Author: Peter Robert Edwin Viereck
-WIKIPEDIA: Peter Viereck -Peter Viereck papers, 1815-2006 (Columbia University) -ENTRY: Peter Robert Edwin Viereck: American poet, historian, and theorist,/a> (Encyclopaedia Britannica) -BIO: Peter Viereck 1916–2006 (Poetry Foundation) -POEM: Tug of War (Peter Viereck, Autumn 1955 , VQR) -ENTRY: Peter Viereck (World Heritage Encyclopedia) - - - -OBIT: Peter Viereck: Conservative US historian of Nazi thought and writer of complex poetry (Godfrey Hodgson, 29 May 2006, The Guardian) -OBIT: Peter Viereck, Poet and Conservative Theorist, Dies at 89 (Margalit Fox, May 19, 2006, NY Times) -OBIT: Peter Viereck: Poet and conservative pundit (Independent, 10 June 2006) -OBIT: Peter Viereck (Elaine Woo, 5/20/06, LA Times) -OBIT: Peter Viereck: Poet and historian who championed a new liberal conservatism (The Times uk, 8/14/06) -OBIT: Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Peter Viereck dies (Boston Globe, May 18, 2006) -OBIT: peter Viereck (Washington Post, 5/21/06) - - -ESSAY: Metapolitics Revisited (Peter Viereck, Humanitas) -ESSAY: But—I'm a Conservative! (Peter Viereck, April 1940, The Atlantic) The conservative's principle of principles is the necessity and supremacy of Law and of absolute standards of conduct. I capitalize 'Law,' and I mean it. Suppose it were proved that the eternal absolutes do not really exist. Instinctively we should say: So much the worse for them. But now we must learn to say: So much the worse for existence! We have learned that from sad experience of centuries. Paradoxically, we have learned that man can only maintain his material existence by guiding it by the materially nonexistent: by the absolute moral laws of the spirit. -EXCERPT: Babbitt Jr. vs. the Rediscovery of Values (The Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals by Peter Viereck) -ESSAY: On Conservatism: Two Notes (Peter Viereck , Autumn, 1949, American Quarterly) -ESSAY: A Third View of the New Deal (Peter Viereck, 1956, New Mexico Quarterly) -ESSAY: CONSERVATISM: ATTITUDES, TYPES, & PRESENT STATUS (Peter Robert Edwin Viereck) -GOOGLE BOOK: Conservatism Revisited -POETRY ARCHIVE: Peter Viereck (Poetry Foundation) -VIDEO LECTURE: Liberalism vs Conservatism (Peter Viereck, 3/15/1964, UCLA) -ESSAY: The New American Radicals (Peter Viereck, December 1954, The Reporter) -ETEXT: The Unadjusted Man: A New Hero for the Americans: Reflections on the Distinction between Conforming and Conserving by Peter Viereck (The Literature & Culture of the American 1950s) -ESSAY: The Trojan Dove (Peter Viereck, January 1953, The Russian Review) -ESSAY: The Aristocratic Origin of American Freedom (PETER VIERECK, Autumn 1952, Southwest Review) - -REVIEW: of GOD AND MAN AT YALE By William F. Buckley Jr. (Peter Viereck, 11/04/51, NY Times) Is there no "selfish materialism" at all among the National Association of Manufacturers as well as among the "New Deal collectivists" here denounced? Is it not humorless, or else blasphemous for this eloquent advocate of Christianity, an unworldly and anti-economic religion, to enshrine jointly as equally sacrosanct: "Adam Smith and Ricardo, Jesus and Saint Paul?" And why is this veritable Eagle Scout of moral sternness silent on the moral implications of McCarthyism in his own camp? -REVIEW: of The Conservative Mind, by Russell Kirk (Peter Viereck, October 3, 1953, The Saturday Review) -REVIEW: of The Story of a Life, by Konstantin Paustovsky Peter Viereck, May 16, 1964, The Saturday Review) -REVIEW: of The Life of Lenin, by Louis Fischer (Peter Viereck, July 18, 1964, The Saturday Review) -ESSAY: A roll?call of rightist touts, from Plato to Goldwater (Peter Viereck, Oct. 31, 1971, NY Times) - - -ESSAY: A Center That Can Hold (Jason Willick, Summer 2018, National Affairs) -ESSAY: Peter Viereck: Traditionalist Libertarian?: (Claes Ryn, Law & Liberty) -REVIEW ESSAY: Revisiting Viereck: Conservatism Revisited: The Revolt Against Ideology, by Peter Viereck. (Michael Federici Mar 20, 2007, University Bookman) -ESSAY: Peter Viereck’s Unadjusted Conservatism: One of the most insightful figures in postwar conservatism has been forgotten in our age of political chaos. (John D. Wilsey, 5/02/24, Law & Liberty) -ESSAY: Conservatism’s Humanist Road Not Taken: Peter Viereck valued rootedness and traditional institutions over the market, standing athwart