Author: Marcus Tullius Cicero
-Cicero (Wikipedia) -The Cicero Homepage: Marcus Tullius Cicero (University of Texas) -ENTRY: Republicanism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) -Classical Republicanism (Wikipedia) -E TEXTS: Cicero (Online Library of Liberty) -ENTRY: Cicero (106—43 B.C.E.) (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) -ETEXT: De Amicitia, Scipio’s Dream By Cicero, Translated, with an Introduction and Notes by Andrew P. Peabody (Armstrong economics) -ENTRY: Marcus Tullius Cicero: ROMAN STATESMAN, SCHOLAR, AND WRITER (WRITTEN BY: John P.V. Dacre BalsdonJohn Ferguson, Encyclopaedia Britannica) -VIDEO LECTURES: Law and Justice - Cicero and Roman Republicanism (Janux) -AUDIO BOOK: On Old Age by Cicero (Librivox) - -ESSAY: Growing Old with Cicero (Daniel J. Heisey, St Austin Review) -ESSAY: ON AGING, ON FRIENDSHIP: CICERO’S DE SENECTUTE (Martha C. Nussbaum, January 2023, Antigone) -REVIEW: of Natural Law Republicanism by Michael C. Hawley: Cicero's Fragile Trinity: The Roman philosopher’s fragile trinity of natural law, popular sovereignty, and liberty represents a pinnacle of classical republican thought.(scott b. nelson, Law & Liberty) -PODCAST: CICERO: AN ANCESTOR OF LIBERALISM (PAUL MEANY, Portraits of Liberty) -ESSAY: Why our politicians should read Cicero: It would make a pleasant change if they were to make it their ambition to be honestus (Peter Jones, August 19, 2024, Spectator) -ESSAY: WHAT CICERO SHOULD HAVE DONE: THE CATILINARIAN CONSPIRACY REVISITED (Robin Alington Maguire, March 2023, Antigone) -ESSAY: Rethinking America's Cicero Connection: James Wilson’s jurisprudence suffered multiple defeats, complicating the idea of an American natural law tradition. (arthur e. wilmarth, jr., 10/17/22, Law & Liberty)) -ESSAY: Plutarch on Cicero (CJ Wolfe, postmodern Conservative) -ESSAY: Cicero and Original Day of Infamy (Barry Strauss, Death of Caesar December 8, 2021) -ESSAY: Cicero: A Republic — If You Can Keep It (Joseph Loconte, Sep. 5th, 2021, National Review) -ESSAY: Cicero knew that we should study the past, not cancel it: The ancients saw no immorality in empire or slavery, the first admirable, the second entirely normal (Peter Jones, March 4, 2021, Spectator) -ESSAY: Freedom through Virtue: Finding the Eternal Amid Chaos: In recovering a superior science of human action, we will nourish a more reasonable politics. Cicero points the way. (Scott B. Nelson, November 9, 2024, European Conservative) -ESSAY: When It Comes to Retirement, I’m With Cicero : The great Roman orator thought aging and retiring free us from destructive ambition and competition. (Jim Michaels, Jan. 11, 2019, WSJ) -ESSAY: Cicero: Enemy of the State, Friend of Liberty (Lawrence W. Reed, 3/17/14, FEE) -ESSAY: The Fall of the Republic (Lawrence W. Reed, , January 8, 2014, FEE) -ESSAY: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Who Gave Natural Law to the Modern World: Cicero Urged Reason, Decency, Peace, and Liberty (Jim Powell, 1/01/97, FEE) -ESSAY: Why the Founders' Favorite Philosopher Was Cicero (Paul Meany, 3/31/18, FEE) -ESSAY: Cicero, Roman Republicanism and the Contested Meaning of Libertas (Geoff Kennedy, 15 May 2013, Political Studies) -ESSAY: The classics and the Constitution: The smokescreen of republicanism and the creation of the Republic,/a> (BENJAMIN STRAUMANN, JUNE 8TH 2016, OUP) -ESSAY: The brutal beheading of Cicero, last defender of the Roman Republic: In 43 B.C., Mark Antony murdered Cicero, famous for his unparalleled powers of speech, and ushered in the beginnings of the Roman Empire (JOSÉ MIGUEL BAÑOS, FEBRUARY 25, 2019, History Magazine) -ESSAY: On Rereading “De Senectute” : Cicero’s hot investment tips for the declining years. (HERBERT STEIN, NOV 27, 1998, Slate) -REVIEW ESSAY: Summary of Cicero, “On Old Age” (Reason and Meaning) -REVIEW: of On Life and Death by Cicero, Translated by John Davie (Frank freeman, University Bookman) -REVIEW: of SAVING THE REPUBLIC A Novel Based on the Life of Marcus Cicero by Eric D. Martin (Kirkus) -ESSAY: Resigned to his fate: The death of Cicero: Marcus Tullius Cicero was a famous politician and lawyer, whose life was cut short when he was killed at the order of Mark Antony (Josho Brouwers on 7 December 2018, ancient World Magazine) -ETEXT: Life of Cicero by Anthony Trollope -REVIEW: of CICERO: The Life and Times of Rome's Greatest Politician by Anthony Everitt (T. Corey Brennan, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Publishers Weekly) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Lawrence Osborne, Salon) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Mary beard, London Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Keith Phipps, AV Club) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Gerald T. Burke, Historical Novel Society) -REVIEW: of Cicero (UNRV Roman Empire) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Melinda Nash, Houston Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Ben Witherington, BeliefNet) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Nicholas Von Hoffman, LA Times) -REVIEW: of Cicero (John Maxwell Hamilton, Chicago Tribune) -REVIEW: of cicero (Michael Lind, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Massimo Pigliucci, Medium) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Mark Miller, WSJ) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Israel Book Review) -REVIEW: of Cicero (The Economist) -REVIEW: of Cicero (Robert Louis Wilken, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW ESSAY: ‘How to Tell a Joke’ Review: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: The Roman politician and orator Cicero used humor to charm audiences—and humiliate opponents. (Joseph Epstein, June 4, 2021, WSJ) -ARCHIVES: "cicero" (Lapham's Quarterly) -REVIEW ARCHIVES: "cicero" (Kirkus) -ARCHIVES: cicero (Ancient World Magazine) -ESSAY: COMPLACENCY—NOT HUBRIS—IS WHAT KILLED THE ROMAN REPUBLIC: Over the Years, Democratic Norms Quietly Eroded, Not Unlike in Today's America (EDWARD J. WATTS, FEBRUARY 26, 2019, Zocalo Public Square) -ESSAY: WHAT WOULD CICERO SEE IN AMERICAN GOVERNANCE TODAY?: Before the Rise of Caesar, the Roman Statesman Predicted How the Spread of Lawlessness Could Destroy a Republic (EDWARD WATTS, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020, Zocalo Public Square) -ESSAY: Cicero’s Political Philosophy: Full Summary of The Republic (or On the Commonwealth) (Paul Krause, July 26, 2024, discourses on Minerva) -REVIEW: of Natural Law Republicanism: Cicero’s Liberal Legacy by Michael C. Hawley (Samuel Sprunk, University Bookman) -REVIEW: of Lawless Republic by Josiah Osgood (Steve Donoghue, Open Letters Review) -REVIEW: of Lawless Republic (Peter Stothard, The Spectator) -REVIEW: of Lawless Republic (Andrew Sillett, The Critic) - How to Grow Old: Ancient Wisdom for the Second Half of Life (44 BC) - Marcus Cicero (106 BC
-12/07/43 BC) (Grade:A) |
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