Author: Delmore Schwartz
-WIKIPEDIA: Delmore Schwartz -AUTHOR PAGE: Delmore Schwartz (New Directions) -COLLECTION: Schwartz, Delmore, 1913-1966 (Archives at Yale) -ENTRY: Schwartz, Delmore (Frederick Ethan Fischer, 26 July 2017, Oxford Research Encyclopedia) -ENTRY: Delmore Schwartz (Poetry Foundation) -WIKIPEDIA: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities -AUDIO: Delmore Schwartz - In Dreams Begin Responsibilities (1935) (read by Lou Reed) -PDF: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities (Delmore Schwartz, December 1937, Partisan Review) -ESSAY: Coney matrimony is phoney baloney: Delmore Schwartz's precociously brilliant account of an ill-fated courtship, In Dreams Begin Responsibilities, was the peak of his career (Jason Cowley, 5/04/03, The Observer) -ESSAY: On a Story by Delmore Schwartz (Ruth R. Wisse, Summer 2019, Jewish Review of Books) He was, in fact, the first in that Partisan Review coterie to recognize that literary modernism confronted Jews with a special problem. Some of its greatest practitioners were openly anti-Semitic, and the movement’s antipathy to family, community, and nation made it generally antagonistic to the Jewish people. Jews were inherently bourgeois. -ESSAY: “In Dreams Begin Responsibilities” by Delmore Schwartz (from Why I Like This Story, Edited by Jackson R. Bryer) -ESSAY: Shouting at the Silents: The Cine-Dreams of Delmore Schwartz (Jonah Corne, Border Crossings) -ESSAY: The Wound of Consciousness: An Introduction to "In Dreams Begin Responsibilities" (JAYNE ANNE PHILLIPS, Fall 2014, The Iowa Review) -POEM: At a Solemn Musick (Delmore Schwartz, Summer 1958, Kenyon Review) -ETEXT: The World is a Wedding by Delmore Schwartz -ESSAY: T. S. Eliot's Voice and His Voices (DELMORE SCHWARTZ, December 1954, Poetry) -ESSAY: The Isolation of Modern Poetry (Delmore Schwartz, Spring 1941, Kenyon Review) -ESSAY: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities, Delmore Schwartz (1938): Forgotten genius was Lou Reed’s teacher, Saul Bellow’s inspiration (ADAM KIRSCH, SEPTEMBER 16, 2013, Tablet) -ESSAY: Reading Delmore Schwartz, Our Responsibilities Begin (David Ulin, June 14, 2016, The Forward) -ESSAY: He Became a Fabulous Opera: Delmore Schwartz is often touted as an exemplary literary tragedy. A long-overdue Collected Poems showcases his extravagant genius—and his failures. (R.K. HEGELMAN, Poetry Foundation) -ESSAY: Delmore Schwartz and the Biographer’s Obsession (James Atlas, Aug. 20th, 2017, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: The Enigma of Delmore Schwartz, the Luminous Poet Who Fell From Grace: Schwartz's Supporters Compared Him to Eliot, Pound, and Auden (Ben Mazer, January 17, 2020, LitHub) -ESSAY: Delmore Schwartz’s Genesis and ‘international consciousness’ (Alex Runchman, Irish Journal of American Studies) -ESSAY: Lou Reed’s Rabbi: The rock star’s new tribute to his teacher, the writer Delmore Schwartz, illuminates their common genius (JAKE MARMER, OCTOBER 29, 2012, Tablet) -ESSAY: Reconsidering Delmore Schwartz ((Elisa New, SEPTEMBER 1985, Prooftexts) -ESSAY: Homage to Delmore Schwartz (Easy Street, July 22, 2017) -ESSAY: The 1938 Club: Delmore Schwartz ‘In Dreams Begin Responsibilities’ (FAYE CHEESEMAN, 4/17/16, The 1938 Club) -ESSAY: Delmore Schwartz’s Screamatorium (Askold Melnyczuk, August 12, 2021, LA Review of Books) -ESSAY: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities by Delmore Schwartz (books that matter) -STUDY GUIDE: In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories Background by Delmore Schwartz (Grade Saver) -ESSAY: Delmore Schwartz, “The Statues,”and a few others (Reading Partisan Review: 1930s–1970s) -ESSAY: Delmore Schwartz and Lou Reed: The Odd Couple (Menachem Feuer, 10/30/13, Schlemiel Theory) -ESSAY: Inconclusible Desire: The Doubling of Delmore Schwartz (Phillip Beard, 2009, Literary Imaginiation) -ESSAY: Strangers (Irving Howe, June 1, 1977, Dissent) -ESSAY: Who Killed Poetry? (Joseph Epstein, Summer 1988, Commentary) -ESSAY: The Delicate Art of Turning Your Parents Into Content: Gen Z creators are learning the lessons of Scorsese and Akerman: putting mom and dad in your work brings pathos, complexity, and a certain frisson. (Jessica Winter, June 5, 2024, The New Yorker) -ARCHIVES: Delmore Schwartz (Internet Archives) -">-ARCHIVES: Delmore Schwartz (Kenyon Review) -REVIEW: of The Collected Poems of Delmore Schwartz, Edited by Ben Mazer (Steve Donoghue, Open Letters Review) -REVIEW: of The Collected Poems of Delmore Schwartz (Diane Mehta, TLS) -REVIEW: of The Collected Poems of Delmore Schwartz edited by Ben Mazer (William Logan, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of The Collected Poems of Delmore Schwartz edited by Ben Mazer (Michael Casper, Dissent) -REVIEW: of Collected Poems (Joanne O’Leary, LRB) -REVIEW: of Collected Poems (David Yaffe, New Republic) -REVIEW: of Successful Love by Delmore Schwartz (Robert W. Flint, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Letters of Delmore Schwartz selected and edited by Robert Phillips, foreword by Karl Shapiro (Helen Vendler, NY Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Once and for All: The Best of Delmore Schwartz Craig Morgan Teicher, ed.; John Ashbery, into. (Merrill Leffler, Jewish Book CCouncil) -REVIEW: of Once for All (Matt Hanson, artsFuse) -REVIEW ESSAY: The Delmore File: review of Delmore Schwartz: The Life of an American Poet by James Atlas & In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories by Delmore Schwartz, foreword by Irving Howe, introduction by James Atlas (Robert Towers, March 23, 1978, NY Review of Books) -REVIEW: of The Wounded Surgeon: Confession and Transformation in Six American Poets: Robert Lowell, Elizabeth Bishop, John Berryman, Randall Jarrell, Delmore Schwartz and Sylvia Plath. By Adam Kirsch (David Lehman, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of The Wounded Surgeon (Michiko Kakutani, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Humboldt's Gift by Saul Bellow (Louis Simpson, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW ESSAY: Lost Causes/Marginal Hopes: the Collected Elegies of Irving Howe (Sanford Pinsker, Spring 1989, VQR) In Dreams Begin Responsibilities (1937) - Delmore Schwartz (12/08/1913
-07/11/1966) (Grade:D) |
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