Author: James B. Twitchell
¬í t4¶ -AUTHOR SITE James B. Twitchell (University of Florida) -BOOK SITE: Where Men Hide by James B. Twitchell (Columbia University Press) -ESSAY: Where We Go (LARRY MONTALI, March 1999, Esquire) -ESSAY: Jesus Christ's Superflock: Megachurches have found the secret to attracting the unchurched—and it's not just the Sunday service (James B. Twitchell, March/April 2005, Mother Jones) -EXCERPT: from Lead Us Into Temptation: The Triumph of American Materialism by James B. Twitchell: Chapter One: Attention Kmart Shoppers -ESSAY: Needing the unnecessary: the democratization of luxury (James B. Twitchell, August 2002, Reason) -ESSAY: IN PRAISE OF Consumerism (James B. Twitchell, August 2000, Reason) -ESSAY: How I Bought My Red Miata (James B. Twitchell, August 2000, Reason) -ESSAY: A (Mild) Defense of Luxury (James B. Twitchell, Regional Review) -ESSAY: ON ADVERTISING: Sut Jhally v. James Twitchell (Stay Free) -ESSAY: The Stone Age: A response to "The New Politics of Consumption" by Juliet Schor (James Twitchell, Boston Review) -ESSAY: Higher Ed, Inc (James B. Twitchell, Wilson Quaterly) -ESSAY: Frankenstein and the Anatomy of Horror (James B. Twitchell, Spring 1983, The Georgia Review) -EXCERPT: Frankenstein and Sons (from James Twitchell: From Dreadful Pleasures: An Antomy of Modern Horror) -REVIEW: of Financing the American Dream: A Cultural History of Consumer Credit, by Lendol Calder, (James B. Twitchell, Reason) -ARCHIVES: "james b. twitchell" (Find Articles) -PROFILE: The man cave: Men are driven by nature to hide out, preferably with other men, an author explains. It’s just that secret lairs are harder to come by. (FRED W. WRIGHT JR., May 28, 2006, St. Petersburg Times) -PROFILE: Professor’s New Book Looks at Where Guys Go — Just to be Guys (University of Florida) -PROFILE: You Are What You Buy: According to advertising guru James Twitchell, every symbol, from Alka-Seltzer's Speedy to the Energizer Bunny, plants powerful notions of who we are (Richard & Joyce Wolkomir, Smithsonian) -PROFILE: How to Save a Midlist Author (Sarah F. Gold, 6/20/2005, Publishers Weekly) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: The Man Cave (Living on Earth, May 5, 2006) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: 'Where Men Hide' (The Beat, 5/25/2006) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Marketing Marlboros: James Twitchell—Professor of English and Advertising, University of Florida: One of the most powerful images in the tobacco industry is the rugged Marlboro Man. Advertising scholar James Twitchell tells us the story of the Chicago-born campaign. (Eight Forty-Eight, July 23, 2004, WBEZ Radio) -INTERVIEW: interview with James Twitchell, author of Where Men Hide (Columbia University Press) -INTERVIEW: interview with Ken Ross, photographer, Where Men Hide (Columbia University Press) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Luxury vs. Necessity (Talk of the Nation, April 17, 2002) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Luxury (Shoptalk, 5/06/03, BBC 4) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: What's in a name - a lot of money: Q + A: Cheryl Glaser with James Twitchell (Marketplace, 10/04/04) -INTERVIEW: MONEY MATTERS (Ray Suarez, February 1, 2000, Online Newshour) -ESSAY: A Hideout of His Own (FINN-OLAF JONES, May 18, 2006, NY Times) -ESSAY: Do Smarts Rule? (Thomas C. Reeves, October 29, 2004, The Wisconsin Policy Research Institute) -REVIEW: of Where Men Hide By James B. Twitchell (Mike Seely, Seattle Weekly) -REVIEW: of Where Men Hide (Finn-Olaf Jones, Chicago Tribune) -REVIEW: of Where Men Hide (Siri Agrell, CanWest News Service) -REVIEW: of Where Men Hide (Jim Walsh, City Pages) -REVIEW: of Where Men Hide (Tom Webster, Edison Media) -REVIEW: of Where Men Hide (Michael McLeod, The Orlando Sentinel) -REVIEW: of Where Men Hide (Andro Blog) -REVIEW: of For Shame: The Loss of Common Decency in American Culture By James B. Twitchell (LAURA MANSNERUS, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of For Shame (Bill Marimow, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) -REVIEW: of For Shame (DAVID FUTRELLE, Salon) -REVIEW: of For Shame (Steve Orlando, Science Daily) -REVIEW: of For Shame (Lisa Tozzi, Austin Chronicle) -REVIEW: of Carnival Culture: the Trashing of Taste in America by James B. Twitchell (Michael O. Garvey, Commonweal) -REVIEW: of Dreadful Pleasures: An Anatomy of Modern Horror. By James B. Twitchell (Lloyd Rose, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Dreadful Pleasures (Joshua Fischman, Psychology Today) -REVIEW: of Adcult USA by James B. Twitchell (Rex Roberts, Insight on the News) -REVIEW: of Adcult USA(Matthew Stanton, Metromemetics LLC) -REVIEW: of Adcult USA (Rogier van Bakel, Wired) -REVIEW: of Twenty Ads That Shook the World: The Century's Most Groundbreaking Advertising and How It Changed Us All by James B. Twitchell (Gwen Moran, Entrepeneur) -REVIEW: of Twenty Ads That Shook The World (Michael C. Gray, Profit Advisors) -REVIEW: of Twenty Ads That Shook the World (Wayne and Tamara) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation by James B. Twitchell (Samuel Gregg, Religion & Liberty) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation by James B. Twitchell (Rebecca Wyatt, Insight on the News) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation (Judy Hopkins, ForeWord) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation by James B. Twitchell(GAVIN McNETT, Salon) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation (DAVID KUSNET, Baltimore Sun) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation (Jack Sullivan, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation (Geoff Lewis, Business Week) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation (M.G. Lord, Village Voice) -REVIEW: of Lead Us Into Temptation (Mervyn F. Bendle, Screening the Past) -REVIEW: of Living It Up: Our Love Affair With Luxury By James B. Twitchell (Janet Maslin, NY Times) -REVIEW: of Living It Up (Michael Kammen, Business History Review) -REVIEW: of Living it Up (Kathleen Madigan, Business Week) -REVIEW: of Living it Up (Tom Welch, John Locke Foundation) -REVIEW: of Living it Up (Sandra Tsing Loh, Atlantic Monthly) -REVIEW: of Living It Up (Journal of American History) -REVIEW: of Living It Up (Michael Anft, City Paper) -REVIEW: of Branded Nation: The Marketing of Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld by James B. Twitchell (Mark D. Fefer, Seattle Weekly) -REVIEW: of Branded Nation (Marc Lesser, Shambhala Sun) -REVIEW: of Branded Nation (Robert Walch, America) Where Men Hide (2006) - James Twitchell (-) (Grade:B) |
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