Author: David Goodwillie
-AUTHOR SITE: -WIKIPEDIA: David Goodwillie -BOOK SITE: American Subversive (Simon & Schuster) -GOOGLE BOOK: American Subversive -PROFILE: Reading The Detective: Police detective Edward Conlon has a new novel that captures real life police work like few others. He speaks to David Goodwillie about his literary household and his latest work. (David Goodwillie, 6/09/11, Daily Beast) -PROFILE: My Afternoon with a Dominatrix: David Goodwillie talks with former NYC dominatrix Melissa Febos about nurse’s outfits, double lives, and her new memoir Whip Smart. (David Goodwillie, 3/12/10, Daily Beast) -PROFILE: Then We Came to Book Two: Like his protagonist in The Unnamed, Joshua Ferris just can’t stand still. He talks about his inventive new book with David Goodwillie. (David Goodwillie, 1/28/10, Daily Beast) -PROFILE: The Great Recession Novel: Adam Haslett sits down with David Goodwillie to discuss Union Atlantic, his timely first novel about two warring neighbors and a bank on the brink of a meltdown. (David Goodwillie, 2/15/10, Daily Beast)) -PROFILE: Lit Ink: Forget butterflies or skull and bones, the new tattoo fad is Plath, Faulkner, and other quotes from famous authors. David Goodwillie talks to the authors of a new book, The Word Made Flesh, for the latest literary craze. (David Goodwillie, 2/12/10, Daily Beast) -INTERVIEW: with David Goodwillie (Marshall Zeringue, April 12, 2010, Writer Interviews) -INTERVIEW: Author, with new book out, first crafted memoir at Chelsea Hotel (JOE ANTOL, 5/28/10, Gay City News) -INTERVIEW: New Novel Tackles Terrorism in the City (Pia Catton, 5/03/10, Wall Street Journal) -INTERVIEW: David Goodwillie's Subversive Shelf (Miranda Lewis, 6/14/10, WNYC) -INTERVIEW: Living With Music: A Playlist by David Goodwillie (BLAKE WILSON, 2/17/10, NY Times: Papercuts) -PROFILE: Look me in the eye and tell me it's true (Carol Memmott, 3/02/06, USA TODAY) -INTERVIEW: David Goodwillie Discovers His Muse at the Chelsea (Hotel Chelsea Blog, 8/03/06) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: David Goodwillie’s (Subversively?) (Ken Hamm, Apostrophe Cast) -ARTICLE: Publish or Terrorist? Random House and Scribner in Violent-Novel Smackdown (W.M. Akers, April 21, 2010, NY Observer) -ARCHIVES: David Goodwillie (Daily Beast) -REVIEW: of American Subversive by David Goodwillie (MALENA WATROUS, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Barbara Fisher, Boston Globe) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Mike Householder, Huffington Post) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Tyrone Beason, The Seattle Times) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Claire Howorth, Daily Beast) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Jennifer Reese, NPR) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Stuart Evers, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Liza Monroy, The Faster Times) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Nancy Connors, Cleveland Plain Dealer) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Lit Review) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Carol Memmott, USA TODAY) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (John McCrystal , NZ Herald) -REVIEW: of American Subversive (Albert Riehle, San Francisco Book Review) -REVIEW: of Kings County by David Goodwillie (Russ Smith, Splice Today) -REVIEW: of Kings County (Ashley Pabilonia, Spectrum) American Subversive (2010) - David Goodwillie (03/25/1972
-) (Grade:A+) |
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