Author: Michael A. Smerconish
-AUTHOR SITE: Michael Smerconish -RADIO SITE: Michael Smerconish (1210AM, The Big Talker) -ARCHIVES: Michael Smerconish ( -ESSAY: Listen to Lehman: The press attention is on the wrong commissioners. (Michael Smerconish, April 15, 2004, National Review) Richard Ben-Veniste and Bob Kerrey received the lion's share of media attention paid to last week's 9/11 Commission hearing with Condoleezza Rice, thanks to their generally intemperate questioning style. But while Ben-Veniste and Kerrey played to the cameras, it was their colleague, John Lehman, who was breaking new ground with the national-security adviser, but few noticed. -ESSAY: HE LOOKED TERROR IN THE EYE - AND BLINKED (Michael Smerconish, Feb. 24, 2005, Philadelphia Daily News) -ESSAY: Cat Stevens Islam: Not long ago airlines would have been fined for doing to Yusuf Islam what the U.S. government just did to him. Has Morning Broken? (Michael Smerconish, 9/27/2004, American Spectator) -INTERVIEW: Michael Smerconish (Philly Talk Radio May 15, 2002) -PROFILE: The Big Talker (Philly Mag, October 2001) -REVIEW: of Flying Blind: How Political Correctness Continues to Compromise Airline Safety Post 9/11 By Michael A. Smerconish, Esq. (Daniel J. Flynn , Townhall) -REVIEW: of Flying Blind (Daniel Pipes, Human Events) Flying Blind: How Political Correctness Continues to Compromise Airline Safety Post 9/11 (2004) - Michael Smerconish (-) (Grade:B-) |
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