Author: Stephen Breyer
-WIKIPEDIA: Stephen Breyer -BIO: Stephen Breyer (John R. Vile, June 2017, The First Amendment Encyclopedia) -BIO: Stephen Breyer Biography (1938–) ( -BOOK SITE: Active Liberty (Penguin Random House) -WIKIPEDIA: Active Liberty -PDF: Active Liberty (Tanner Lectures) -LECTURE: Our Democratic Constitution (Stephen Breyer, November 17, 18 and 19, 2004, Harvard University Tanner Lectures On Human Values 2004-2005) The United States is a nation built upon principles of liberty - principles that include a democratic form of government. The French political philosopher Benjamin Constant understood the connection. He distinguished between liberty as understood by the ancient world, the Greeks and the Romans, and liberty as understood by the Nineteenth Century moderns. -VIDEO: U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Stephen Breyer describes the interpretive principles explored in his book, "Active Liberty: Interpreting our Democratic Constitution." (Charlie Rose Show, 10/26/06) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: 'Active Liberty' from Justice Stephen Breyer (Fresh Air, October 20, 2005, NPR) -PROFILE: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer shows progressive streak (David E. Bernstein and Josh Blackman, 7/12/11, Newark Star-Ledger) -VIDEO DISCUSSION: A Conversation on the Constitution with Supreme Court Justices Stephen Breyer and Antonin Scalia (Federalist Society, Dec 5 2006) -PROFILE: A Workable Democracy: The optimistic project of Justice Stephen Breyer (Lincoln Caplan, March-April 2017, Harvard Magazine) -VIDEO: Active Liberty by Mr. Justice Breyer (The Ponen Mind, 12/12/05, PBS) -INTERVIEW: Towards ‘active liberty’ (Robb London and Michael Armini, April 23, 2006, Harvard Law Today) -INTERVIEW: Supreme Court Justice Breyer on 'Active Liberty' (Nina Totenberg, September 29, NPR: All Things Considered) -LECTURE: On the Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns (Benjamin Constant, 1819) First ask yourselves, gentlemen, what an Englishman, a Frenchman, and a citizen of the United States of America understand today by the word "liberty." -STUDY GUIDE: Active Liberty (Enotes) -ESSAY: Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer Shows Progressive Streak (David E. Bernstein and Josh Blackman, July 12, 2011, The Newark Star??Ledger) -ESSAY: Active Liberty Lives!: Justice Breyer’s opinion in the recess appointments case deals a blow to originalism. (Adam Winkler, July 08, 2014, Slate) -ESSAY: Active Breyer: Making the Liberal Bloc Work (Medha Gargeya, October 10, 2010, Harvard Political Review) -ESSAY: AN ELASTIC AMENDMENT: JUSTICE STEPHEN G.BREYER’S FLUID CONCEPTIONS OFFREEDOM OF SPEECH (Benjamin Pomerance, Albany Law Review) -ESSAY: Comparing and Contrasting the Constitutional Approaches of Justice Scalia and Justice Breyer: Through the Pending Supreme Court Case Schwarzenegger V Entertainment Merchants Association (Katherine E. Moran Ms.Claremont McKenna College) -ESSAY: Breyer v. Scalia: Will Alito be an activist or a textualist? ( Julia K. Stronks, January 15, 2006, Seattle Times) -ARCHIVES: "Stephen Breyer" (C-SPAN) -ARCHIVES: Stephen Breyer (Charlie Rose Show) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty by Stephen Breyer (Robert Bork, New Criterion) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Cass R. Sunstein, The New Republic) -REVIEW ESSAY: Conversation, Representation, and Allocation: Justice Breyer’s Active Liberty (Michael A. Livermore, D. Theodore Rave, NYU Law Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Kathleen M. Sullivan, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Jeffrey Toobin, The New Yorker) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Pierre Rosanvallon, International Journal of Constitutional Law) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Richard A. Posner, Yale Law Journal) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (John DiLulio, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Tom Feeney, National Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Bernard G. Prusak, Commonweal) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Jess Bravin, WSJ) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Alykhan Velshi, New English Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Intercollegiate Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Mark Rush, -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Ilya Somin, Northwestern Law Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty ( Michael W. McConnell, Harvard Law Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Adam Cohen, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Ken I. Kersch, The University of Chicago Law Review) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Jerome Braun, Logos Journal) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (Perspectives on Political Science) -REVIEW: of Active Liberty (George Will, Newsweek) -REVIEW: of Reading the Constitution: Why I Chose Pragmatism, Not Textualism by Stephen Breyer (Trey Dimsdale, Religion & Liberty) -REVIEW: of Reading the Constitution (Tal Fortgang, The Dispatch) - - Active Liberty: Interpreting Our Democratic Constitution (2005) - Stephen Breyer (08/15/1938
-) (Grade:C) |
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