Author: John Gray
-WIIKIPEDIA: John Gray (philosopher) - -ESSAY: Jordan Peterson’s prophecies: The Canadian thinker’s self-made deity is a symptom of the modern Western malady. (John Gray, 11/19/24, New Statesman) -TRIBUTE: What Cormac McCarthy knew: The American novelist understood the bleak truth that the world defies human understanding or control. (John Gray, 6/20/23, New Statesman) -REVIEW ESSAY: Your own personal Jesus: In the beginning there were many different sons of God – Western Christianity triumphed not by destiny but accident. (John Gray, 3/28/24, New Statesman) -ESSAY: The narcotopian dilemma: Why liberal societies are helpless in the face of the global illegal drugs trade. (John Gray, 3/10/24, New Statesman) -ESSAY: The sinister return of eugenics: Eugenicist thinking was rejected after the Holocaust, but in the era of Big Tech, the idea that humans can be “engineered” has resurfaced in a new guise. (John Gray, 2/10/22, New Statesman) -BOOK SITE: The Two Faces of Liberalism (The New Press) -BOOK SITE: Isaiah Berlin by John Gray (Princeton University Press) -ESSAY: TWO LIBERALISMS OF FEAR (John Gray, The Hedgehog Review) -ESSAY: Easier Said Than Done (John Gray, January 30, 2006, The Nation) -ESSAY: Work in the Coming Age: The entrepreneurial approach to working life: Spontaneous, varied, and open to new challenges (John Gray, Ubiquity) -ESSAY: Gimme the blue pill (John Gray, 2003/07/11, NEW STATESMAN) -ESSAY: The era of globalisation is over (John Gray, 24 September 2001, The New Statesman) -LECTURE: Three Mistakes About Modernity (John Gray, London School of Economics and Political Science) -REVIEW: of Friedrich Nietzsche by Curtis Cate (John Gray, New Statesman) -REVIEW: of Freedom Evolves by Daniel C Dennett: Does human evolution move onwards and upwards towards liberty and progress? (John Gray, The Independent) -REVIEW: of SEEING LIKE A STATE: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed By James C. Scott (John Gray, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of THE SENSE OF REALITY: Studies in Ideas and Their History By Isaiah Berlin (John Gray, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of A HISTORY OF FASCISM, 1914-1945 By Stanley G. Payne (John Gray, NY Times Book Review) -PODCAST: John Gray on Pessimism, Liberalism, and Theism (Ep. 198): Is pessimism a way to minimize disappointment or the key to an adventurous life? (Tyler Cowen, 11/29/23, Conversations with Tyler) -INTERVIEW: John Gray: In Conversation: The author of The New Leviathans discusses Israel’s war, Michael Oakeshott, C. S. Lewis, and more. (Gene Callahan, March 25, 2024, Modern Age) -PROFILE: Prophet of the end of liberalism: John Gray at 75 (David Herman, 4/17/23, The Critic) -ESSAY: Beware John Gray’s new leviathans: Are we living in a state of nature? (TERRY EAGLETON, 8/30/23, UnHerd) -Profile: John Gray: A sceptic who thinks all our ills stretch back to the Enlightenment, he is also a visionary who predicted the credit crunch (Jonathan Derbyshire, 16 April 2009, New Statesman) -INTERVIEW: with John Gray: Modus Vivendi: Liberalism for the Coming Middle Ages (New Perspectives Quarterly, Spring 2001) -ESSAY: Reading John Gray in war: As a soldier, I was hard-wired to seek meaning and purpose. Gray’s philosophy helped me unhook from utopia and find peace (Andy Owen, 2/22/21, Aeon) -Modus Vivendi (New Perspectives Quarterly, Spring 2001) The importance of being wrong: Nicholas Lezard is driven to making an anti-recommendation after reading John Gray's Straw Dogs, an aphoristic blow to humankind's self-importance (Nicholas Lezard, September 13, 2003, The Guardian) -ESSAY: The Ways of John Gray: A Libertarian Commentary (Daniel B. Klein, January 8, 1999, The Independent Review) -ESSAY: Pluralism, Liberalism, and the Inevitability of Choice (Victor M. Muniz-Fraticelli) -ESSAY: Some Comments On John Gray's book, Liberalisms (Sarah Fitz-Claridge) -ESSAY: The Ways of John Gray: A Libertarian Commentary (Daniel B. Klein, January 8, 1999, Independent Review) -ESSAY: The consistent pessimism of John Gray (Brian Micklethwait, August 28, 2002, Samizdata) -DISCUSSION: Exchange with Tomaz Castello Branco on John Gray (Tomaz Castello Branco and Kelley L. Ross, Ph.D., The Proceedings of the Friesian School) -REVIEW: of The Two Faces of Liberalism by John Gray (Michael Lind, Los Angeles Times) -REVIEW: of Two Faces of Liberalism (Kwame Anthony Appiah, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Two Faces of Liberalism (Matthew d'Ancona, Spectator) -REVIEW: of The Two Faces of Liberalism (Loren Lomasky, Reason) -REVIEW: of The Two Faces of Liberalism (Glen Newey, London Review of Books) -REVIEW: of The Two Faces of Liberalism (David Gordon, The Mises Review) -REVIEW: of Two Faces of Liberalism (Robert B.Talisse, Critical Review) -REVIEW: of Isaiah Berlin by John Gray (Daniel Weinstock, Critical Review) -REVIEW of Enlightenment's Wake by John Gray and Endgames by John Gray (Pratap B. Mehta, Critical Review) -REVIEW: of ENDGAMES: QUESTIONS IN LATE MODERN POLITICAL THOUGHT by John Gray (David Gordon, The Mises Review) -REVIEW: of Straw Dogs: Thoughts on Humans and Other Animals by John Gray (Jason Cowley, The Observer) -REVIEW: of Straw Dogs (Frederic Raphael, Spectator) -REVIEW: of Straw Dogs (Helene Guldberg, Spiked) -REVIEW: of False Dawn: The Delusions of Global Capitalism By John Gray (Fareed Zakaria, NY Times Book Review) -REVIEW: of Al Qaeda: And What it Means to be Modern by John Gray (Martin Bright, The Observer) -REVIEW: of The New Leviathans: Thoughts After Liberalism, by John Gray (Robert Bellafiore, American Conservative) - -REVIEW: of The Soul of the Marionette: A Short Enquiry Into Human Freedom by John Gray (Thomas R. Morgan, Philosophy Now) -REVIEW: of The New Leviathans by John Gray (RYAN ASMUSSEN, chicago Review of Books) -REVIEW: of New Leviathans (Rod Dreher, European Conservative) -REVIEW: of New Leviathans (theodore Dalrymple, City Journal) -REVIEW: of New Leviathans (Ed Simon, The Baffler) -REVIEW: of New Leviathans (David Gordon, Modern Age) The Two Faces of Liberalism (2000) - John Gray (4/17/1948
-) (Grade:C) |
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