Author: Judith Hooper
-ESSAY: The Transcendental Tourist (Judith Hooper, Jan., 1994, Mirabella) -INTERVIEW: Paul Ewald - evolutionary biologist (Judith Hooper, March, 1995, Omni) -Peppered moth (EvoWiki) -ESSAY: The peppered moth: a black and white story after all (Jim Mallet, Preprint from Genetics Society News) -ESSAY: Mothballed Science (Philip E. Johnson, December 2003, Touchstone) -Books & Culture Corner: Of Moths and Men Revisited: A Darwinian debate. (Kevin Padian and Alan Gishlick, 11/04/2002, Christianity Today) -ESSAY: Darwin Day and the Peppered Moths (Marek Kohn, 29 February 2004, Independent on Sunday) -ESSAY: Desperately Defending The Peppered Myth: A Response to Bruce Grant (Jonathan Wells, October 2, 2002, Discovery Institute) -ESSAY: EVOLUTIONISTS AND THE MOTH MYTH (Henry M. Morris, Ph.D., Institute for Creation Research) -ESSAY: The case of the peppered moth illusion: science teaching needs to challenge traditional views of science (Craig Holdrege, Spring 1999, Whole Earth) -ESSAY: The butterfly flap: In 1999, research suggested that genetically-modified corn might be killing off the monarch butterfly. What followed was exactly the kind of argument that is good for public health (Peter Pringle, July 2003, Prospect uk) -ARTICLE: Hybrid owl upsets politics of threatened species (JEFF BARNARD, 6/21/04, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) -ESSAY: Piltdown Man: The Bogus Bones Caper (Richard Harter, Talk Origins) The rise and fall of Piltdown Man, a 20th-century hoax (Guy Gugliotta, November 9, 2003, Washington Post) -ESSAY: Dino Hoax Was Mainly Made of Ancient Bird, Study Says (Hillary Mayell, November 20, 2002, National Geographic News) -REVIEW: Searching for the missing link: Birds? Reptiles? Fakes? Archaeopteryx fossils have been generating controversy since 1861. Paul Chambers investigates a very strange creature in Bones of Contention (Chris Lavers, October 5, 2002, The Guardian) -ESSAY: Planet with a Purpose: If Earth is an organism getting ever more complex, doesn't that mean humans might have been made for a reason? (Robert Wright, BeliefNet) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Phillip E. Johnson) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Arthur M. Shapiro, Evolution) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Sunni Maravillosa, Townhall) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Alison Motluk, Salon) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Peter D Smith, Guardian) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Bruce S. Grant., Science) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Gabby Dover, Embo Reports) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Marek Kohn, Evening Standard) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Karl Sabbagh, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Of Moths and Men (Jonathan Wells, Christianity Today) Of Moths and Men: An Evolutionary Tale: The Untold Story of Science and the Peppered Moth (2002) - Judith Hooper (-) (Grade:A) |
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