Newbolt)
-STUDY GUIDE: Vitaï Lampada by Henry Newbolt
(Poem Analysis)
-STUDY GUIDE: Vitaï Lampada by Henry Newbolt
-STUDY GUIDE: Meaning of "play up" in Henry Newbolt's poem "Vitai Lampada"
(English Language Learners)
-STUDY GUIDE: Vitai Lampada
-STUDY GUIDE: “vitai lampada tradunt”
(Latin Is Easy)
-STUDY GUIDE: The Charge of the Light Brigade - CCEA: Writing a response
(BBC: Bitesize)
-ESSAY: The Haunting Beauty and Relevance of Vitai Lampada
: Written in 1892 by Henry Newbolt, the poem ‘Vitai Lampada’ (“The Torch of Life”) includes the memorable phrase, “Play up! play up! and play the game!’. These final words are perhaps one of the real gifts of British culture to the world… (Samuel Lister, Historic uk)
-ESSAY: Homo Newboltiensis
(John Dabell, August 1, 2019)
-ESSAY: Sir Henry Newbolt's "Vitaï Lampada"
(John Derbyshire)
-CHAPTER: Chapter Five. The Public Poet and the Spirit of the Moment
(Vanessa Furse Jackson, The Poetry of Henry Newbolt)
-ESSAY: "Vitai Lampada": Preserving the Elite
(KEITH M. MACDONALD, Winter 1988, Armed Forces & Society)
-ESSAY: Remembering Sir Henry Newbolt: An Essay and Bibliography
(Michael Bright, 1990, English Literature in Transition)
-CHAPTER: 1 Henry Newbolt: ‘This Sceptred Isle’
(Kenneth Millard, November 1991, Edwardian Poetry)
-ESSAY: Henry Newbolt and Cricket
(Discover War Poets)
-ESSAY: Sir Henry Newbolt's "Drake's Drum"
(John Derbyshire)
-ESSAY: The constrained poetry of sport
(Marian Christie Poetry, 5/15/24) -
-REVIEW: of Playing the Game: Selected Poems of Henry Newbolt edited by John Howlett
(Liverpool University Press Blog)
-REVIEW: of Vitai Lampada
-REVIEW: of Vitai Lampada
(kgsimpson, Live Journal)
-REVIEW: of Vitai Lampada
(Rajithamyblog's Blog)
-REVIEW: of Vitai Lampada
(My Word in Your Ear
-REVIEW: of Vitai Lampada
(Wondering Minstrels)
Vitai Lampada (poem)
(1892) -
Henry Newbolt
Copyright 1998-2015 Orrin Judd