Author: John Mueller
-FACULTY SITE: John Mueller: Woody Hayes Chair of National Security Studies, Mershon Center, Professor of Political Science (Ohio State University) -WIKIPEDIA: John Mueller -ARCHIVES: JOHN MUELLER: LINKS, PAPERS, AND PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB -GOOGLE BOOK: Atomic Obsession -BOOK SITE: Atomic Obsession (OUP) -BOOK FORUM: Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al Qaeda: Featuring the author, John Mueller, Woody Hayes Chair of National Security Studies, Ohio State University; Michael Krepon, Co-Founder, Henry L. Stimson Center; and Jeffrey G. Lewis, Director, Nuclear Strategy and Nonproliferation Initiative, New America Foundation. (Moderated by Justin Logan, Associate Director of Foreign Policy Studies, Cato Institute, The Cato Institute, 10/29/09) -ESSAY: Atomic Overreaction: A nuclear Iran is undesirable, John Mueller writes, but the prospect is less scary than some of the hysteria-fueled ideas on how to avert it. (John Mueller, 1/10/10, The Chronicle Review) -ESSAY: Exaggerating the alarm over a nuclear attack: How much should the prospect of a nuclear attack frighten us? In the view of John Meuller, a professor of political science at Ohio State University, our worries about nuclear weapons and their use by sovereign states and stateless terrorists border on obsession. Fact is, he points out in "Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda," published by Oxford University Press, nuclear weapons have not been used since World War II. In this controversial book, he argues that efforts to prevent the use of weapons of mass destruction have themselves caused widespread suffering and violence. (GUEST BLOGGER: John Mueller, Washington Post) -ESSAY: Calming Our Nuclear Jitters: An exaggerated fear of nuclear weapons has led to many wrongheaded policy decisions. A more sober assessment is needed. (John Mueller, Winter 2010, Issues Online) -ESSAY: Nuclear Bunkum: Don’t panic: bin Laden’s WMD are mythical, too. (John Mueller, 1/01/10, American Conservative) -ESSAY: The 'Safe Haven' Myth (John Mueller, October 21, 2009, The Nation) -ESSAY: The Rise of Nuclear Alarmism: How we learned to start worrying and fear the bomb -- and why we don’t have to (JOHN MUELLER, OCTOBER 23, 2009, Foreign Policy) -ESSAY: Abolition? Why? (John Mueller, June 7, 2009, NY Times) -ESSAY: How Dangerous Are the Taliban?: Why Afghanistan Is the Wrong War (John Mueller, April 15, 2009, Foreign Affairs) -ESSAY: Terrorphobia,/a>: our false sense of insecurity )John Mueller, May/June 2008, American Interest) -ESSAY: Apocalypse Later (John Mueller, 11.12.2007, National Interest) -ESSAY: Radioactive Hype (John Mueller, 08.29.2007 , National Interest) -ESSAY: What If We Leave? (John Mueller , 2/26/07, American Conservative) -REVIEW: of Francis J. Gavin. "Same As It Ever Was: Nuclear Alarmism, Proliferation, and the Cold War." (John Mueller, International Security 34:3 Winter 2009/10) -INTERVIEW: Was Obama Nuke Summit Necessary or Just “Nuclear Alarmism”? And What About Israel’s Arsenal? (Democracy Now, 4/14/10) -LECTURE: Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda (John Mueller, BookTV) -INTERVIEW: A Different View: So What If Iran Gets The Bomb? (Marc Ambinder, Sep 25 2009, The Atlantic) -INTERVIEW: The Nuclear Debate (Riz Khan show, April 12, 2010, Al Jazeera) -INTERVIEW: Aftermath of the Nuclear Summit; The Politics of Insurance (Warren Olney, 4/14/10, KCRW) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda By John Mueller (Michael Burleigh, Literary Review) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (GABRIEL SCHOENFELD, WSJ) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (Lawrence D. Freedman, Foreign Affairs) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (Simon Jenkins, The Guardian) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (Robert Jervis, The National Interest) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (Stephen M. Walt, Foreign Policy) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (Gerard DeGroot, Arms Control Association) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (Benoît Pélopidas , Nonproliferation Review) -REVIEW: of Atomic Obsession (Stuart A Reid, The National) Atomic Obsession: Nuclear Alarmism from Hiroshima to Al-Qaeda (2010) - John Mueller (1937-) (Grade:B+) |
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