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List:  World Magazine Top 100 of the Century

The Education of Henry Adams : An Autobiography (1918) - Henry Brooks Adams (2/16/1838 -3/27/1918)  (Grade:B+)

Witness (1952) - Whittaker Chambers (4/01/1901 -7/09/1961)  (Grade:A+)

Pilgrim at Tinker's Creek (1974) - Annie Dillard (4/30/1945 -)  (Grade:A)

The Great Gatsby (1925) - F. Scott Fitzgerald (9/24/1896 -12/21/1940)  (Grade:B)

The Diary of a Young Girl : The Definitive Edition (1947) - Anne Frank (6/12/1929 -February 1945)  (Grade:A)

Lord of the Flies (1954) - William Golding (9/19/1911 -6/19/1993)  (Grade:C)

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) - Thomas S. Kuhn (7/18/1929 -6/17/1996)  (Grade:A)

1984 (1949) - George Orwell (06/25/1903 -1/21/1949)  (Grade:A+)

The Killer Angels (1974) - Michael Shaara (6/23/1928 -5/05/1988)  (Grade:A+)

The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 : An Experiment in Literary Investigation (Volume I) (1973) - Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (12/11/1918 -8/03/2008)  (Grade:A+)

The Elements of Style (1959) - William Strunk Jr. (1869-1946)  (Grade:A+)

The Lord of the Rings [The Hobbit (1937), The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, The Return of the King] (1948) - J.R.R. Tolkien (01/03/1892 -09/02/1973)  (Grade:A+)

Up From Slavery (1901) - Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)  (Grade:A)

Invisible Man (1952) - Ralph Ellison (3/01/1913 -4/16/1994)  (Grade:C)

The Book of Virtues : A Treasury of Great Moral Stories (1993) - Rick Geary (-)  (Grade:A+)

Brave New World (1932) - Aldous Huxley (7/26/1894 -11/22/1963)  (Grade:A)

Darkness at Noon (1941) - Arthur Koestler (9/05/1905 -3/01/1983)  (Grade:A+)

The Violent Bear It Away (1960) - Flannery O'Connor (03/25/1925 -08/03/1964)  (Grade:B-)

The Grapes of Wrath (1939) - John Steinbeck (2/27/1902 -12/20/1968)  (Grade:A-)

Brideshead Revisited (1945) - Evelyn Waugh (10/28/1903 -04/10/1966)  (Grade:C)

Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers (1971) - Tom Wolfe (3/02/1931 -5/14/2018)  (Grade:A+)