fusionism, yelling stop. (Jeffery Tyler Syck, Aug 10, 2023, American Conservative) -ESSAY: It Can Happen to US: In 1940, a twenty-four-year-old Peter Viereck warned of “The Coming American National Socialism.” He had some ideas for how to stop it. (Micah Rosen, 1/19/21, Taxis) -ESSAY: Peter Viereck: Psychoanalyst of Nazism (SAMUEL RUBINSTEIN, 1/10/24, Englesberg Ideas) -ESSAY: How Conservatives Failed “The Culture”: They forgot that public policy is not the heartbeat of society. (Claes G. Ryn, May 31, 2024, Modern Age) - -ESSAY: Forecasting A Nightmare: Viereck And The Nazis: Peter Viereck's philosophical history of Nazism, and his contrarian conservatism, may have something to teach us about our politics today. (Chris R. Morgan, 10/02/20, American Conservative) -PROFILE: Peter Viereck: Reconciliation and Beyond (Michael A. Weinstein, 1997 HUMANITAS) "I believe in the rooted, not the newfangled, in archetypes, not stereotypes, in the ages, not the age, in the id-restraining traffic lights not only of law but of unwritten custom, in the organic social fabric, not the mechanical social contract, in Burke and John Adams, not Rousseau and Jefferson. And (as obsessive artist of sound, song, word) in the magical creative imagination that is released when the opposites of strict form and wild spontaneity coalesce in beauty." -PROFILE: A Center That Can Hold (Jason Willick, Summer 2018, National Affairs) -ESSAY: Understanding Traditionalist Conservatism (Mark C. Henrie, Hoover Institute)[PDF] -PROFILE: A Conservative Manifesto (Holly A. Case, Jan 15, 2018, 3 Quarks Daily) -TRIBUTE: The Legacy of Peter Viereck (Mt. Holyoke, November 8, 2006) -TRIBUTE: Viereck Revisited (Daniel McCarthy, June 18, 2007, American Conservative) -ESSAY: How Peter Viereck Could Clean Up Conservative Ideology: Peter Viereck's conservatism offers sanity and realism. (Scott Galupo,?Dec. 1, 2011, US News) -ESSAY: Afterword: Conservatism and the Liberal Tradition: Reflections on Peter Viereck (Susann Köhler and Andrew S. Gross, American Studies Journal) Viereck had personal reasons for aligning himself with conservative politics and poetics. His father, George Sylvester Viereck, dubbed ‘Swastika’ by his detractors, was a writer and journalist who early on identified with progressive causes (he backed Robert La Follette) but came to support Hitler in the years leading up to the war. Soon after the publication of his son’s conservative manifesto, George Viereck was arrested as an undeclared foreign agent and spent five years in a federal prison for promoting the Nazi cause in America. His other son, Peter Viereck’s brother, was killed fighting the Nazis in Italy. Peter joined the army after receiving his PhD from Harvard for a dissertation published under the title Meta-politics, which traces Nazi ideology back to German romanticism (the book has gone through several editions and is still in print). In 1949 he won a Pulitzer Prize for Terror and Decorum, which includes several war poems and elegies for his brother. The title is programmatic for the way Viereck’s poetry, like his politics, holds up decorum as safeguard against terror (Gross 127–63). -PROFILE:THE FIRST CONSERVATIVE: How Peter Viereck inspired—and lost—amovement. (TOM REISS, 2005-10-24, The New Yorker) -ESSAY: Veering Off Course: The New Yorker tries to revive Peter Viereck. (John J. Miller, October 26, 2005, National Review) -ESSAY: Peter Viereck: Traditionalist Libertarian? (Claes Ryn, 7/23/12, Law & Liberty) Viereck had been under suspicion among Buckleyite conservatives because of his leanings in American practical politics. The publication, in 1956, of Viereck’s Conservatism: From Adams to Churchill (later renamed Conservative Thinkers: From John Adams to Winston Churchill) brought dissatisfaction with him to a head. The book was a brief survey and anthology of European and American ideas. It was not intended to set forth a definition of conservatism but broadly to inform and provide material for reflection on the subject. The book’s broad, ecumenical, and non-dogmatic approach contrasted sharply with Frank S. Meyer’s attempts to lay down the conservative line. The book gave concise intellectual sketches of a wide assortment of thinkers, including ones favorable to authoritarianism and assistance to the poor. Viereck conveyed that conservatism was quite different from unrestricted