Author: James A. Morone
-JAMES A. MORONE (Brown University) -BOOK SITE: Hellfire Nation (Yale University Press) -ARCHIVES: Articles by James A. Morone from The American Prospect -ESSAY: Tropes of Wrath: Virtue, Markets, and the Family (James Morone, Spring 2005, Dissent) -ESSAY: The Corrosive Politics of Virtue (James A. Morone, American Prospect) -ESSAY: In God's Name: Past presidents have shown there's a better way to invoke God in wartime. (James A. Morone, 5.1.03, American Prospect) -ESSAY: Cultural Phenomena: Dumbledore's Message (James A. Morone, 12.17.01, American Prospect) -ESSAY: What the Muggles Don’t Get: Why Harry Potter succeeds while the morality police fail. (James Morone, July/August 2001, Brown University Alumni Magazine) -ESSAY: A primer on presidential trystory (James A. Morone, January 1998, Brown University) -ESSAY: Mother Nature Steals the Republican's Revolution (James A. Morone, February 1996, Brown University) -ESSAY: Too Much Privacy? Or Not Enough? An Exchange on The Limits of Privacy (James A. Morone) -ESSAY: Response to Professor James A. Morone (Amitai Etzioni, George Washington University) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: Hellfire Nation (Trish Anderton, 2003-06-18, The Exchange--NHPR) -AUDIO INTERVIEW: with James A. Morone (Kojo Nmadi Show, 5/06/03) -PROFILE: Taking on City Hall: To students, urban politics is a subject. To political science professor James Morone, it's an obsession. (Torri Still, May/June 1998, Brown University Alumni Magazine) -ARCHIVES: "james a. Morone" (Find Articles) -ARCHIVES: "james a. Morone" (Mag Portal) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History by James A. Morone (Chris Lehmann, Washington Post) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (David J. Garrow The New York Times) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (Martin E. Marty, Brown University Alumni Magazine) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (TOM D'EVELYN, The Providence Journal) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (David L. Beck, San Jose Mercury News) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (Jackson Lears, New Republic) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (mcgeheelt, Wofford College) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (Jean Bethke Elshtain, Weekly Standard) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (John C. Chalberg, Crisis) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (Molly Gould, Townhall) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (American Historical Review) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (Colin Kidd, London Review of Books) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (Thomas Murphy, S.J., America) -REVIEW: of Hellfire Nation (David Harrington Watt, Christian Century) -REVIEW: of The Democratic Wish by James A. Morone (The T. Rex Book Review) Hellfire Nation: The Politics of Sin in American History (2003) - James Morone (-) (Grade:C-) |
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