individualism and capitalism. Viereck had clearly failed Frank S. Meyer’s acid test, which was unqualified support for the minimal state, and Meyer was in no mood to be generous. He dismissed Viereck’s conservatism as “counterfeit.” -ESSAY: How Conservatives Failed “The Culture ” (Claes Ryn, October 10th, 2011, Imaginative Conservative) -ESSAY: The Legacy of Peter Viereck: His Prose Writings (Claes G. Ryn, NHI) -ESSAY: Taming the Beast of Economics and Trade (Ralph Ancil, April 10th, 2015, Imaginative Conservative) -ESSAY: GOP Demographic Crisis: Traditional Conservatism ? Conformism (Daniel McCarthy, February 24th, 2014, Imaginative Conservative) -ESSAY: THE CLASSICAL CONSERVATISM OF PETER VIERECK (Politics & Policy, November 2008) -ESSAY: The Example Of Viereck (Andrew Sullivan, 11/30/11, The Dish) -ESSAY: Peter Viereck and the Demise of New Conservatism (George R. Sparling, Georgetown U.) -ESSAY: Peter Viereck: Psychoanalyst of Nazism (Samuel Rubinstein, 1/10/24, Englesberg Ideas) - -ESSAY: A Conservative's Case for Moderation (Peter Berkowitz, May 15, 2014, Real Clear Politics) -ESSAY: Will Conservatives Abandon the Free Market?: Conservatives would either “combat” or “convert” business or base their politics “squarely on it.” But, he warned, conservatism “founded on money,” is “fickle, selfish, and irresponsible.” (Joshua Tait, 4/18/19, National Interest) -ESSAY: Who Remembers Clinton Rossiter? (John Holbo, September 29, 2012, Crooked Timber) -ESSAY: Taking the Right Seriously: Conservatism is a tradition, not a pathology (Mark Lilla September 11, 2009, The Chronicle Review) -ESSAY: The Legend of Edmund Burke (Bertram D. Sarason, Summer 1955 , Dissent) -ESSAY: Moving Portrait: Conservatives have long debated the conflict between liberty and tradition. (Richard Brookhiser, May 11, 1979, National Review) -VIDEO PANEL DISCUSSION: Conservative Thinkers of the 20th Century (AHTV - Progressive/Conservative Summit, April 16, 2016) -ESSAY: "Reverence for the Archetype": The Pragmatic Conservatism of Peter Viereck (Robert Lacey, Anamnesis) -ESSAY: Peter Viereck’s View of Metternich’s Conservative Internationalism (Gergely Egedy, West Bohemian Historical Review) -REVIEW: of Conservatives Against Capitalism, by Peter Kolozi (Lyle Jeremy Rubin, Jacobin) -ARCHIVES: Peter Viereck (Unz Review) -ARCHIVES: Viereck (National Review) -ARCHIVES: viereck (American Conservative) -ARCHIVES: viereck (Imaginative Conservative) -ARCHIVES: viereck (Kirk Center) - - -REVIEW: of Conservatism Revisited by Peter Viereck (Gertrude Himmelfarb, January 1950, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Conservatism Revisited: The Revolt Against Ideology by Peter Viereck: With a major new study of Peter Viereck and Conservatism by Claes G. Ryn (Michael Federici, University Bookman) -REVIEW: of Conservatism Revisited (Daniel Larison, American Conservatism) -REVIEW: of Conservatism Revisited (Dwight MacDonald, November 13, 1949, New Republic) -REVIEW: of Conservatism Revisited (Hans Rothfels, Journal of Modern History) -REVIEW: of Conservatism Revisited (American Political Science Review) -REVIEW: of Conservatism Revisited (Michael Federici, Imaginative Conservative) - -REVIEW ESSAY: Reading Peter Viereck Anew : a review of Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals by Peter Viereck and Unadjusted Man in an Age of Overadjustment by Peter Viereck (Charles C. Brown, University Bookman) -REVIEW: of The Unadjusted Man (Edwin Fogelman, Commentary) -REVIEW: of The Unadjusted Man (Kirkus) -REVIEW: of Metapolitics by Peter Viereck (Think Classical) -REVIEW: of Metapolitics: Forecasting a Nightmare: Viereck and the Nazis: Peter Viereck's philosophical history of Nazism, and his contrarian conservatism, may have something to teach us about our politics today (Chris R. Morgan, Oct 2, 2020, American Conservative) - -REVIEW: of Shame and Glory of the Intellectuals, by Peter Viereck (Robert Gorham Davis, Commentary) -REVIEW: of Shame and Glory (Michael J. Halberstam, March 26, 1953, Harvard Crimson) -REVIEW: of "Metapolitics" by Peter Viereck (Think Classical) - -REVIEW: of Archer in the Marrow, The Applewood Cycles, 1967-1987, by Peter Viereck (Thomas D'Evelyn, CS Monitor) Conservatism: from John Adams to Churchill (1956) - Peter Viereck (08/05/1916
-05/19/2006) (Grade:B+) |
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